Module:Skill info/presets: Difference between revisions
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Latest revision as of 22:24, 2 November 2024
Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Skill info/presets/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
Module:Skill info/presets requires Module:Paramtest.
Module:Skill info/presets requires Module:Yesno.
This template should be used when there is no documentation for a Module or Template.
local p = {}
local paramtest = require('Module:Paramtest')
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
local default = paramtest.default_to
-- string.lower which also accepts `nil` values without erroring
function lc(str)
return str and string.lower(str)
-- array contains val
function contains(tbl, val)
for _, item in ipairs(tbl) do
if item == val then
return true
return false
-- multiply num by mul, rounded to 1 decimal
function times(num, mul)
return math.floor((tonumber(num) or 0) * mul * 10) / 10
-- overwrite the arg properties listed in tbl with their associated value
function overwrite(args, tbl, rmargs)
local newargs = {}
-- by default, translate |version= to |smwname= for all presets
if paramtest.has_content(args.version) then
tbl.smwname = args.version
table.insert(rmargs, 'version')
-- make a copy to work in, but omit all rmargs
for prop, val in pairs(args) do
if not contains(rmargs, prop) then
newargs[prop] = val
-- perform conversions
for prop, val in pairs(tbl) do
-- overwrite only if the destination is not already defined
if paramtest.is_empty(args[prop]) then
newargs[prop] = val
return newargs
function overwrite2(args, map, labels)
local newargs = {}
-- by default, translate |version= to |smwname= for all presets
if paramtest.has_content(args.version) then
map.version = 'smwname'
-- make a copy to work in
for prop, val in pairs(args) do
local num = string.match(prop, "%d+$") or ''
local nonum = string.gsub(prop, num..'$', '')
local mapped = map[nonum]
if mapped and not tonumber(mapped[#mapped]) then
-- only add the number back if the map target doesn't already specify a switch number
mapped = mapped .. num
if mapped then
-- if a map exists, insert the specified value from this parameter.
-- If the user manually set this parameter already, don't override
newargs[mapped] = args[mapped] or val
-- not in the list to copy, so no mapping to do; simply copy it from the original
newargs[prop] = val
-- copy labels array to newargs, if not already set
for prop, val in pairs(labels) do
-- overwrite only if the destination is not already defined
newargs[prop] = newargs[prop] or val
return newargs
function p.agility(args)
local map = {
level = 'skill1lvl',
xp = 'skill1exp',
xpnote = 'skill1note',
failxp = 'skill2exp',
course = 'loc',
local labels = {
skill1name = "Agility",
skill2label = "XP on failure",
locname = "[[Agility course]]",
local mustargs = {
return overwrite2(args, map, labels), mustargs
function p.firemaking(args)
local map = {
level = 'skill1lvl',
xp = 'skill1exp',
xpnote = 'skill1note',
local labels = {
skill1name = "Firemaking",
tool = "[[Tinderbox]]",
local mustargs = {
'tool', 'type'
if lc(args.type) == 'logs' then
-- nothing which explicitly sets bowlevel to "no":
-- if bowlevel = no then only the main version is shown.
