Transcript:Charlie Brown
Standard dialogue
- Player: Hello! Who are you?
- Charlie Brown: Hello! The name's Charlie Brown and I've just arrived in Kourend.
- Player: Nice to meet you Charlie, my name is [player name]. What are you doing here?
- Charlie Brown: I've come to Kourend in search of luck, [player name]. I seek many fortunes and as you know you need luck to find fortune!
- Player: If you're searching for luck, why are you dressed as a monk?
- Charlie Brown: Ah these robes keeps me holy, I must remain holy when praying to the God of Luck, [player name].
- Player: God of Luck? I don't think I've heard of such a God...
- Charlie Brown: Ah, would you perhaps allow me to enlighten you?
- Sure.
- Player: Sure.
- Charlie Brown: Arengeesus, God of luck. We do not know much about her or where she comes from, we just know she is there looking over us.
- Charlie Brown: Those who praise Arengeesus enough to get her attention are rewarded. She will gaze down upon you providing you with luck on your adventures.
- Player: That sounds a little farfetched to me, luck isn't a thing. Hard work is all you need.
- Charlie Brown: Perhaps working hard is merely a form of praise to the God of luck, [player name].
- Player: Hmmm... well good luck Charlie. Good bye!
- Charlie Brown: Farewell [player name], may Arengeesus shine down upon you.
- Player: And you!
- (End of dialogue)
- Maybe another time, I must be going.
- Player: Maybe another time, I must be going.
- Charlie Brown: Very well, farewell.
- (End of dialogue)