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Template documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:DropsLineReward/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
Template:DropsLineReward invokes function main in Module:DropsLine using Lua.

The DropsLineReward templates are used to list rewards from sources such as from event items, caskets, and the like. It uses the same backend Module as {{DropsLine}} (for monster drops). Three templates are used to form the drop logs:


|name          = <!-- Name of item -->
|namenotes     = <!-- (Optional) Notes added to the item name without disrupting GE price.-->
|quantity      = <!-- Quantity(s) dropped by monster. Separate with commas. If unknown, leave blank or use "Unknown." -->
|quantitynotes = <!-- (Optional) Extra things added into the Quantity column, to not disrupt the colouring-->
|rarity        = <!-- How rare the item is, specify as a fraction (eg. "1/128") or use: Always, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very rare, Varies, Unknown -->
|raritynotes   = <!-- (Optional) Extra things added into the Rarity column, to not disrupt the colouring-->
|members       = <!-- (Optional) "yes" if item is members-only -->
|gemw          = <!-- (Optional) "no" if item is not sold on the GE -->
|alch          = <!-- (Optional) "no" if item cannot be alchemised -->
|image         = <!-- (Optional) Manual addition or override of the image icon. Don't add [[File:_]] -->
|sort          = <!-- (Optional) Manual sort category override -->
|smw           = <!-- (Optional) Set to "No" to suppress SMW output -->
|rdt           = <!-- (Optional) Adds item to RDT SMW instead of normal SMW. Used only on {{Rare drop table}} -->

The template should be used in one line, like the examples below.

Unfilled drop lines for quick copy-paste

GE Item

{{DropsLineReward|name = |quantity = |rarity = }}

Non-GE item (can be alchemised)

{{DropsLineReward|name = |quantity = |rarity = |gemw = no}}

Non-GE item (cannot be alchemised)

{{DropsLineReward|name = |quantity = |rarity = |gemw = no|alch = no}}

All parameters
{{DropsLineReward|name = |namenotes = |quantity = |quantitynotes = |rarity = |raritynotes = |members = |gemw = |alch = |image = |sort = |smw = }}

Parameter details


Name of the item/drop, should link directly to the article.

namenotes (optional)

If extra notes need adding to the item name, use the "Namenotes" parameter. This will allow the Image, gemw and other parameters to still work. If a reference needs to be added to the name this should be done here using a ref tag <ref name="refname">Reference text</ref>


Quantity of the item dropped by the monster. If multiple quantities are randomly dropped, list them all and separate with commas. Do not use commas as thousand separators, and do not use abbreviations like k and m - input 9000, not 9,000 or 9k. If a range is dropped specify this with a dash as in 1-3 and if items are dropped noted add this to the quantity column as (noted) with a space between the quantity and noted.

The quantity column automatically detects several types of ranges:

  • Several individual values separated with commas, e.g. 1,4,7
    • Uses the first and the last values (not max and min; numbers in the middle ignored), so make sure to order them in ascending order.
  • A range in the form min-max, e.g. 1-10
    • Uses the number on the left of the - as min, and the right as max
  • A combination of the above two, e.g. 1-3,5,7-9,11
    • First separates by commas, then if the first is a range, uses the left of the - as min; if the last is a range, uses the right of the - as max; otherwise if either is not a range uses the number that is there as min or max, respectively. In the example, the min number would be 1 and the max 11. Make sure they're ordered in ascending order.

The word (noted) is removed before parsing it, but other variations are not. All other characters and text are parsed as is, so make sure the Quantity field only contains numbers, commas, hyphens and (noted), nothing else.

quantitynotes (optional)

If extra notes need adding to the item quantity, use the "Quantitynotes" parameter. This will allow sorting by quantity to still work.Do not use to specify noted, do this using (noted) after the number/range under "Quantity". If a reference needs to be added to the quantity this should be done here using a ref tag <ref name="refname">Reference text</ref>. If a reference is being used it should use the reference group "d". For example |Quantitynotes = <ref name="drop-notes" group="d">Only inside [[Armadyl's Eyrie]]</ref>


Rarity of the item. Rarity can either be a number or a category, a number is preferred.


Whether sourced from a Jagex moderator statement, or other, drop chances can be given as a rarity. They should generally be added as a fraction, e.g. 1/128, 10/512, 1/5000 etc. The module will automatically provide colours and similar. Numbers will automatically be converted to the users preference of fraction, 1 over fraction or percent.


The source for the drop chance should be provided via a reference in the Raritynotes parameter. Generally it should use the reference group "drops", unless it is a citation (see RuneScape:Style guide/References and citations for more info.