if args.bowlevel == nil or yesno(args.bowlevel, true) then
labels.version1 = "Tinderbox"
labels.skill1note2 = "Requires [[Barbarian Firemaking]] training.<br/>"..(args.xpnote2 or args.xpnote or '')
labels.version2 = "Bow"
labels.tool2 = "[[Bow]]"
map.bowlevel = 'skill1lvl2'
-- same xp, so no xp2
table.insert(mustargs, 'skill1lvl2') -- prevent this from assuming the value from normal burning
if paramtest.has_content(args.pyrelevel) then
labels.version3 = "Barbarian pyre"
labels.skill1lvl3 = args.pyrelevel
labels.skill1note3 = labels.skill1note2
labels.skill2name3 = "Crafting"
map.pyrelevel = 'skill2lvl3'
labels.skill2exp = '-1'
map.craftxp = 'skill2exp3'
labels.tool3 = "[[Tinderbox]] or [[bow]], and an [[axe]]"
labels.facility = "N/A"
labels.facility3 = "[[Funeral Pyre (barbarian)|Barbarian funeral pyre]]"
elseif lc(args.type) == 'pyre' then
labels.facility = "[[Funeral Pyre (Mort'ton)|Mort'ton funeral pyre]]"
labels.skill2name = "Prayer"
labels.skill2lvl = '1'
elseif lc(args.type) == 'light' then
labels.skill1exp = '0'
local newargs = overwrite2(args, map, labels)
if lc(newargs.tool) == 'no' then newargs.tool = 'N/A' end
local types = {
logs = 'Logs',
pyre = '[[Pyre logs]]',
light = '[[Light sources|Light source]]',
other = 'Other',
newargs.type = types[lc(args.type)]
return newargs, mustargs
local map = {
level = 'skill1lvl',
xp = 'skill1exp',
xpnote = 'skill1note',
spot = 'facility',
bait = 'item',
local labels = {
skill1name = "Fishing",
facilityname = "[[Fishing spot]]",
itemname = 'Bait',
local mustargs = {
'tool', 'item',
local newargs = overwrite2(args, map, labels)
if lc(newargs.tool) == 'no' then newargs.tool = 'N/A' end
if lc(newargs.item) == 'no' then newargs.item = 'N/A' end
return newargs, mustargs
function p.hunter(args)
local map = {
level = 'skill1lvl',
xp = 'skill1exp',
xpnote = 'skill1note',
retaliation = 'type',
trap = 'tool',
local labels = {
skill1name = "Hunter",
typename = "Retaliation",
toolname = "Trap",
local mustargs = {
'tool', 'type',
if paramtest.has_content(args.bait) then
labels.itemname = "Bait"
map.bait = 'item'
elseif paramtest.has_content(args.container) then
labels.itemname = "Container"
map.container = 'item'
if string.find(lc( or '', 'impling') then
labels.version1 = 'Net'
labels.version2 = 'Bare-handed'
labels.tool2 = 'None'
labels.skill1lvl2 = args.level2 or tonumber(args.level) + 10
if lc( ~= 'crystal impling' then
labels.skill1label = '[[Puro Puro]] XP'
labels.skill2label = 'Overworld XP'
map.wildxp = 'skill2exp'
labels.type = '[[Imp defender]]s in [[Puro Puro]]'
table.insert(mustargs, 'skill2exp')
local newargs = overwrite2(args, map, labels)
-- default for barehanded is the specified level + 10. Due to not being a direct param value this can't be done through the normal `map` array.
return newargs, mustargs
function p.mining(args)
local map = {
level = 'skill1lvl',
xp = 'skill1exp',
xpnote = 'skill1note',
rock = 'facility',
local labels = {
skill1name = "Mining",
facilityname = "Rock",
local mustargs = {
'tool', 'time',
return overwrite2(args, map, labels), mustargs
function p.prayer(args)
local map = {
level = 'skill1lvl',
xp = 'skill1exp',
xpnote = 'skill1note',
local labels = {
skill1name = "Prayer",
-- Customisations based on the type of prayer object
if lc(args.type) == 'bone' then
-- switch infobox with different ways to offer bones
