Transcript:Romily Weaklax
Standard dialogue
- Romily Weaklax: Hello and welcome to my pie shop, how can I help you?
- I'd like to buy some pies.
- (Pie Shop interface opens.)
- (When not on a pie-baking errand:) Do you need any help?
- Player: Do you need any help?
- Romily Weaklax: Actually I could, you see I'm running out of stock and I don't have time to bake any more pies. Would you be willing to bake me some pies? I'll pay you well for them.
- Sure, what do you need?
- Player: Sure, what do you need?
- Romily Weaklax: Great, can you bake me [amount] [pie type] Pies please.
- (End of dialogue)
- Sorry, I can't help you.
- Player: Sorry, I can't help you.
- (End of dialogue)
- (When on a pie-baking errand:) I've got those pies you wanted.
- Player: I've got those pies you wanted.
- Without the correct pies:
- Romily Weaklax: Doesn't look like you have any of the [amount] [pie type] Pies I requested.
- With some but not all correct pies:
- Romily Weaklax: Thank you, if you could bring me the other [amount] that'd be great!
- With all remaining pies:
- Romily Weaklax: Thank you very much!
- (End of dialogue)
- I'm good thanks.
- Player: I'm good thanks.
- (End of dialogue)