Transcript:Security book
Account Tips
Upgrade to a Jagex Account, if you haven't already done so.
These use two-factor verification to keep people out of your account, even if they somehow learn your password.
Ensure your email account is properly secure too, with its own two-factor verification.
Password Tips
A good password should be easy for you to remember, but hard for anyone else to guess.
Choose a password containing both letters and numbers, but don't make it so hard that you'll forget it!
Never write your password down or save it in a text file on your device, as someone could find it.
Never give your password to anyone. This includes your friends, family and moderators in the game.
Nor should you give anyone your account info on social media, even if they claim they can help you with RuneScape.
Other Security Tips
Set a Bank PIN to help protect your banked items, in case someone gets into your account.
To set a Bank PIN, speak to a banker and ask to check your PIN settings.
Never leave your account logged in while you're away from your device, as it only takes a few seconds to steal or ruin your account!
Stronghold of Security
The Stronghold of Security is located under the Barbarian Village in Misthalin, west of Varrock.
It was discovered by accident, when a miner fell through the ground into a previously unexplored cave.
The Stronghold contains many challenges, both for those who enjoy combat and for those who enjoy challenges of the mind.
This book's guidance may be useful to you as you delve into the Stronghold.
You can find the Stronghold of Security by looking for a hole in the middle of the Barbarian Village.
Be sure to take your combat equipment though!