Transcript:Father Jean
Standard dialogue
- Father Jean: Sorry, there will be no sermon today, but you may offer a prayer to Saradomin yourself.
- Do the people here mostly worship Saradomin?
- Player: Do the people here mostly worship Saradomin?
- Father Jean: Of course! Even before our forefathers founded Kourend, under King Rada I, they remembered the tumult of the times when the armies of the gods laid waste to the lands.
- Father Jean: We thank Saradomin for the end of that violent Age, and pray that he will continue to defend us from the evil other gods.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- (End of dialogue)
- That's nice.
- Player: That's nice.
- (End of dialogue)
Treasure Trails
- Father Jean: Most impressive, have this!
- (Player receives a [new clue/casket].)
- You've obtained a casket!
- (End of dialogue)