Category:Pages with technically restricted titles
Pages in this category have titles that either:
- Contain a character or string that is restricted in MediaWiki, per mw:Manual:Page title
- Falsely interact with MediaWiki, placing the page in an incorrect name (due to automatic capitals), namespace or subpage relationship
To remedy this, there are a few solutions:
- Move the page to a separate but comparable name, utilising redirects and the
magic word to make the correct name appear on the page (possibly utilising a template to notify about the alternative page name) - Utilise CSS or JavaScript to hide evidence of incorrect relationships, if applicable
To add a page to this category, place {{Restricted title|comment}}
at the bottom, with comment being the reason the page is included in this category. If the page is a false subpage, define the subpage
parameter: {{Restricted title|comment|subpage=1}}
. Only content pages (main namespace, update namespace) and files should be in this category. Update pages are intentionally sorted to the back of the category, falling under "Ū".
A list of pages with comments is available here.
This is a hidden category, which will not show on its member pages.
Pages in category "Pages with technically restricted titles"
The following 42 pages are in this category, out of 42 total.
- Poll:How much does the winter/weather affect how much you play the game?
- Poll:Player-submitted Polls 3
- Poll:What makes you want to kill a Challenging/High Level Monster?
- Poll:What would you do 3
- Poll:What would you do? 2
- Poll:Which of the following is your favourite city/area in RuneScape?
- Poll:Which of the following is your favourite city/area? (Part 2)
- Poll:Which of these skills do you think needs more additions/improvements?
- R2t2pnsh0Ty
- RuneScape 2
- RuneScape Authenticator
- RuneScape Classic
- RuneScape- Battleaxes and Ballads
- RuneScape- Darkmeyer
- RuneScape- Kebos Lowlands
- RuneScape- Old School Combat Classics
- RuneScape- Old School Runebreaks
- RuneScape- Original Soundtrack Classics
- RuneScape- Song of the Elves
- RuneScape- The Gift of Guthix
- RuneScape- The Official Handbook
- RuneScape- The Orchestral Collection
- RuneScape- Theatre of Blood