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Latest revision as of 22:26, 2 November 2024
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Sandbox/MxOrange/doc
local experience = require( 'Module:Experience' )
local paramtest = require ( 'Module:Paramtest' )
local allMoulds = require( "Module:Giants' Foundry Calculator/Moulds" )
local gePrices = mw.loadJsonData('Module:GEPrices/data.json')
local commas = require('Module:Addcommas')._add
local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount
local scp = require('Module:SCP')._main
local p = {}
function p.lazyplink(str)
return '[[File:' .. str .. '.png|link=' .. str .. ']] [[' .. str .. ']]'
function p.strtobool(str)
local result = false
if str == 'true' then
result = true
return result
function p.experience(quality)
local result = (math.floor(quality*quality/73)+math.floor(1.5*quality)+1)*30
return result
function p.metalScore(tier1, tier2, amount1, amount2)
local value1
local value2
if tier2 == tier1 or tier2 == 0 then
value1 = 10*tier1
value2 = 0
value1 = 10*tier1*amount1/28
value2 = 10*tier2*amount2/28
local result = math.floor((math.floor(10*value1)+math.floor(10*value2)+math.floor(value1*value2))/10)
return result
local barTier = {
['None'] = 0,
['Bronze'] = 1,
['Iron'] = 2,
['Steel'] = 3,
['Mithril'] = 4,
['Adamantite'] = 5,
['Runite'] = 6
local itemBarWorth = {
['platebody'] = 4,
['warhammer'] = 2,
['battleaxe'] = 2,
['chainbody'] = 2,
['kiteshield'] = 2,
['2h sword'] = 2,
['platelegs'] = 2,
['plateskirt'] = 2,
['scimitar'] = 1,
['longsword'] = 1,
['full helm'] = 1,
['sq shield'] = 1,
['claws'] = 1
--requests and their frequency, sums up to 24
local requestCombinations = {
[{'broad','heavy'}] = 3,
function p.difficulty(score)
local result = 0
if score < 20 then
result = 3
elseif score < 60 then
result = 4
elseif score < 90 then
result = 5
elseif score < 120 then
result = 6
result = 7
return result
--maps the name of each mould to whether they are unlocked
function p.mouldsUnlocked(mould1,mould2,mould3,mould4,mould5,mould6,mould7,mould8,mould9,mould10,mould11,mould12,mould13,mould14,mould15)
local results = {
['Stiletto Forte'] = p.strtobool(mould1),
['Defender Base'] = p.strtobool(mould2),
['Juggernaut Forte'] = p.strtobool(mould3),
['Chopper Forte +1'] = p.strtobool(mould4),
['Spiker!'] = p.strtobool(mould5),
['Flamberge Blade'] = p.strtobool(mould6),
['Serpent Blade'] = p.strtobool(mould7),
['Claymore Blade'] = p.strtobool(mould8),
['Fleur de Blade'] = p.strtobool(mould9),
['Choppa!'] = p.strtobool(mould10),
['Corrupted Point'] = p.strtobool(mould11),
['Defenders Tip'] = p.strtobool(mould12),
['Serrated Tip'] = p.strtobool(mould13),
['Needle Point'] = p.strtobool(mould14),
['The Point!'] = p.strtobool(mould15)
return results
--gives the average quality and average xp over all the possible requests. Done by going over all possible mould combinations and seeing which one is the best
function p.averageQualityExp(level,unlockedMoulds,metalscore)
local scores = {['Forte'] = {}, ['Blade'] = {}, ['Tip'] = {}}
for combo,_ in pairs(requestCombinations) do
for mouldtype,__ in pairs(scores) do
local temp
for _,mould in ipairs(allMoulds) do
if mould.level <= level and (mould.default or unlockedMoulds[]) then
for combo,__ in pairs(requestCombinations) do
temp = mould[combo[1]]+mould[combo[2]]
if scores[mould.type][combo] < temp then
scores[mould.type][combo] = temp
local scoresMerged = {}
local experienceMerged = {}
for combo,_ in pairs(requestCombinations) do
scoresMerged[combo] = metalscore + scores['Forte'][combo]+scores['Blade'][combo]+scores['Tip'][combo]
experienceMerged[combo] = p.experience(scoresMerged[combo])
local scoresAverage = 0
local experienceAverage = 0
for combo,value in pairs(requestCombinations) do
scoresAverage = scoresAverage + value*scoresMerged[combo]/24
experienceAverage = experienceAverage + value*experienceMerged[combo]/24
return {scoresAverage,experienceAverage}
function p._main(args)
local bar1 = paramtest.default_to(args.metal1,'Bronze')
local bar2 = paramtest.default_to(args.metal2,'Iron')
local tier1 = barTier[bar1]