labels.version1 = "Burying"
labels.skill2label1 = "[[Bonecrusher]] <sup>([[Morytania Hard Diary|Hard Diary]])</sup>"
if lc(args.bonecrusher) == 'no' then
labels.skill2exp1 = -1
labels.skill2exp1 = times(args.xp, 0.5) or nil
labels.facility1 = "N/A"
labels.version2 = "Gilded/Chaos altar"
labels.skill1exp2 = times(args.xp, 3.5) or nil
labels.skill2label2 = "No [[burners]]"
labels.skill2exp2 = times(args.xp, 2.5) or nil
labels.facility2 = "[[Gilded altar]], [[Chaos altar (Wilderness)|Wilderness chaos altar]]"
labels.version3 = "Sinister Offering"
labels.skill2name3 = "Magic"
labels.skill2lvl3 = 92
labels.skill1exp3 = times(args.xp, 3) or nil
labels.skill2exp3 = 180
labels.facility3 = "[[Sinister Offering]]"
labels.version4 = "Ectofuntus"
labels.skill1label4 = "[[Prayer|Prayer XP]] <br /><sup>(w/ [[Bucket of slime]])</sup>"
if == "Wyrmling bones" then
labels.skill1exp4 = times(args.xp + 9, 4) or nil
labels.skill1exp4 = times(args.xp, 4) or nil
labels.skill2exp4 = -1
labels.type4 = "Bonemeal"
labels.facility4 = "[[Ectofuntus]]"
labels.version5 = "Libation bowl"
labels.skill1lvl5 = 30
labels.skill2label5 = "<sup>w/ [[jug of blessed sunfire wine|Jug of blessed sunfire wine]]</sup>"
if args.shardQty then
labels.skill1label5 = "[[Prayer|Prayer XP]] <sup>(per bone)<br />w/ [[jug of blessed wine|Jug of blessed wine]]</sup>"
labels.skill1exp5 = times(args.shardQty, 5) or nil
labels.skill2exp5 = times(args.shardQty, 6) or nil
labels.skill1label5 = "[[Prayer|Prayer XP]] <sup>(per shard)<br />w/ [[jug of blessed wine|Jug of blessed wine]]</sup>"
labels.skill1exp5 = 5
labels.skill2exp5 = 6
labels.type5 = "Blessed bone shards"
labels.facility5 = "[[Libation bowl]]"
elseif lc(args.type) == 'bonemeal' then
labels.item = "[[Bucket of slime]]"
labels.facility = "[[Ectofuntus]]"
elseif lc(args.type) == 'fossil' then
labels.facility = "[[Strange Machine]]"
elseif lc(args.type) == 'ashes' then
labels.version1 = "Scattering"
labels.skill2label1 = "-"
labels.skill2exp1 = -1 -- negative xp hides this cell
labels.facility1 = "N/A"
labels.version2 = "Demonic Offering"
labels.skill2name2 = "Magic"
labels.skill2lvl2 = 84
labels.skill1exp2 = times(args.xp, 3) or nil
labels.skill2exp2 = 175
labels.facility2 = "[[Demonic Offering]]"
elseif lc(args.type) == 'spectral' then
labels.tool = "[[Ectoplasmator]]"
local mustargs = {
local newargs = overwrite2(args, map, labels)
local types = {
bone = 'Bones',
bonemeal = '[[Bonemeal]]',
fossil = '[[Enriched bone]]',
offer = 'Offering',
ashes = '[[Demonic ashes]]',
reanimated = 'Reanimated [[ensouled head]]',
spectral = '[[Spectral (attribute)|Spectral creature]]',
other = 'Other',
newargs.type = types[lc(args.type)]
return newargs, mustargs
function p.thieving(args)
local map = {
level = 'skill1lvl',
xp = 'skill1exp',
xpnote = 'skill1note',
local labels = {
skill1name = "Thieving",
toolname = "Tool",
local mustargs = {
if lc(args.type) == 'stall' then
table.insert(mustargs, 'time')
labels['timename'] = 'Restock time'
return overwrite2(args, map, labels), mustargs
function p.woodcutting(args)
local map = {
level = 'skill1lvl',
xp = 'skill1exp',
xpnote = 'skill1note',
tree = 'facility',
local labels = {
skill1name = "Woodcutting",
facilityname = "Tree",
local mustargs = {
'tool', 'time',
mw.logObject({map, labels, mustargs})
return overwrite2(args, map, labels), mustargs
return p