Transcript:Modern day morytania
Welcome dear reader to this tome. I entrust that it will suit to your enjoyment most amicably and perhaps in a scholarly pursuit, inform you of the manifest concerns alive in the land of Morytania.
The land known as Morytania is as dark and uninviting as Misthalin is light and welcoming. While the intention of this author is not to teach geography to its readership, some small amount of area description would perhaps shed useful light.
By far the most common entrance into Morytania is through the temple of Saradomin, Paterdomus. It is located at the end of the Silvarea pass and is the site of the famous battle for the Salve. It is here that the Seven Priestly Warriors stood shoulder to shoulder to defend Misthalin from the darkness.
Due east of Paterdomus is the wild and strangely populated village of Canifis. The citizens of this area are to be least trusted as many an innocent has travelled there only to never return. However, some of those who had sense enough to avoid the village did, on occasion, return from the evil lands to recount their stories, before being specially treated for diseased imaginings and fearfulness.
North easterly of Canifis is a most impressive, but dark castle of no small stature, inside one may find the very stuff of nightmares. It is best avoided in this author's opinion, as is much which resides in Morytania.
If one is to then make way through a most undesirable forest, infested with creatures of darkness, one may happen upon a ghostly sea port, all death and decomposition. Though this author cannot confirm it, adventurers returning from such a place remarked that for those of stout composition, well rendered faculties and an eye for profit could engage in meaningful work there and advance themselves.
Returning once again to Canifis, one would see a huge swathe of rotten, foul smelling and life-threatening marsh to the south. These great tracts of land are called Mort Myre; it is the swamp of true terror. Within this dark, stench-ridden foulness lives a most disgusting creature known as the Ghast. Due in no small part to the confusing nature of the terrain and the lack of anything edible, many innocents have died in this place, starved to death with hunger. When such a soul lives no longer, its form takes on the most disgusting of appearances. It hungers and eats anything it can, waylaying travellers and consuming their food, leaving nothing but stinking rotten remains. If travellers have no food, it will extract life force from those it can to satiate its considerable hunger.
Few that have travelled through Mort Myre have returned to give details of what lies beyond. This author cannot rightly confirm the truth of what is reported here, but can simply transcribe it in the hope that one day the truth can be revealed.
It is south of Mort Myre that the traveller may venture upon a twisty and turning path which weaves around various large bodies of swamp water. To the south of this is said to be an ancient and evil mine. The path to this is difficult to discover but apparently holds great wealth inside of it. But gentle reader, I beseech you, lay some value for your own life and leave this area. There is no doubt that it contains many evil creatures which prosper on the lives of innocents in search of fame, fortune and glory.
To the east of the twisty turning path is a small village known as Mort'ton. Its inhabitants are both vile and deadly. Mort'ton is once said to have been a village making the focus of its living from the internment of important peoples into crypts beneath its rustic surface. Now the inhabitants long interred in their crypts walk the surface of the village and drain the life force of innocent and adventurer alike.
South of Mort'ton lies a larger but somewhat bedraggled township, long ago run into ruin. Its original name is lost, it is now mostly commonly referred to as Burgh de Rott and most apt a name it is. All manner of ruined buildings litter this land. Some small token of civilization may have lived here at one point, but has long since vanished now.
Little is accurately known of the eastern side of Morytania except that it is known as the Sanguinesti region by those that inhabit it. Also reported is that the northern area is referred to as Darkmeyer and the southern side is called Meiyerditch. Those lucky few who managed to escape this terrible place are few and far between so this information is largely unconfirmed.
To the far east, beyond the Sanguinesti region, lies the small town of Slepe. It is said that those who inhabit this place are true servants of chaos. As with most of Morytania, this author would advise extreme caution.
One final place which is worth a mention is the area to the east of Mort'ton, noted for its unusual appearance. A few small hillocks are all that distinguish this place from the rest of the area.
And so dear reader, I have completed a brief and very unsure explanation of the geography of Morytania. Please excuse this author if further details prove to dispute all that is written here. This treatise is merely the accumulation of vague reports gained from travellers surviving Morytania and exiting Paterdomus as they head for the pleasanter lands of Misthalin. As example, it is reported that somewhere centrally located in the vastness of Morytania is a dark and dire castle, said to be the home of Drakan, the lord of Morytania. Though this has yet to be confirmed.