local tier2 = barTier[bar2]
local amount1 = paramtest.default_to(tonumber(args.metal1Amount), 14)
local amount2 = 28 - amount1
local metalwarning = ''
--since the second type can be none, we make sure that the bars per sword is always 28
if tier2==0 and amount2>0 then
amount1 = 28
amount2 = 0
metalwarning = '<b>Warning:</b> you used at least 1 bar with no type! Defaulted to 28 bars of the first type.<br>'
local metalscore = p.metalScore(tier1,tier2,amount1,amount2)
-- get all the unlocked moulds as strings
local mould1,mould2,mould3,mould4,mould5,mould6,mould7,mould8,mould9,mould10,mould11,mould12,mould13,mould14,mould15 = paramtest.defaults{
{args.stiletto_F, false},
{args.defender_F, false},
{args.juggernaut_F, false},
{args.chopper_F, false},
{args.spiker_F, false},
{args.flamberge_B, false},
{args.serpent_B, false},
{args.claymore_B, false},
{args.fleur_B, false},
{args.choppa_B, false},
{args.corrupted_T, false},
{args.defenders_T, false},
{args.serrated_T, false},
{args.needle_T, false},
{args.point_T, false}
local unlockedMoulds = p.mouldsUnlocked(mould1,mould2,mould3,mould4,mould5,mould6,mould7,mould8,mould9,mould10,mould11,mould12,mould13,mould14,mould15)
local currentLevel
local currentxp
--since we get level or xp, we calculate the other for various purposes
local levelToggle = paramtest.default_to(args.currentToggle,'Level')
local current = paramtest.default_to(tonumber(args.current),1)
if levelToggle == 'Level' then
currentLevel = current
currentxp = experience.xp_at_level_unr({args = {current}})
currentxp = current
currentLevel = experience.level_at_xp_unr({args = {current}})
--note that average xp is not a function of average quality, since xp is not linear over quality
local averages = p.averageQualityExp(currentLevel,unlockedMoulds,metalscore)
local quality = averages[1]
local xp = averages[2]
local goal = paramtest.default_to(tonumber(args.goal),99)
local goalToggle = paramtest.default_to(args.goalToggle,'Level')
local swordsToMake
local goalText = ''
local goalWarning = ''
local toGo
--different cases for the various goals
if goalToggle == 'Level' then
if goal == 0 or goal>126 then
goalWarning = '<b>Warning:</b> your current goal is not a level. Please enter a nonnegative level reachable within 200m xp or switch to xp.<br>'
swordsToMake = 0
elseif goal <= currentLevel then
swordsToMake = 0
toGo = experience.xp_at_level_unr({args = {goal}}) - currentxp
swordsToMake = math.ceil(toGo/xp)
goalText = 'To get to level ' .. tostring(goal) .. ' [[Smithing]] from level ' .. tonumber(currentLevel) .. ' [[Smithing]] (' .. commas(currentxp) .. ' experience) <b>' .. commas(swordsToMake) .. '</b> swords will have to be made on average.\n'
elseif goalToggle == 'Experience' then
if goal < currentxp then
toGo = 0
toGo = goal - currentxp
swordsToMake = math.ceil(toGo/xp)
goalText = 'To get to ' .. commas(goal) .. ' experience (level ' .. tostring(experience.level_at_xp({args = {goal}})) .. ' [[Smithing]]) from ' .. commas(currentxp) .. ' (level ' .. tostring(currentLevel) .. ' [[Smithing]]) <b>' .. commas(swordsToMake) .. '</b> swords will have to be made on average.\n'
swordsToMake = math.ceil(goal/quality)
toGo = math.floor(swordsToMake*xp)
-- xp can't go above 200m
if toGo+currentxp > 200000000 then
toGo = 200000000-currentxp
local newxp = toGo+currentxp
goalText = 'To get ' .. commas(goal) .. ' reputation <b>' .. commas(swordsToMake) .. '</b> swords will have to be made on average. This grants ' .. commas(toGo) .. ' experience putting you at ' .. commas(newxp) .. ' experience (level ' .. tostring(experience.level_at_xp({args = {newxp}})) .. ' [[Smithing]]).\n'
goalText = goalText .. '* Each sword is of average quality ' .. tonumber(quality) .. ', grants on average ' .. commas(math.floor(xp)) .. ' [[Smithing]] experience, awards on average '.. coins(math.floor(xp)*2) ..' and consists of ' .. tostring(p.difficulty(metalscore)) .. ' sections.\n'
local bar1bar = bar1 .. ' bar'
local bar2bar = bar2 .. ' bar'
local bar1price = gePrices[bar1bar]
local bar1toggle = p.strtobool(paramtest.default_to(args.metal1PriceToggle,'false'))
