Transcript:Information clerk

From Illerai

This is the current revision of this page, as edited by imported>NotSal at 23:37, 7 November 2022 (added more dialogue based on player progress in the museum). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.

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Standard dialogue

  • If the information clerk has rewards for the player:
    • Information clerk: Ohh, hello there, I see from our records that you've helped us out a bit, and I'd love to give you a bit of a reward for that.
    • Information clerk: My father knew a lot about Prayer, Mining, Crafting, Smithing, Slayer and Hunter, and I learnt some of his tricks... would you like me to share a little of my knowledge?
    • Yes, teach me something in those skills.
      • Player: Yes, teach me something in those skills.
      • If the player has between 51-100 Kudos:
        • You feel more knowledgeable in the Mining skill.
      • If the player has between 101-150 Kudos:
        • You feel more knowledgeable in the skills Mining and Crafting
      • If the player has over 150 Kudos, and has claimed the previous rewards:
        • You feel more knowledgeable in the skills Crafting, Smithing, Slayer, Prayer and Hunter.
      • If the player has over 150 Kudos, but has not claimed any of the previous rewards:
        • You feel more knowledgeable in the skills Mining, Crafting, Smithing, Slayer, Prayer and Hunter.
    • Player: Wow, thanks.
    • Information clerk: You're most welcome. Now, is there anything else I can help you with?
    • (Continues below)
    • No
      • Player: No.
      • Player: I'll come back later.
      • Information clerk: Okay!
      • (End of dialogue)
  • If the information clerk does not have any rewards for the player:
    • Information clerk: Welcome to Varrock Museum. How can I help you today?
  • Take a map of the Museum
    • You reach and take a map of the Museum.
    • (Player receives museum map.)
    • (End of dialogue)
  • Find out about the Dig Site exhibit.
    • Player: Could you tell me about the Dig Site exhibit please?
    • Information clerk: Of course. The Dig Site exhibit has several display cases of finds discovered on the Dig Site to the east of Varrock.
    • If the player has not completed The Dig Site quest:
      • Information clerk: Unfortunately, you haven't passed your Earth Science exams, so you aren't qualified to help us on the dig. If you're interested, visit the Education Centre on the Dig Site to the east and talk to the examiners there.
    • If the player has completed The Dig Site quest, but has not helped with the exhibit:
      • Information clerk: As you've passed your Earth Science exams at the Dig Site, you can go through into the cleaning area and clean off some finds. This will help our Dig Site display floor to give a more accurate view of life back in the
      • Information clerk: 3rd and 4th Ages, as well as earning you Kudos. If you'd like to know more about cleaning finds, just ask the archaeologists.
    • If the player has completed The Dig Site quest, and has partially completed the exhibit:
      • Information clerk: I see you've already helped out in the Dig Site exhibit. Our picture of life back in the 3rd and 4th Ages in that old city is really becoming clearer. There are still a few displays that need updating, though. If you'd like to
      • Information clerk: know more about cleaning finds, just ask the archaeologists.
    • If the player has completed The Dig Site quest, and has completed the exhibit:
      • Information clerk: You have really helped out a lot. I see all the nice clean finds with their information are in the once empty cases. I'm sure we'll get some more cases in soon for you to fill. For now, perhaps you should investigate the
      • Information clerk: rest of the Museum.
    • Ask about something else.
      • (Shows initial options)
    • Bye
      • Player: Bye.
      • Information clerk: Have a good day!
      • (End of dialogue)
  • Find out about the Timeline exhibit.
    • Player: Could you tell me about the Timeline exhibit please?
    • Information clerk: Why, yes. The Timeline exhibit has lots of display cases showing things from the beginning of time right up to the present day.
    • If the player has not contributed to the timeline exhibit:
      • Information clerk: You could help out in the Timeline exhibit upstairs. By providing information you may have gathered on your travels around the world, you can help to make our displays more comprehensive and earn yourself Kudos
      • Information clerk: too.
    • If the player has contributed to the timeline exhibit:
