Dagannoth Rex (PvM Arena): Revision history

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9 June 2023

  • curprev 03:2703:27, 9 June 2023imported>BigDiesel2m 964 bytes +964 Created page with "{{Infobox Monster |name = Dagannoth Rex |image = 230px |release = 3 December 2015 |update = Skill Cape Perks |members = Yes |combat = 303 |size = 3 |examine = Firstborn of the legendary dagannoth kings. |xpbonus = 30 |max hit = 26 |aggressive = Yes |poisonous = No |attack style = Slash |attack speed = 4 |slayxp = 331.4 |cat = Bosses, Dagannoth |assignedby = vannaka,chaeldar,konar,nieve,duradel |hitpoints = 255 |att = 255 |str = 255..."