Module:Clue geode chance calculator

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Clue geode chance calculator/doc

local p = {}

local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()

local baseChanceArray = {
	{rock = 'Runite rocks', chance = 42377},
	{rock = 'Amethyst crystals', chance = 46350},
	{rock = 'Adamantite rocks', chance = 59328},
	{rock = 'Volcanic Mine', chance = 60000},
	{rock = 'Blast mine', chance = 123600},
	{rock = 'Mithril rocks', chance = 148320},
	{rock = 'Gem rocks', chance = 211886},
	{rock = 'Lovakite rocks', chance = 245562},
	{rock = 'Coal rocks', chance = 290640},
	{rock = 'Gold rocks', chance = 296640},
	{rock = 'Crashed Star', chance = 521550},
	{rock = 'Volcanic sulphur', chance = 710000},
	{rock = 'Ash pile', chance = 741600},
	{rock = 'Barronite', chance = 741600},
	{rock = 'Blurite rocks', chance = 741600},
	{rock = 'Clay rocks', chance = 741600},
	{rock = 'Copper rocks', chance = 741600},
	{rock = 'Granite rocks', chance = 741600},
	{rock = 'Iron rocks', chance = 741600},
	{rock = 'Limestone rocks', chance = 741600},
	{rock = 'Sandstone rocks', chance = 741600},
	{rock = 'Silver rocks', chance = 741600},
	{rock = 'Tin rocks', chance = 741600},

local clueTierArray = {
    {tier = 'Beginner', modifier = 0.2},
    {tier = 'Easy', modifier = 1.7},
    {tier = 'Medium', modifier = 2},
    {tier = 'Hard', modifier = 3.3},
    {tier = 'Elite', modifier = 10}

local caTierArray = {
	['None'] = 0,
	['Easy'] = 1,
	['Medium'] = 2,
	['Hard'] = 3,
	['Elite+'] = 4

function p.buildTable(denomArray)
	local ret = mw.html.create('table'):addClass('wikitable sortable align-center-1'):done()
		ret:tag('tr'):tag('th'):wikitext( 'Rock type'):done()
	for i, denoms in ipairs(denomArray) do
		local row = mw.html.create('tr'):tag('th'):wikitext(denoms[1]):done()
				:tag('td'):wikitext('1/' .. lang:formatNum(denoms[2])):done()
				:tag('td'):wikitext('1/' .. lang:formatNum(denoms[3])):done()
				:tag('td'):wikitext('1/' .. lang:formatNum(denoms[4])):done()
				:tag('td'):wikitext('1/' .. lang:formatNum(denoms[5])):done()
				:tag('td'):wikitext('1/' .. lang:formatNum(denoms[6])):done()
	return ret

function p.getDenom(miningLevel, clueTier, clueMod, caTier, baseChance)
	local caModifier = 1
	if clueTier == 0 then
		caModifier = 1
	elseif caTier >= clueTier then 
		caModifier = 0.95
	local firstNum = math.floor(baseChance * caModifier)
	local ret = math.floor((firstNum / (100 + miningLevel)) * clueMod)
	return ret

function p._main(args)
	local bigTable = {}
	for _, rockArray in ipairs(baseChanceArray) do
		local smallTable = {rockArray.rock}
		for i, clueArray in ipairs(clueTierArray) do
			table.insert(smallTable, p.getDenom(args.miningLevel, i-1, clueArray.modifier, caTierArray[args.caTier], rockArray.chance))
		table.insert(bigTable, smallTable)
	return p.buildTable(bigTable)

function p.main(frame)
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	return p._main(args)

return p