New player guide

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The new player guide is intended to help both new and returning players. The guide covers a wide range of topics including; skills, money making, and some early-game content in Old School RuneScape.


  • All new accounts will start on Tutorial Island.
  • RuneScape login credentials will work on Old School RuneScape, however previous account progress is not carried over.
  • Account progression is not shared between Old School RuneScape and RuneScape.
  • Membership status is shared between Old School RuneScape and RuneScape.
  • Account progression is not tied to a specific world/server.
  • Players can play Old School RuneScape on PC or phone, and account progression is shared as long as the same login details are entered.
  • A specific account can only be logged into one location at a time, whether PC and phone, or Old School RuneScape and RuneScape. In order to play the other game or at a different location, the first needs to be logged out.
    • Separate accounts, on the other hand, can log into multiple locations or games at the same time, even on the same computer.

I'm in Lumbridge − what now?

This section is for players who are not interested in information about the game client, interfaces and mechanics, but instead want to know where to start after just completing the Tutorial Island.

If you have not yet left Tutorial Island and would like some tips about that, as well as information on how to become an Ironman, check out the Tutorial Island section below.

Adventure Paths

If you have told the Gielinor Guide, the first Non-Player Character (NPC) you talked to after creating your account, that you are new to the game, you should be greeted by Adventurer Jon in Lumbridge, just north of the castle gates. He will introduce you to the Adventure Paths system, which rewards you for obtaining several early milestone levels in combat and gathering skills. He can also give you a Combat path starter kit, full of several useful items for training combat. Following these Adventure Paths gives some clear early goals, and helps you to get going.

Steam Achievements

Players playing on the Steam Client will be able to complete several achievements, which serve as a good guide in getting to know the game. Check out the different achievements you can get, and try to see which ones you can get. Are you not playing on the Steam client? No problem! These tasks are still a very useful tool to find new things to do in the game!


One aspect of the game that is sure to act as a goal for experienced and inexperienced players alike, is questing. There are over twenty quests available for free-to-play players, and many more for members. Free-to-play players can check out the Free-to-play optimal quest guide for a quick way to complete all quests. Members can check out the optimal quest guide for a list of quests that is made to be one of the most efficient ways to level up your account. Feel like exploring? Simply look for a quest start icon on the world map and talk to the NPC there. You can find a guide for any quest by simply using the Wiki lookup button below the minimap and then clicking the quest name in your Quest List, or by typing the quest name in the search bar.


Fresh off Tutorial Island, your player character has not unlocked their full potential yet. However, you can change that by training one of 15 free-to-play skills, or 8 members-only skills. The more you train, the better you will become at that skill, unlocking many new abilities in each skill. If you ever have some spare time on your hands, training one skill or another is always something you can do with very little planning.

Other activities

Other than those activities, there are many things to do around RuneScape. Simply walk around, and go looking for things to do. RuneScape is an open world, and everybody has their own playstyle. Some people like to dress up and role play, other people like to get their stats as high as possible, and yet other people like to compete in minigames and player-versus-player battles to see who is best. The ultimate goal is to do what feels best. Still need inspiration though? Check out the Unofficial activities section down below for some more inspiration!

How do I install OSRS?

Old School RuneScape is available on several platforms for both PC and mobile.


The Old School RuneScape server list.

Old School RuneScape has over a hundred game servers across the world. These are referred to as "worlds" in-game. All worlds are exactly the same except for some minor variances:

  • Physical hosting location - Servers are hosted all over the world as to offer every player a server they can connect to without high latency.
  • Silver stars indicate worlds that are for free-to-play players and content, members content cannot be used in these worlds.
  • Gold stars indicate members worlds. Players require membership to play on these servers.
  • Red stars indicate dangerous worlds in which players can attack each other anywhere.
  • Black stars indicate servers dedicated to Deadman Mode, an entirely separate game mode.
  • Green stars indicate servers dedicated to Old School RuneScape Leagues, an entirely separate game mode.
  • / Blue stars and "β" indicate servers that are "Unrestricted". These worlds are commonly used by the developers to "Beta test" new features by giving players max stats and the ability to use any item in the game.
  • Cyan stars indicate servers dedicated to Quest Speedrunning, an entirely separate game mode.
  • Level requirement - Some servers have a total level requirement to play on.

Progress is synchronised across worlds (except for Unrestricted, Deadman Mode, League, and Quest Speedrunning worlds), so there is no need to worry about picking a specific server to play on, as is the case with some other MMOs. Logging out of one world and into another, you will find yourself exactly where you left off.

Tutorial Island

The first thing players must do when arriving at tutorial island is to customise your character. Your character appearance is not permanent! Do not worry about picking the perfect outfit, you can find various ways to get a makeover later.