      • Information clerk: I know you've helped out a bit in the Timeline exhibit upstairs, but I'm sure you can help more. When you're out on your travels being a brave adventurer, remember that you can come back to the Museum
      • Information clerk: after some quests to let us know important historical facts. This will help us to update the displays and make the Museum a more informative place! You'll earn yourself Kudos too.
    • If the player has completed timeline exhibit:
      • Information clerk: I see you have filled up the display cases we have, and given us large amounts of information for the Timeline exhibit. At the moment, you have left us nothing to do ourselves, but I'm sure we'll be getting some new cases
      • Information clerk: in soon for you to help us out with! For now, perhaps you should investigate the rest of the Museum.
    • Player: Okay, thanks. One more question: why are the display numbers all out of sequence?
    • Information clerk: Ahh, that's due to the numbering being done as we were constructing the cases and putting the displays in them, then shuffling them into the right places. We thought rather than renumbering them all - such a
    • Information clerk: boring job, writing labels - we'd leave it. They all have unique numbers and future displays would mess up the consecutive numbering anyway.
    • Player: Ahhh, I see.
    • Ask about something else.
      • (Shows initial options)
    • Bye
      • (Same as above)
  • Find out about the Natural History exhibit.
    • Player: Could you tell me about the Natural History exhibit please?
    • Information clerk: Why, yes. The Natural History exhibit has displays of various creatures you can find around Gielinor.
    • If the player has not corrected any of the display cases:
      • Information clerk: Downstairs, in the Natural History exhibit, you can answer quizzes about animals to show us your knowledge and earn Kudos at the same time. Talk to Orlando, I'm sure he'd appreciate your knowledge.
    • If the player has completed at least one display case:
      • Information clerk: I see you have already demonstrated some of your knowledge of the natural world in the Natural History exhibit, so why not pop down and do some more quizzes with Orlando! You can earn Kudos at the same time.
    • If the player has corrected all of the display cases:
      • Information clerk: You really know your stuff when it comes to animals, don't you! Orlando tells me you have exceeded his teachings. For now, perhaps you should investigate the rest of the Museum.
    • But what's Natural History got to do with existing animals?
      • Player: But what's natural history got to do with existing animals?
      • Information clerk: The study of natural history is simply the study of the history of the species. The species doesn't necessarily need to be an extinct one.
      • (Shows other options)
    • Ask about something else.
      • (Shows initial options)
    • Bye
      • (Same as above)
  • Find out about Kudos.
    • Player: What is Kudos?
    • Information clerk: Kudos is a measure of how much you've assisted the Museum. The more information you give us, Dig Site finds that you clean and quizzes you solve, the higher your Kudos.
    • Player: But what's it for?
    • Information clerk: Well, recently we found a rather interesting island to the north of Morytania. We believe that it may be of archaeological significance. I suspect we'll be looking for qualified archaeologists once we have constructed our
    • Information clerk: canal and barge. So, we're using Kudos as a measure of who is willing and able to help us here at the Museum, so they can then be invited on our dig on the new island.
    • Player: Would I qualify, then?
    • If the player does not have enough Kudos:
      • Information clerk: Unfortunately, you haven't earned enough Kudos yet, so you aren't qualified to help us on the dig. If you're interested in helping us out and getting that Kudos, simply help out around the Museum.
      • Player: Okay, thanks.
      • Ask about something else.
        • (Shows initial options)
      • Bye
        • (Same as above)
    • If the player has enough Kudos:
      • Information clerk: Why yes! You've helped us so much around the Museum and you have the necessary qualifications from the Earth Sciences exams you took. When the canal is ready, we'll let you know.
      • Player: Thank you, I'll look forward to it!
      • (End of dialogue)

Crack the Clue III

  • Information clerk: Well done! I have new information to share with you.
  • You've found a new special clue! However, a magical force prevents you from putting this item in your inventory!
  • Interface showing the next clue opens.