Illerai:Varbit/3687: Revision history

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Diff selection: mark the radio boxes of the versions to compare or click on a revision date to view it. (cur) = difference from current version, (prev) = difference from preceding version,  m = minor edit, → = section edit

3 April 2022

  • curprev 15:3215:32, 3 April 2022imported>GeChallengeM 428 bytes +428 Created page with "{{Infobox Var |type=Varbit |index=3687 |name=NATURAL_HISTORIAN_INTRODUCTION |content=Natural history quiz |class=Switch }} Tracks whether the player has completed the unique introduction dialogue with the Natural historian. This affects the starting dialogue with the Natural historian. It's a permanent change: persists across logouts. ==Values== 0: default value 1: introduction dialogue completed {{Similar Vars}}"