After selecting your appearance, players must talk to the Gielinor Guide. If you want to qualify for the Adventure Paths system, you must tell him either that you are completely new, or that you have not played for a long time. Experienced players will not have access to this system. Once you've done that, you need to complete the tutorial which explains basic game concepts and user interfaces. Once you complete the tutorial, players will be teleported to Lumbridge where your adventure begins.

Ironman mode and other restrictions

During Tutorial Island, players will speak to Paul who allows players to impose sets of restrictions on an account, this is known as Ironman mode. Players can speak to Adam, in Lumbridge, to revert to a normal account or downgrade ultimate/hardcore to regular ironman, this process has a 7 day delay.

  • Ironman accounts are restricted from trading with other players.
  • Ultimate ironman accounts cannot trade nor use banks to store items.
  • Hardcore ironman are regular ironman accounts with only 1 life. Dying will revert their account back to a regular ironman.
  • Group ironman accounts can only trade with their group, which is between two to five players in total. Groups can be started as hardcore and revert to a normal group ironman group when all lives are lost. Any ironman account can be converted into an unranked group ironman at the ironman tutor in Lumbridge.

Trade restrictions

New accounts are subject to trade restrictions of commonly botted items on the Grand Exchange. This restriction will be removed once the account surpasses 20 hours of game time, a skill total of 100, and 10 or more quest points have been gained. Players will still be able to use the Grand Exchange as normal but they will not be able to sell any items that are restricted.

A quick way to reach the quest point requirements in order to trade is to complete the Sheep Shearer, Cook's Assistant, and Romeo & Juliet quests.

Things to consider

This section will cover subjects including the player's account and official rules.


Players with active Membership have access to wider variety of content including, but not limited to: 8 additional skills, a larger game world, over 100 quests.

Players without membership still have plenty of early-game content to experience; membership only becomes fully advantageous at mid-game. This guide assumes that the player's account is free-to-play and that they are not a subscriber.

Account security

Account security is of the utmost importance, and account phishing and theft is often attempted due to the black market value of stolen accounts. Common tactics include in-game website spamming, fake streams, fake social media accounts, fake websites, and advertisements that steal login information- all usually under the guise of in-game benefits. Jagex only advertises in-game special events on the official website. It's important to read up on account security and what you can do to protect yourself. You can read Jagex's official article on account security here.

Jagex Account

The Jagex Account system is the recommended method of logging into your account, combining all your accounts into one Jagex account for easy access and enhanced security. The two-factor authentication methods that the Jagex account system brings are two-step verification codes via email and via an authenticator app. To manage your Jagex account security settings, visit the Account Management page.

It is important to safely store your backup codes, as you cannot regain access if you lose access to your configured two-step method.

If you have an older account that still uses traditional login, it is highly recommended that you create a Jagex account and import your accounts to benefit from the enhanced security and convenience of a modern account system. Any imported characters that previously used the RuneScape Authenticator will instead use the Jagex account security settings, automatically disabling the legacy authenticator security method.

RuneScape Authenticator

The RuneScape Authenticator has been replaced by Jagex accounts and is only available on accounts that have not yet been imported to a Jagex account.

The RuneScape Authenticator is an additional layer of protection players can utilise on their accounts. It is compatible with Google Authenticator. To set up the RuneScape Authenticator, a player must visit the Authenticator landing page. Jagex generates a random 80-bit secret key unique to each user and presents it as a QR code and as a 16-character Base32 string. Many mobile devices can read the barcode directly through their camera, which is equivalent to entering the Base32 string manually. The implementation generates a 6-digit code every 30 seconds.

Once set up, players are prompted to enter the 6-digit time-based code whenever they log in to the game using an untrusted computer. Players can choose to trust the computers on which they play Old School RuneScape for up to 30 days or choose to enter a code every time they wish to play.

Bank PIN

The Bank PIN interface.

The Bank PIN is the last line of defence between would-be hackers and your in-game items. It can be set up by talking to any Banker and by following the instructions provided.

Scams and luring

Scams and lures are fraudulent in-game methods where players attempt to mislead you into giving them your wealth.