Categories should be used if there's no good way to find an accurate drop chance. There are 6 available options:

Rarity Explanation
Always Always dropped by the monster
Common The most common of items. Renowned for being common. Nearly always dropped.
Uncommon Dropped sometimes, but not necessarily renowned for being common
Rare Rarely dropped. Will take quite a few drops to obtain.
Very rare Renowned for being rare among players. Hardly ever dropped. Items like the divine sigil, some dragon items, etc.
Varies/Random Dropped with a mechanic more complex than a simple drop rate. Use the raritynotes parameter to indicate how the drop probability varies with boss level.

Leaving the rarity blank or entering a rarity other than always/common/uncommon/rare/very rare/varies or a number defaults to a white colour.

raritynotes (optional)

If extra notes on the items rarity need to be entered into the column, such as a citation, or some other requirement to be dropped (e.g. the specific bones for Rag and Bone Man I are only dropped during that quest, items only dropped in the God wars dungeon etc), use the "Raritynotes" parameter. This will allow the colouring of the standard rarities to still work.

Generally these are added using a ref tag <ref name="refname" group="d">Reference text</ref>. If a reference is being used in Raritynotes, generally it should use the reference group "d". For example: |Raritynotes = <ref name="drop-notes" group="d">Players who previously bought this in the [[Battle of Lumbridge]] will have a greater chance of receiving this as a drop.</ref>

members (optional)

Whether or not it is a members item. This data is pulled automatically by the module, however for abilities or other non-item drops this must be set manually. If a drop is members-only set to "yes".

gemw (optional)

Whether the item is listed on the Grand Exchange Market Watch. If yes, leave blank, and the price will be pulled automatically. If no, enter "no", which puts "Not sold" in the table cell, or the alchemy/AltValue if one is specified. Possible values are "no" and "yes".

alch (optional)

Whether of not an item can be alchemised, use "no" if it cannot be alchemised. Possible values are "no" and "yes".

image (optional)

A manual configuration of the item's image. Only use this parameter when the image name (minus extension) does not exactly match the item name. Casing is important, so be sure the "Name" parameter also leads directly to the item's page. In normal circumstances, the item image can automatically be pulled from its GEMW page. Do not add square brackets and the file prefix. Just use "Name.png".

sort (optional)

Drops automatically have a sortkey calculated for the image column, which is the default sort for a drops table. The sortkey is always category raritynum lowercasename, with the category calculated from the item name - e.g. weapons 5 abyssal whip. The calculated category is one of: runes talismans armour weapons ammunition logs herbs seeds ores bars gems raw potions zzz !!! !other, where zzz is the rare drop table (sorts to end), !!! is coins (sorts to front), and !other is everything that isn't recognised as one of the other categories.

If the automatically calculated sort category is poor, then it can be defined with the Sort parameter to correct it. While any value can be entered, it should be one of the above to fit correctly with the other items (though if everything is changed...). The rarity sort number cannot be changed.

smw (optional)

If this is set to No, Semantic MediaWiki output will be suppressed. This will prevent the item from being added to drop source lists generated by {{Drop sources}}. Useful for historical articles, or where the monster is not reachable anymore.

rdt (optional)

When set to rdt=Yes, the item is added to rare drop table Semantic MediaWiki output instead of normal Semantic MediaWiki output. Used only on {{Rare drop table}}.

Template data

Show/hide template's data

The following information is used by extensions and applications, such as VisualEditor, to help users implement this template onto pages. Please ensure that it is up-to-date.

Template for an individual drop line for monster drop-tables.

Template parameters

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.


Name of the item (as it appears on its page)


Add extra notes need adding to the item name, or a reference.

<ref name="refname" group="d">Reference text</ref>

Quantity of the item dropped by the monster. Can be a comma seperated list and/or range. Include (noted) if it applies.

1-10 (noted)

Use to add extra info to the quantity or a reference.

<ref name="drop-notes" group="d">Only inside [[Armadyl's Eyrie]]</ref>

Rarity of the item. Rarity can either be a number or a category, a number is preferred.


Add extra notes to the rarity, or add a reference.

<ref name="drop-notes" group="d">Players who previously bought this in the [[Battle of Lumbridge]] will have a greater chance of receiving this as a drop.</ref>
Members itemmembers

If it is a members item. Fail safe for drops that aren't items

Sold on GEgemw

Whether or not item is sold on GE


Whether of not an item can be alchemised, use "no" if it cannot be alchemised.


A manual configuration of the item's image. Only use this parameter when the image name (minus extension) does not exactly match the item name.

Left skull half.png
Sort key (Img column)sort

The sortkey is always "category raritynum lowercasename". f the automatically calculated sort category is poor, then it can be defined with the Sort parameter to correct it.

weapons 5 abyssal whip
Semantic MediaWikismw

If this is set to No, Semantic MediaWiki output will be suppressed. This will prevent the item from being added to drop source lists generated by Template:Drop sources. Useful for historical articles, or where the monster is not reachable anymore.

Semantic MediaWiki JSONrdt

When set to 'yes', the item is added to rare drop table Semantic MediaWiki output instead of normal Semantic MediaWiki output. Used only on Template:Rare drop table.
