Category:Archived polls
This category contains polls that were archived in the RuneScape Player Power poll archive. They were all ran prior to the August 2007 Archive of RuneScape. A mirror of the archive as it originally appeared is available at the Wayback Machine.
Pages in category "Archived polls"
The following 136 pages are in this category, out of 136 total.
- Poll:A little moderation...
- Poll:Apart from the game which other area of the website is your favourite?
- Poll:Are you a lone ranger?
- Poll:Australasia Server
- Poll:Before RuneScape, had you ever played other online RPGs?
- Poll:Did you play the Halloween holiday event?
- Poll:Do you have a pure character in RuneScape?
- Poll:Do you normally play RuneScape in high-detail mode or low-detail mode?
- Poll:Do you own a mobile phone (cellphone)?
- Poll:Do you remember the time?
- Poll:Do you remember the time? (2)
- Poll:Do you think there should be more Player Moderators?
- Poll:Favourite quests of all time!
- Poll:Guaranteed Content - Achievement Diary
- Poll:Guaranteed Content - Halloween 2007
- Poll:Halloween Drop
- Poll:Have you explored most of the sections of our website?
- Poll:Have you recommended RuneScape to a friend or sibling?
- Poll:How did you first become aware of the benefits of becoming a member?
- Poll:How did you first hear about RuneScape?
- Poll:How do you feel about the cutscenes in the game?
- Poll:How do you like new weapons to be introduced to the game?
- Poll:How long have you been playing RuneScape?
- Poll:How long have you played RuneScape for?
- Poll:How many PCs do you access your RuneScape account from in a week?
- Poll:How many people do you speak to on a regular basis through Runescape?
- Poll:How many people that you know through real life play RuneScape?
- Poll:How many Quest Points do you have?
- Poll:How many quests have you completed?
- Poll:How much do you like to know about future updates?
- Poll:How much does the winter/weather affect how much you play the game?
- Poll:How often do you change the base appearance of your account?
- Poll:How often do you use the Runescape Forums?
- Poll:How quickly did you become a member after first playing RuneScape?
- Poll:How would you describe the way you play RuneScape?
- Poll:If you normally use low detail mode what is the reason?
- Poll:In general which of these would you prefer:
- Poll:In Runescape, do you prefer PvP or PvM gaming?
- Poll:In terms of gameplay in RuneScape which area do you focus the most on?
- Poll:Is the PC you play RuneScape most on?
- Poll:Of the following additional content, which made you become a member?
- Poll:Of the latest Mini Game additions which is your favourite?
- Poll:Of the recent Quest additions which is your favourite?
- Poll:On average, what do you most often ask for help with:
- Poll:Pick the actors...
- Poll:Player-submitted Polls 3
- Poll:Player-submitted polls!
- Poll:Player-submitted polls! (2)
- Poll:Prior to this poll, how often did you answer the weekly poll?
- Poll:Technically accurate?
- Poll:What audio settings do you use whilst playing RuneScape?
- Poll:What Computer Game Console do you own?
- Poll:What CPU speed does the PC you normally play RuneScape with have?
- Poll:What detail do you play RuneScape in?
- Poll:What did you like most about the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest?
- Poll:What do you enjoy most about Quests?
- Poll:What do you enjoy most in RuneScape?
- Poll:What do you enjoy the most during a quest?
- Poll:What do you feel about the RuneScape title screen?
- Poll:What do you like best as a quest reward?
- Poll:What do you like most about the Lunar Diplomacy quest?
- Poll:What do you most enjoy in RuneScape?
- Poll:What do you most want from a new skill?
- Poll:What do you normally use the Runescape forums for?
- Poll:What do you think has happened to King Vallance, King of Falador?
- Poll:What do you think of our recent updates?
- Poll:What features of the Website do you find the most useful?
- Poll:What improvements to RS sounds would you like to see?
- Poll:What is the main reason you became a member in RuneScape?
- Poll:What is the main reason you became a RuneScape member?
- Poll:What is the main reason you do quests?
- Poll:What is the most important technical aspect of RuneScape to you?
- Poll:What is the most important thing you look for in a new weapon?
- Poll:What is your favourite Combat Skill?
- Poll:What is your favourite Kingdom?
- Poll:What is your favourite non-combat skill?
- Poll:What is your favourite type of graphics in the game
- Poll:What is your favourite way of earning new items added to Runescape?
- Poll:What is your main long-term goal in RuneScape?
- Poll:What kind of update do you most look forward to?
- Poll:What makes the storyline of a great quest?
- Poll:What makes you visit a location?
- Poll:What makes you want to kill a Challenging/High Level Monster?
- Poll:What method of travel do you most enjoy?
- Poll:What RAM does the PC you normally play RuneScape with have?
- Poll:What screen resolution do you play RuneScape at?
- Poll:What size is the monitor you usually play RuneScape on?
- Poll:What sort of new equipment would you most like to see in the game next
- Poll:What type of connection do you mostly play RuneScape from?
- Poll:What type of game content most influenced your decision to subscribe?
- Poll:What was the strongest reason you became a member?
- Poll:What would you do 3
- Poll:What would you do?
- Poll:What would you do? 2
- Poll:What would you like to most see more of in the letters page?
- Poll:What would you like to see added to RuneScape in the future?
- Poll:What would you like to see more of in the Downloads area?
- Poll:What would you most like to see added to the Knowledge Base?
- Poll:When completing the mage arena what was the first staff you choose?
- Poll:When did you become aware of the extra benefits available to members?
- Poll:When playing RuneScape, what category of play do you feel you fall in?
- Poll:When would you start a new quest which you have the requirements for?
- Poll:Where did you first hear about RuneScape?
- Poll:Where did you first hear about RuneScape? (2)
- Poll:Where do you access the internet to play RuneScape most from?
- Poll:Which best describes how you normally choose which world to play on?
- Poll:Which browser do you use to play RuneScape?
- Poll:Which combat method do you normally use when PKing in the wilderness?
- Poll:Which Combat Skill would you like to see additions to?
- Poll:Which guild would you like to see developed?
- Poll:Which is the biggest reason why you got into RuneScape?
- Poll:Which is your favourite City within RuneScape?
- Poll:Which is your favourite Guild?
- Poll:Which is your favourite weapon in RuneScape?
- Poll:Which island would you prefer to be stranded on?
- Poll:Which minigame is your favourite?
- Poll:Which of the following is your favourite city/area in RuneScape?
- Poll:Which of the following is your favourite city/area? (Part 2)
- Poll:Which of the January releases have you been looking forward to most?
- Poll:Which of the races would you like to know more about?
- Poll:Which of the races would you like to know more about? - Part 2
- Poll:Which of the recent quest updates is your favourite?
- Poll:Which of the recent quest updates is your favourite? (2)
- Poll:Which of the recent skill additions is your favourite?
- Poll:Which of the regular website additions do you most enjoy?
- Poll:Which of the three combat styles do you favour?
- Poll:Which of these long-running quest storylines is your favourite?
- Poll:Which of these races are the secret masters of RuneScape?
- Poll:Which of these skills do you think needs more additions/improvements?
- Poll:Which option below is the strongest reason why you became a member?
- Poll:Which RuneScape character are you most like?
- Poll:Which type of PvP do you prefer?
- Poll:Which wallpaper download do you prefer?
- Poll:Who is your favourite old man of RuneScape?
- Poll:Who on RuneScape seems nice, but is secretly evil?
- Poll:Why do you feel melee is the most popular combat choice?