Game rules

All players must follow the rules of the game. Certain things are not allowed, and can result in your account being muted, suspended, or permanently banned from play:

  1. Seriously offensive language
  2. Scamming
  3. Breaking real-world laws
  4. Exploiting a bug (bug abuse)
  5. Staff impersonation
  6. Encouraging rule breaking (all rules included)
  7. Macroing or use of bots
  8. Offensive account name
  9. Advertising websites
  10. Buying or selling an account
  11. Asking for or providing contact information
  12. Solicitation
  13. Player-run Games of Chance
  14. Disruptive behaviour
  15. Real-life threats

Jagex and player moderators

Jagex Moderators (or "Jmods") are employees of Jagex Ltd and are denoted in-game by a gold chat crown ().
Player Moderators (or "Pmods") are players chosen specifically by Jagex staff due to their commitment to the in-game community, and they are denoted in-game by a silver chat crown () which should not be confused for the Ironman symbols (). These moderators have special privileges, and can mute rule-breakers.


There are many settings within the game which are worth looking into and changing where preferable before getting too deep into your adventure. Some settings of note include:

The interface in fixed mode.
  • Chat Interface filters
    • Public chat has several options to filter out messages, this is particularly useful in the Grand Exchange or other highly populated areas.
    • Private chat when set to "show friends" instead of "show all" there is hidden functionality that also makes you appear offline to people you don't have on your friend's list. This will heighten your privacy.
  • Options settings
    • Controls has several extremely useful settings that can be changed to better suit your gameplay.
    • Accept Aid when enabled, allows other players to use certain items and certain spells on you outside of combat. This includes both helpful and potentially dangerous spells, players should watch out for spells that can send you deep into the Wilderness (such as Tele Group Ice Plateau). While all "Teleport Other" spells cast on you will prompt you asking whether you wish to be teleported or not, this prompt can be mistaken for a Trade with another player.

Graphic settings

Old School RuneScape has two graphical modes in the PC version of the game - fixed and resizable. On mobile, there is only one, and it cannot be customised.

Fixed mode is a single 765x503 window that can not be skewed in any direction. It is a fixed size, and can look small on pixel-dense monitors. Resizable mode can be expanded to any size.


This section covers mechanics and other information relating to the game itself. From here on out, the guide will assume the player has completed Tutorial Island, and has a basic understanding of the mechanics and interfaces of Old School RuneScape.

World map

Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
Full resolution image.

The world map is a realtime-interactable tool full of information to help the player navigate the game world. To open the world map, simply click or right-click the globe icon by the minimap. A left click will open the World map in a small window, and a right click will offer an option to open the map in fullscreen mode, which gives considerably more viewing space.

Energy and weight

All players have a finite amount of energy that can be used to run. The more weight the character has, the faster energy will deplete when running. To see the current weight of the inventory and worn items, click the Equipment Stats button inside the Worn Equipment. It is more energy efficient to spend energy running when the inventory is most empty - for example, running back to a resource area after banking rather than running back to bank.


Free-to-play players have access to 15 skills, split up into three categories: combat, gathering, and artisanal. For more information on each skill see their respective article.

Combat skills
Attack Attack Allows players to wield stronger melee weapons and determines how accurate the player is in Melee.
Strength Strength Determines how high of a number you hit in melee combat if you successfully hit.
Defence Defence Allows players to wear stronger armour and decrease chance of being hit (does not reduce damage dealt, which is a common misconception).
Ranged Ranged Ranged encompasses all archery weapons that attack from a distance. Ranged levels determine both the chance to hit and the maximum damage a hit can do.
Magic Magic Determines both the chance to hit with magical attacks, as well as the chance to dodge them yourself. Higher levels give access to more spells.
Hitpoints Hitpoints Allows players to sustain more damage.
Prayer Prayer Determines what prayers you can use, as well as how many prayer points you have. The more points you have, the longer prayers can be enabled.
Gathering skills
Mining Mining Used to gather ores from rocks. A higher Mining level allows use of better pickaxes.
Fishing Fishing Allows players to catch fish at fishing spots.
Woodcutting Woodcutting Allows players to cut down trees to obtain logs. A higher Woodcutting level allows use of better axes.
Artisan skills
Runecraft Runecraft Allows players to make runes using rune essence. Completion of Rune Mysteries is highly recommended.
Crafting Crafting Allows players to create items, from jewellery to ranged armour.
Smithing Smithing Allows players to smelt ores into bars and smith bars into armour and weapons.
Cooking Cooking Allows players to cook food that can be eaten to heal players' Hitpoints.
Firemaking Firemaking Allows players to make fires which can be used for Cooking as an alternative to ranges.

Combat training

The standard combat styles interface.

Below is a brief explanation of the three Combat styles that can be used.

  • In Melee combat, the maximum damage is determined by Strength, along with the strength bonuses provided by equipment. Accuracy is determined by Attack and the attack bonuses provided by weapons and other equipment.
  • For Ranged combat, both the Ranged level and the type of ammunition determine the maximum damage. The accuracy is determined by the weapon used.
  • Magic-based damage is typically based on the selected Magic combat spell, not by Magic level. Magical accuracy is affected by both the equipment bonuses and by the Magic level.

