Module:Sandbox/User:Jakesterwars/Diary calculator

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Sandbox/User:Jakesterwars/Diary calculator/doc

local p = {}

local commas = require('Module:Addcommas')._add
local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount
local gePrices = mw.loadJsonData('Module:GEPrices/data.json')
local skillPic = require('Module:SCP')._main
local Paramtest = require('Module:Paramtest')
local yesNo = require('Module:Yesno')

local skillBoosts = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Boosts')
local ardougneTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Ardougne')
local desertTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Desert')
local faladorTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Falador')
local fremennikTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Fremennik')
local kandarinTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Kandarin')
local karamjaTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Karamja')
local kourendTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Kourend & Kebos')
local lumbridgeTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Lumbridge & Draynor')
local morytaniaTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Morytania')
local varrockTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Varrock')
local westernTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Western Provinces')
local wildernessTasks = require('Module:Sandbox/User:Fjara/Diary calculator/Wilderness')

function p.main(frame)
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	local agilityLvl, attackLvl, constructionLvl, cookingLvl, craftingLvl, defenceLvl, farmingLvl, firemakingLvl, fishingLvl, fletchingLvl, herbloreLvl, hitpointsLvl, hunterLvl, magicLvl, miningLvl, prayerLvl, rangedLvl, runecraftLvl, slayerLvl, smithingLvl, strengthLvl, thievingLvl, woodcuttingLvl, qp, stewToggle, requirements = Paramtest.defaults{
		{ args.agility, 1 },
		{ args.attack, 1 },
		{, 1 },
		{, 1 },
		{ args.crafting, 1 },
		{ args.defence, 1 },
		{ args.farming, 1 },
		{ args.firemaking, 1 },
		{, 1 },
		{ args.fletching, 1 },
		{ args.herblore, 1 },
		{ args.hitpoints, 10 },
		{ args.hunter, 1 },
		{ args.magic, 1 },
		{ args.mining, 1 },
		{ args.prayer, 1 },
		{ args.ranged, 1 },
		{ args.runecraft, 1 },
		{ args.slayer, 1 },
		{ args.smithing, 1 },
		{ args.strength, 1 },
		{ args.thieving, 1 },
		{ args.woodcutting, 1 },
		{ args.qp, 0 },
		{ args.stewToggle, false },
		{ args.requirements, 'Normal - DMM - Seasonal DMM' }
	agilityLvl, attackLvl, constructionLvl, cookingLvl, craftingLvl, defenceLvl, farmingLvl, firemakingLvl, fishingLvl, fletchingLvl, herbloreLvl, hitpointsLvl, hunterLvl, magicLvl, miningLvl, prayerLvl, rangedLvl, runecraftLvl, slayerLvl, smithingLvl, strengthLvl, thievingLvl, woodcuttingLvl, qp = agilityLvl, tonumber(attackLvl), tonumber(constructionLvl), tonumber(cookingLvl), tonumber(craftingLvl), tonumber(defenceLvl), tonumber(farmingLvl), tonumber(firemakingLvl), tonumber(fishingLvl), tonumber(fletchingLvl), tonumber(herbloreLvl), tonumber(hitpointsLvl), tonumber(hunterLvl), tonumber(magicLvl), tonumber(miningLvl), tonumber(prayerLvl), tonumber(rangedLvl), tonumber(runecraftLvl), tonumber(slayerLvl), tonumber(smithingLvl), tonumber(strengthLvl), tonumber(thievingLvl), tonumber(woodcuttingLvl), tonumber(qp)

    local cmbLvl = math.floor((math.max((attackLvl + strengthLvl), magicLvl * 1.5, rangedLvl * 1.5) * 1.3 + defenceLvl + hitpointsLvl + math.floor(prayerLvl * 0.5)) * 0.25)
	local message = string.format(" Combat level: %s, with attack level of %s", cmbLvl, attackLvl)
    if (yesNo(stewToggle)) and ((cookingLvl < 25) or (craftingLvl < 30) or (thievingLvl < 25) or (qp < 7)) then --I can make this more informative/modular
	    message = message .. "\n For spicy stew, 25 Cooking, 30 Crafting, 25 Thieving and 7 Quest points are required, but skills may be boosted from 22, 26, and 24 respectively."
    --local allTables = {}
    local diary = {	ardougneTasks, desertTasks, faladorTasks, fremennikTasks, karamjaTasks, kourendTasks, lumbridgeTasks, morytaniaTasks, varrockTasks, westernTasks, wildernessTasks}
    for _, v in ipairs(diary) do
		for i, w in ipairs(v('easy')) do
		for i, w in ipairs(v('medium')) do
		for i, w in ipairs(v('hard')) do
		for i, w in ipairs(v('elite')) do
    local ez = "\n===Easy===\n"
    local med = "\n===Medium===\n"
    local hard = "\n===Hard===\n"
    local elite = "\n===Elite===\n"
	return message .. "\n==Ardougne Diary==" .. ez --.. tostring(ardougneEasy) ..  "\n===Medium===\n"

-- -1 is not-completable, 0 is boostable, 1 is completable without boosts
--for each diary, for each location
----Create collapsible header for internal table, task#, Task, questReq, skillReq, itemReq, notes
----Check completability for each task, boosts if neeeded, count items and quests
----Create content for table
----Create header for main tier table, Stats:green if no boost, yellow if boost, listing all possibl boosts possible, red if unboostable with # of levels to soonest boost + # of levels to actual level.Questlist: if qp entered >= total unique questpoints, green else red (eventually internalize all quest reqs and tell if able to boost to complete quests if skills are there), list all items - non-consumed items are 0 but wil be listed

function p.checkTask(task)
	for _, v in ipairs(task.skills) do
	--return nil

function p.createHeader(taskName)
	local ret = mw.html.create('table'):addClass('wikitable mw-collapsible align-center-1 align-left-2 align-left-3 align-center-4 align-left-5 align-left-6')
		:tag('th'):wikitext('Quest(s) Required')
		:tag('th'):wikitext('Skill(s) Required')
		:tag('th'):wikitext('Item(s) Required')
	return ret

function p.calculateDiary(agilityLvl, attackLvl, constructionLvl, cookingLvl, craftingLvl, defenceLvl, farmingLvl, firemakingLvl, fishingLvl, fletchingLvl, herbloreLvl, hitpointsLvl, hunterLvl, magicLvl, miningLvl, prayerLvl, rangedLvl, runecraftLvl, slayerLvl, smithingLvl, strengthLvl, thievingLvl, woodcuttingLvl, qp, stewToggle, requirements)
	-- Get diary data and boost data

	-- Loop through each diary list, check reqs for completion, then make each table row of data
	for _, v in ipairs(data) do
	--function p.isRowGrey(actionLevel, currentLevel)
	--local color = ''
	--local aLevel = actionLevel and actionLevel or 1
	--if aLevel > tonumber(currentLevel) then
    --	color = 'table-bg-calc-grey'
    --return color

return p