Standard dialogue
- Shanomi: Greetings [player name]. Welcome you are in the test of combat.
- What do I do here?
- Player: What do I do here?
- Shanomi: A spare suit of plate armour need you will. Full helm, plate leggings and platebody yes? Placing it in the centre of the magical machines you will be doing. KA- POOF! The armour, it attacks most furiously as if
- Shanomi: alive! Kill it you must, yes.
- Player: So I use a full set of plate armour on the centre plate of the machines and it will animate it? Then I have to kill my own armour... how bizarre!
- Shanomi: Yes. It is as you are saying. For this earn tokens you will. Also gain experience in combat you will. Trained long and hard here have I.
- Player: You're not from around here are you...?
- Shanomi: It is as you say.
- Player: So will I lose my armour?
- Shanomi: Lose armour you will if damaged too much it becomes. Rare this is, but still possible. If kill you the armour does, also lose armour you will.
- Player: So, occasionally I might lose a bit because it's being bashed about and I'll obviously lose it if I die... that it?
- Shanomi: It is as you say.
- (Shows previous options)
- Where do the machines come from?
- Player: Where do the machines come from?
- Shanomi: Make them I did, with magics.
- Player: Magic, in the Warrior's Guild?
- Shanomi: A skilled warrior also am I. Harrallak mistakes does not make. Potential in my invention he sees and opportunity grasps.
- Player: I see, so you made the magical machines and Harrallak saw how they could be used in the guild to train warrior's combat... interesting. Harrallak certainly is an intelligent guy.
- Shanomi: It is as you say.
- (Shows previous options)
- May I claim my tokens please?
- Player: May I claim my tokens please?
- If the player has earned Warrior guild tokens, but has no inventory space:
- Shanomi: No space you have carry them for.
- Player: Right, I need space in my pack for them. I'll be back!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has earned Warrior guild tokens:
- Shanomi: Yes yes! Earned you have [number] token[s]!
- (Player receives Warrior guild tokens.)
- Player: Thanks!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has not earned Warrior guild tokens:
- Shanomi: No tokens earned have you. In training activities participate you must.
- Player: Okay, I'll go see what I can find to do around here to earn some tokens.
- (End of dialogue)
- Bye!
- Player: Bye!
- Shanomi: Health be with you travelling.
- (End of dialogue)
If the animted armour despawns after 5 minutes of not being killed
- Shanomi: Greetings [player name]. Welcome you are in the test of combat.
- My armour disappeared!
- Player: My armour disappeared!
- Shanomi: Correct you are. Not killed it was. Collected your armour I did.
- Player: Excellent, may I have it so I can try the machine again?
- If the player does not have inventory space:
- Shanomi: Space you will need in your pack.
- Player: Okay, I'll go make some room in my inventory and come back.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has inventory space:
- Shanomi: It is as you say.
- (Player receives the set of lost armour.)
- Player: Thanks!
- (End of dialogue)
- What do I do here?
- (Same as above)
- Where do the machines come from?
- (Same as above)
- May I claim my tokens please?
- (Same as above)
- Bye!
- (Same as above)
Claim-tokens dialogue
- May I claim my tokens please?
- (Same as above)
Using any item that isn't a standard metal full helm, platebody, or platelegs on the animator
- Shanomi: Plain full plate armour in those machines only you may use, of appropriate materials. When other items used, bad things happen, yes!
- Player: Okay, so I can only use plain full plate armour of appropriate materials, no trimmed armour or unusual kit?
- Shanomi: It is as you say.
- (End of dialogue)
Overhead dialogue
Every 15 ticks
- A random dialogue is selected from the following:
- Dialogue 1
- Shanomi: Those things which cannot be seen, perceive them.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 2
- Shanomi: Do nothing which is of no use.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 3
- Shanomi: Think not dishonestly.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 4
- Shanomi: The Way in training is.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 5
- Shanomi: Gain and loss between you must distinguish.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 6
- Shanomi: Trifles pay attention even to.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 7
- Shanomi: Way of the warrior this is.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 8
- Shanomi: Acquainted with every art become.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 9
- Shanomi: Ways of all professions know you.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 10
- Shanomi: Judgment and understanding for everything develop you must.
- (End of dialogue)