if bar1toggle then
bar1price = paramtest.default_to(args.metal1Price,gePrices[bar1bar])
local bar2price = 0
local bar2toggle = p.strtobool(paramtest.default_to(args.metal2PriceToggle,'false'))
local barText = ''
local costText = '* ' .. commas(swordsToMake) .. ' swords will require '
local itemPrice = 0
local itemName = ''
local totalItemPrice = 0
local bestItem1price = 999999
local bestItem2price = 999999
if amount1 > 0 then
barText = barText .. '* ' .. tostring(amount1) .. ' ' .. p.lazyplink(bar1bar) .. ' at ' .. coins(bar1price) .. ' each will cost ' .. coins(amount1*bar1price) .. '.\n'
for itemType,itemWorth in pairs(itemBarWorth) do
itemName = bar1 .. ' ' .. itemType
if (bar1 == 'Runite') then
itemName = 'Rune ' .. itemType
if (bar1 == 'Adamantite') then
itemName = 'Adamant ' .. itemType
itemPrice = gePrices[itemName]
if (itemPrice) then
totalItemPrice = itemPrice*(amount1 / itemWorth)
barText = barText .. '\n:* or ' .. tostring(amount1 / itemWorth) .. ' ' .. p.lazyplink(itemName) .. ' at ' .. coins(itemPrice) .. ' each for ' .. coins(totalItemPrice) .. '\n'
if (totalItemPrice < bestItem1price) then
bestItem1price = totalItemPrice
costText = costText .. commas(amount1*swordsToMake) .. ' ' .. p.lazyplink(bar1bar) .. 's'
if amount1 > 0 and amount2 > 0 then
costText = costText .. ' and '
if amount2 > 0 then
bar2price = gePrices[bar2bar]
if bar2toggle then
bar2price = paramtest.default_to(args.metal2Price,gePrices[bar2bar])
barText = barText .. '* ' .. tostring(amount2) .. ' ' .. p.lazyplink(bar2bar) .. ' at ' .. coins(bar2price) .. ' each will cost ' .. coins(amount2*bar2price) .. '.\n'
for itemType,itemWorth in pairs(itemBarWorth) do
itemName = bar2 .. ' ' .. itemType
if (bar2 == 'Runite') then
itemName = 'Rune ' .. itemType
if (bar2 == 'Adamantite') then
itemName = 'Adamant ' .. itemType
itemPrice = gePrices[itemName]
if (itemPrice) then
totalItemPrice = itemPrice*(amount2 / itemWorth)
barText = barText .. '\n:* or ' .. tostring(amount2 / itemWorth) .. ' ' .. p.lazyplink(itemName) .. ' at ' .. coins(itemPrice) .. ' each for ' .. coins(totalItemPrice) .. '\n'
if (totalItemPrice < bestItem2price) then
bestItem2price = totalItemPrice
costText = costText .. commas(amount2*swordsToMake) .. ' ' .. p.lazyplink(bar2bar) .. 's'
local swordCost = amount1*bar1price+amount2*bar2price
local finalCost = swordCost*swordsToMake
local swordCostWithItems = bestItem1price+bestItem2price
local finalCostWithItems = swordCostWithItems*swordsToMake
barText = barText .. '\n* Each sword will cost a total of ' .. coins(swordCost) .. ' using bars or ' .. coins(swordCostWithItems) .. ' using items.\n'
costText = costText .. ', at a total cost of ' .. coins(finalCost) .. ' using bars, or at a total cost of ' .. coins(finalCostWithItems) .. ' using items.\n'
local income = swordsToMake*xp*2
local profit = income-finalCost
local profitWithItems = income-finalCostWithItems
local incomeText = '* ' .. coins(income) .. ' will be earned using bars for a total profit of ' .. coins(profit) .. ', or for a total profit of ' .. coins(profitWithItems) .. ' using items.\n'
local repTotal = math.floor(quality*swordsToMake)
local grogNumber = math.floor(repTotal/300)
local grogValue = gePrices["Kovac's grog"]*grogNumber
local repText = '* A total of ' .. commas(repTotal) .. " Reputation will be earned. If used to buy [[Kovac's grog]] an additional " .. coins(grogValue) .. ' will be earned at current GE prices.'
local levelwarning = ''
if currentLevel < 15 then
levelwarning = '<b>Warning:</b> you need at least level 15 smithing to participate in the minigame. This might have unintended consequences for the calculations.<br>'
elseif currentLevel < (tier1-1)*15+(tier1>=4 and 5 or 0)+(tier1>=5 and 5 or 0) or currentLevel < (tier2-1)*15+(tier2 >= 4 and 5 or 0)+(tier2 >= 5 and 5 or 0) then
levelwarning = '<b>Warning:</b> one of the metals selected is above your current smithing level.<br>'
return metalwarning .. goalWarning .. levelwarning .. goalText .. barText ..costText .. incomeText .. repText
function p.main(frame)
local args = frame.args
return p._main(args)
return p