Module:Barrows item repair calculator
Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Barrows item repair calculator/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
Module:Barrows item repair calculator requires Module:Coins.
This template should be used when there is no documentation for a Module or Template.
local p = {}
local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount
local itemCost = {
{'Helmet', 60000},
{'Body', 90000},
{'Legs', 80000},
{'Weapon', 100000},
function p.buildTable(npcCost, smithingCost)
local ret = mw.html.create('table'):addClass('wikitable align-center-1'):done()
ret:tag('tr'):tag('th'):wikitext( '<small>Cost to repair<br/>[[Barrows equipment]]</small>'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[Player-owned house]]<br/>[[Armour stand]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Amount Saved'):done()
local totalSaved = 0
for i, item in ipairs(itemCost) do
local saved = npcCost[i] - smithingCost[i]
totalSaved = totalSaved + saved
local row = mw.html.create('tr'):tag('th'):wikitext(item[1]):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext(coins(npcCost[1] + npcCost[2] + npcCost[3] + npcCost[4])):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext(coins(smithingCost[1] + smithingCost[2] + smithingCost[3] + smithingCost[4])):done()
return ret
function p.getSmithingCost(npcCost, boostedSmithing)
local smithingDiscount = (1 - (boostedSmithing / 200))
local ret = {}
for i, cost in ipairs(npcCost) do
table.insert(ret, math.ceil(cost * smithingDiscount))
return ret
function p.getNPCCost(degradedLevel, percentBeforeDegrade, maxRepairCost)
if(degradedLevel == 0) then -- Fully degraded
return maxRepairCost
elseif((degradedLevel == 100) and (percentBeforeDegrade == 100)) then -- Not degraded
return 0
-- Each tier has 250 charges of the total 1,000, the ''Check'' percentage is out of 250
-- Low bound of possible charges at that percentage: math.floor(2.5 * math.ceil((100 * ((100 - degradedLevel) / 25)) + (100 - percentBeforeDegrade)))
-- Low bound of cost of the above: ((maxRepairCost / 1000) * math.ceil(2.5 * ((100 * ((100 - degradedLevel) / 25)) + (100 - percentBeforeDegrade)))
-- For the high bound:
-- (maxRepairCost / 1000): The max price of an NPC repair for 1 charge of 1000 used
-- (100 * ((100 - degradedLevel) / 25)): To account 100% not cleanly dividing 250, out of 400, Ahrom's hood 75 will be 100
-- (100 - percentBeforeDegrade): this ends up just being the percentage entered out of 400
-- Add 1 charge to account for 0% charges used, which is 2 non-zero prices, multiplying wont equal 0 now
-- For each percentage drained, with ''Check'', an average of 2.5 charges exist, this module specifically outputs the max, so ceiling it and remove the extra 1 added
return (maxRepairCost / 1000) * math.ceil(2.5 * ((100 * ((100 - degradedLevel) / 25)) + (100 - percentBeforeDegrade) + 1) - 1)
function p._main(args)
local npcCost = {}
for _, item in ipairs(itemCost) do
table.insert(npcCost, p.getNPCCost(tonumber(args.degradedLevel), tonumber(args.percentBeforeDegrade), item[2]))
local smithingCost = p.getSmithingCost(npcCost, tonumber(args.smithingLevel)+tonumber(args.boost))
return p.buildTable(npcCost, smithingCost)
function p.main(frame)
local args = frame:getParent().args
return p._main(args)
return p