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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Sandbox/User:MxFox/LinearExperience/doc
local Experience = require( 'Module:Experience' )
local p = {}
function p.xp_to_xp_actions(startingExp, targetExp, scalar)
-- Accumulated exp starts off at whatever amount of exp the player has
local accExp = startingExp
local accActions = 0
-- Since the amount of exp depends on the current level and the amount of starting xp
-- is variable, each level needs to be checked.
while accExp < targetExp do
local currentLevel = Experience.level_at_xp({ args = { accExp } })
-- Need to handle the case when you are already level 99, xp_to_level fails
-- if attempting to get xp to level > 99
local expToNext = 0
if currentLevel ~= 99 then
expToNext = Experience.xp_to_level({ args = { accExp, currentLevel+1 } })
expToNext = 200000000 - accExp
expToNext = math.min(expToNext, targetExp-accExp)
local actionsToNext = math.ceil(expToNext/(currentLevel*scalar))
accExp = accExp + actionsToNext*currentLevel*scalar
accActions = accActions + actionsToNext
accExp = math.min(accExp, 200000000)
local results = {
endExp = accExp,
endActions = accActions,
endLevel = Experience.level_at_xp({ args = { accExp } }),
startingExp = startingExp,
startingLevel = Experience.level_at_xp({ args = {startingExp} })
return results
function p.xp_to_level_actions(startingExp, targetLevel, scalar)
return p.xp_to_xp_actions(startingExp, Experience.xp_at_level({ args = {targetLevel}}), scalar)
function p.level_to_xp_actions(startingLevel, targetExp, scalar)
return p.xp_to_xp_actions( Experience.xp_at_level({ args = {startingLevel}}), targetExp, scalar)
function p.level_to_level_actions(startingLevel, targetLevel, scalar)
return p.xp_to_xp_actions( Experience.xp_at_level({ args = {startingLevel}}), Experience.xp_at_level({ args = {targetLevel}}), scalar)
function p.from_actions_xp(startingExp, actions, scalar)
-- Accumulated exp starts off at whatever amount of exp the player has
local accExp = startingExp
local actionsLeft = actions
-- Since the amount of exp depends on the current level and the amount of starting xp
-- is variable, each level needs to be checked.
while actionsLeft > 0 do
local currentLevel = Experience.level_at_xp({ args = { accExp } })
-- Need to handle the case when you are already level 99, xp_to_level fails
-- if attempting to get xp to level > 99
local expToNext = 0
if currentLevel ~= 99 then
expToNext = Experience.xp_to_level({ args = { accExp, currentLevel+1 } })
expToNext = 200000000 - accExp
local actionsToNext = math.ceil(expToNext/(currentLevel*scalar))
if (actionsToNext <= actionsLeft) then
accExp = accExp + actionsToNext*currentLevel*scalar
actionsLeft = actionsLeft - actionsToNext
accExp = accExp + (actionsLeft*currentLevel*scalar)
accExp = math.min(accExp, 200000000)
local results = {
endExp = accExp,
endLevel = Experience.level_at_xp({ args = { accExp } }),
startingExp = startingExp,
startingLevel = Experience.level_at_xp({ args = {startingExp} })
return results
function p.from_actions_level(startingLevel, actions, scalar)
return p.from_actions_xp(Experience.xp_at_level({ args = {startingLevel}}), actions, scalar)
return p