Transcript:Quest Guide
Standard dialogue
- Quest Guide: Ah. Welcome, adventurer. I'm here to tell you all about quests. Let's start by opening your quest journal.
- (End of dialogue)
- Quest Guide: Have you not opened that menu yet?
- (End of dialogue)
- Quest Guide: Now you have the journal open, I'll tell you a bit about it. At the moment all of the quests are shown in red, which means you have not started them yet.
- Quest Guide: When you start a quest it will change colour to yellow. Once you've finished it, it will change to green. This is so you can easily see what's complete, what's started, and what's left to begin.
- Quest Guide: Clicking a quest in the journal will display some more information on it. If you haven't started the quest, it will tell you where to begin and what requirements you need.
- Quest Guide: If the quest is in progress, it will remind you what to do next.
- Quest Guide: It's very easy to find quest start points. Just look out for the quest icon on your minimap. You should see one marking this house.
- Quest Guide: The quests themselves can vary greatly from collecting beads to hunting down dragons. Completing quests will reward you with all sorts of things, such as new areas and better weapons!
- Quest Guide: There's not a lot more I can tell you about questing. You have to experience the thrill of it yourself to fully understand. Let me know if you want a recap, otherwise you can move on.
- (End of dialogue)
After completing required dialogue
- Quest Guide: Would you like to hear about quests again?
- Yes!
- Player: Yes!
- Quest Guide: If you open your quest journal you will see that all of the quests are shown in red at the moment. This means you have not started them yet.
- Quest Guide: When you start a quest it will change colour to yellow. Once you've finished it, it will change to green. This is so you can easily see what's complete, what's started, and what's left to begin.
- Quest Guide: Clicking a quest in the journal will display some more information on it. If you haven't started the quest, it will tell you where to begin and what requirements you need.
- Quest Guide: If the quest is in progress, it will remind you what to do next.
- Quest Guide: It's very easy to find quest start points. Just look out for the quest icon on your minimap. You should see one marking this house.
- Quest Guide: The quests themselves can vary greatly from collecting beads to hunting down dragons. Completing quests will reward you with all sorts of things, such as new areas and better weapons!
- Quest Guide: There's not a lot more I can tell you about questing. You have to experience the thrill of it yourself to fully understand.
- (End of dialogue)
- Nope, I'm ready to move on!
- Player: Nope, I'm ready to move on!
- Quest Guide: Okay then.
- (End of dialogue)