Combat experience

Players gain combat skill experience when dealing damage. The normal value is 4 XP per damage in the combat style used, which is dependent on the type of weapon you're using and what combat style you've selected for it. However, certain high defence monsters have higher experience for hitpoint damage ratio.[1] The normal value for hitpoint experience gained is 1.33 XP per 1 damage done.

Magic spells grant base experience for each spell cast plus any experience gained from damage dealt, as indicated above. This base XP is granted regardless of whether the spell does damage or splashes on the target.

Defensive mode in magic and range are another exception. If a player uses magic on defensive mode, the normal value is 1 experience to magic XP and 1 experience to defence XP per damage done, plus base casting experience. For ranging with long range, the normal value is 2 ranged XP and 2 defence XP per damage done. If a player is using a melee weapon, such as an Abyssal Whip or Rune Spear that shares experience with attack, strength, and defence, then the normal value is 1.33 experience (4 divided by 3) per damage done to attack, strength, and defence.

Equipment stats

The stats interface shows all bonuses in one area.

Equipped gear have bonuses that impact combat. Equipment is immune to stat-draining effects. Higher-level players have access to better armour with higher bonuses.

  • Accuracy bonuses improve the chance of landing a hit with the specified attack type.
  • Strength bonuses exist for all three schools, a higher strength bonus increase the max hit.
  • Defence bonuses increase the chance to block a specific attack type.
  • Prayer bonus slows the decay rate of prayer points when prayers are used.


A player dying.

Death occurs when a player's Hitpoints reach zero. If this happens, a message in the Chat Interface will appear: Oh dear, you are dead! Players who die in an unsafe location are respawned at the respawn point that they had set prior to dying, losing all but three of the most valuable items as well as any untradeable items that they were carrying at the time of death. Item value is determined first by effective Grand Exchange value, and then by alchemy value if the item lacks an effective Grand Exchange value.

Items not kept on death will usually be moved to the player's gravestone, which appears where the player died. Players have to pay a fee to retrieve items from their gravestone, though some low-valued items can be retrieved for free. If the player's death occurred in an instance, the Wilderness, or a PvP world, then different rules apply.

Lumbridge onwards

Starting in Lumbridge with the default starter kit, just east of Lumbridge Castle

Immediately after completing Tutorial island, the player will spawn by Lumbridge Castle with an inventory of basic supplies. It is recommended that the player goes into the castle, up the staircase to the top floor, and deposits everything into their bank. The player's bank is also pre-stocked with 25 gp, which, for example, can be invested in an Iron axe for Woodcutting.

Note: Whilst at a bank, players can select the "withdraw as note" option and all withdrawn items will withdraw as bank notes. Once noted, they can be easily traded to other players, sold to shops, and carried weightlessly. However, you cannot use or equip items withdrawn as notes. To unnote items, simply put them back in a bank or use them on a banker.

Once everything has been deposited, there are several ways to start playing:

Tutor items

Tutors around Lumbridge will provide various items to help the player start their adventure. They will provide the following items listed below assuming the player does not have any of them in their inventory or bank, as they will not be able to claim more if they have any in their possession. These items can help kick-start combat and some skills. Players may repeatedly use and then re-acquire runes or arrows from the tutors to avoid having to trade for, or buy them from shops.

Tutor Free Items
Chathead image of Melee combat tutorMelee combat tutor Training sword and Training shield
Chathead image of Ranged combat tutorRanged combat tutor Training bow and File:Training arrows.pngTraining arrows
Chathead image of Magic combat tutorMagic combat tutor Mind rune x30, Air rune x30
Chathead image of Fishing tutorFishing tutor Small fishing net
Chathead image of Woodsman tutorWoodsman tutor Bronze axe and Tinderbox
Chathead image of Mining tutorMining tutor Bronze pickaxe
Chathead image of Master smithing tutorMaster smithing tutor Hammer

Official activities

Adventurer Jon stands along the southern wall of The Sheared Ram in Lumbridge
The Activity Adviser interface.

If new players tell the Gielinor Guide on Tutorial Island that they are new to the game, the Adventure Paths feature will be enabled. Speak to the Adventurer Jon NPC to receive a Combat path starter kit and begin paths. Adventure Paths are like the unofficial activities below, except they are designed by Jagex and have a reward system in place for completion.

Adventure Paths task new players with leveling up various skills. Most skills have a milestone at level 5, level 10, and level 20. Each milestone offers a reward specific to that skill. For example, players reaching the level 10 milestone in Attack are rewarded with a Black Longsword.

Skills Reward Milestones
Attack Attack 5, 10, and 20
Strength Strength 5, 10, and 20
Defence Defence 5, 10, and 20
Ranged Ranged 5, 10, and 20
Magic Magic 5, 10, and 20
Fishing Fishing 5
Woodcutting Woodcutting 5
Mining Mining 5

Players can also check the in-game Activity Adviser for a personalised list of recommended activities based on the player's skill levels, quest progress, and recent activity. It will also suggest content the player is close to unlocking, but doesn't quite have the requirements for. The Activity Adviser can be accessed at any time by clicking on the orange orb marked with a scroll just below the minimap.

Unofficial activities

This section contains a variety of activities covering a wide range of skills, both for levelling up and making money. None of them are required - they are merely examples of things that many new players choose to do. Their design is arbitrary in nature - there's no wrong way to play Old School RuneScape!


Beginner-level activities are all mainly around Lumbridge. They require few steps, very little travel, and are not click or skill-intensive.

Template:/Beginner activities


Intermediate-level activities are not confined to Lumbridge. They may require you to travel or require some monetary wealth, higher account skill levels when compared to beginner activities.

Template:/Intermediate activities


Advanced-level activites will have you playing mid-level content. They will require mid level skills and a fundamental grasp of Old School RuneScape's systems.

Template:/Advanced activities

Random events

Random events can be an excellent source of money and rewards for new players, but they're exactly that - random. They cannot be spawned or triggered, the rate at which they occur is very sporadic, and the value of their rewards can vary greatly. It's recommended that new players learn a basic overview of the possible random events so that if one does happen, they understand how to complete it and get the reward.

Using the Grand Exchange

The Grand Exchange (commonly referred to as the GE), located on the north-west end of Varrock, is somewhere you might frequently find yourself (if you aren't playing on Ironman Mode). You can buy or sell anything you wish, providing the item is tradeable. The exchange features a "Buy/Sell offer" system which automates the trading process. Players cannot view current available offers and must fill offers through trial and error (or patience). There is a "Guide Price" for every item you can trade on the exchange which will give a rough idea of what the item is worth at the moment. However, the market can shift over or under the guide price and it may take days or weeks for the guide price to "catch up" to what players are actually buying and selling the item for.

When placing a buy offer for an item, you can generally expect 1 of 2 different outcomes:

  1. You will instantly fill a sell offer, receiving the difference of gold between the offers back in the change slot.
  2. You will wait until either you take the offer down and put it back up for more gold, or until the offer is filled with a sell offer.

And vice versa, when placing a sell offer, you will have one of these 2 outcomes:

  1. You will instantly fill a buy offer and receive more GP (an amount equal to the value of the other person's buy offer).
  2. You will wait until either you take the item down and put it back up for less gold, or until the offer is filled with a buy offer.

Player versus player

Player versus player or PvP is a very popular way to play Old School RuneScape, but before it is attempted one should understand the basics and read up on the subject. It is also recommended to practise in safe death activites before attempting risk fights. There are four ways to engage in combat with another player in free-to-play worlds:

Method Safe death More information
Emir's Arena Yes Located north-east of Al Kharid. Duels are agreed to by both players.
Clan Wars Yes More "free" than one-on-one Duel Arena
Castle Wars Yes A PvP minigame accessible through a portal in the Clan Wars area.
Wilderness No Can be accessed on any world. Although, wilderness PK worlds are the best spot to find players.
World 371 No World 371 is the only free-to-play "PvP anywhere" world. Combat is map-wide except for safe zones.

Getting "skulled"

Several skulled players engaging in PvP combat

When two players engage in combat together in the wilderness or on a PvP world, the instigator of the fight will have a skull icon over their head. This serves two purposes:

  1. The icon helps warn other players that this player is "dangerous".
  2. It causes all items to be lost when a skulled player dies unless the Protect Item prayer is active, in which case they will retain 1 item.

Using PvP worlds for non-PvP

PvP worlds can also be used to train resource gathering skills or kill monsters in spots that are normally very crowded. However, it's possible to be attacked and killed by another player without notice. Always bring an emergency teleport, some food, and as few valuable items as possible.

Jagex sites and social media accounts

It's important to know what is and isn't an official Jagex communication. Jagex has a select few communication channels. These include the following:

Remember that Jagex will NEVER contact you regarding your account via any means except the in-game Message Centre, accessible from the "Welcome back!" interface which is visible immediately upon logging in to the game client. You may also view messages directly from your account settings at The only exception is for requests submitted via the support portal, which will be transmitted via email to the address specified in the ticket.

See also


  1. ^