Transcript:Rind the gardener
Standard dialogue
- Rind the gardener: Come to visit my garden then, have you, human?
- This is your garden?
- Player: This is your garden?
- Rind the gardener: No no, not quite. But I do look after it. It's the palace garden, you see. I keep it tidy, keep it living.
- Rind the gardener: It's hard to grow much on these hard rocks deep beneath these mountains, you know.
- Player: I can imagine. Where do you get all your food from? Or even the soil for this garden?
- Rind the gardener: We can grow a little food underground, but most of it comes from the extensive steamcart network that runs beneath the earth.
- Rind the gardener: In the Era of Kings, many centuries ago, it was harder of course. Our steam technology was not developed as far yet and getting fresh supplies of food was always a problem.
- Rind the gardener: Oh, I'm not boring you, am I?
- Not at all!
- Player: Not at all! Please, go on!
- Rind the gardener: Oh yes, as I was saying, it was difficult to make a decent living here. I'm afraid this garden was rather neglected during that time.
- Player: Why did you dwarves stay so deep under ground, then? Why not simply go above ground?
- Rind the gardener: What, with the wars raging up there?
- Rind the gardener: We dwarves went underground a long time ago, see. For a while the city of Keldagrim was completely cut off from the rest of Gielinor simply waiting out the wars of the humans and the gods.
- Rind the gardener: This made it hard, though, to determine when the wars above the ground were over. Perhaps Keldagrim had remained hidden for far too long.
- Rind the gardener: Only when King Alvis heroically defended the city against an invasion of trolls did we dare to venture out and see how much the world had changed.
- Rind the gardener: Of course, after that...
- Rind the gardener: Ah well, enough history lessons I should say. I must really get back to my gardening.
- Player: Thanks for the info!
- (End of dialogue)
- A little, yes.
- Player: A little, yes. I don't really know what all this has to do with anything.
- Rind the gardener: I suppose it doesn't, really, it's just the mumblings of an old dwarf.
- (End of dialogue)
- Not really, no.
- Player: Not really, no.
- Rind the gardener: Oh, alright then.
- (End of dialogue)
During Forgettable Tale...
After obtaining the Kelda seeds, before planting them
- Player: I need some help.
- Rind the gardener: Yes, [player name]? What can a humble gardener like myself help you with?
- Player: I have four Kelda seeds here, but need some advice on growing them.
- Rind the gardener: Marvelous, those seeds are quite scarce don't you know!
- Rind the gardener: First of all, you must remember that these seeds only grow underground. Sunlight is harmful to them, for some strange reason.
- Rind the gardener: There is a patch in the palace garden that you're more than welcome to use.
- Player: Thanks! Is there anything else I need to know?
- Rind the gardener: Just take care of the weed in the patch and plant your seeds. They'll grow into hops very quickly, if you're lucky. Kelda seeds have a remarkably fast grow rate.
- Rind the gardener: Also, if you need a rake, you'll find one just south of here, I left it there 5 minutes ago.
- Player: Thank you! Your advice is much appreciated!
- (End of dialogue)
Receiving the letter
- Player: I need some help.
- Rind the gardener: Yes, [player name]? What can a humble gardener like myself help you with?
- Player: I think I need some more help with this whole farming business.
- Rind the gardener: Just get rid of the weeds in the patch, plant your seeds and wait for the hops to grow. The miracle of nature will do the rest!
- Player: Do I have to wait here all this time then?
- Rind the gardener: Yea and no. Yes, you do have to wait, but no, you don't have to stay here. You can help out people in the city, for instance, there's always someone who needs help with an urgent job.
- Player: You mean the mining companies? I did jobs for them, they're not very profitable.
- Rind the gardener: No no, just people like shopkeepers and such, they're quite willing to teach you things in exchange for the jobs as well. But here, tell you what, I'll give you some seeds if you can deliver this letter to a friend in Falador.
- Player: Do I have to do that? I just want to grow my hops and get on with my quest for Veldaban.
- Rind the gardener: Oh no, you don't have to do it all, I just thought you wanted something to do while you were waiting.
- Alright, I'll deliver that letter for you.
- Player: Alright, I'll deliver that letter for you.
- Rind the gardener: Happy to hear that! His name is Elstan, he lives just south of Falador.
- (Player receives letter.)
- Player: I'll be right back!
- (End of dialogue)
- I'd rather just sit here and stare at this patch, thanks.
- Player: I'd rather just sit here and stare at this patch, thanks.
- Rind the gardener: Very well. That can be quite relaxing, actually, I often do it myself.
- (End of dialogue)
Before delivering the letter
- Player: I need some help.
- Rind the gardener: Yes, [player name]? What can a humble gardener like myself help you with?
- Rind the gardener: Hello again, [player name]! Have you been able to deliver that letter yet?
- No, I haven't been to Falador yet, but I will soon.
- Player: No, I haven't been to Falador yet, but I will soon.
- Rind the gardener: Much appreciated, Player!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has lost the letter:
- No, sorry, I've lost your letter.
- Player: No, sorry, I lost your letter.
- Rind the gardener: That's a little clumsy, Player! Here, I've got a copy, please deliver this one instead.
- (Player receives letter.)
- (End of dialogue)
- No, I've decided not to deliver it after all.
- Player: No, I've decided not to deliver it after all.
- Rind the gardener: Oh, I'm sad to hear that.
- Rind the gardener: Oh well, I'll see if I can find someone else instead.
- (End of dialogue)
After delivering the letter during Forgettable Tale...
- Player: I've delivered your letter to Elstan, he told me to give you his regards.
- Rind the gardener: Wonderful, that's just wonderful! Here, have these two seeds as a reward. They may not be Kelda hop seeds, but you should be able to grow a decent amount of herbs with them.
- (Player receives 2 marrentil seeds.)
- (End of dialogue)
While the Kelda hops are growing, or are ready to be harvested
- Player: I need some help.
- Rind the gardener: Yes, [player name]? What can a humble gardener like myself help you with?
- Rind the gardener: How are you getting along with growing your seeds into hops, [player name]?
- Player: Hmm, I'm not sure... let me check the patch.
- (End of dialogue)
After harvesting the Kelda hops
- Player: I need some help.
- Rind the gardener: Yes, [player name]? What can a humble gardener like myself help you with?
- If the player has Kelda hops in a storage (bank) or inventory:
- Player: I've grown my seeds into hops, but I have no idea what to do with them. Can you turn them into stout for me please?
- Rind the gardener: Haha, it doesn't quite work like that, I'm afraid!
- Rind the gardener: You will need to bring your hops to a brewery.
- Player: Where's the nearest brewery then?
- Rind the gardener: Oh, there's one in Keldagrim-East, upstairs in the Laughing Miner. They brew their own beer, they do.
- Player: How does it work though?
- Rind the gardener: I'm sure someone there will be able to help you out, it's not my specialty you see.
- Player: Alright, thanks a lot!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has lost the Kelda hops:
- Player: I've grown my seeds into hops, but I seem to have mislaid them.
- Rind the gardener: Ah! Fortunately I found some hops after your recent harvest. Here, I believe this belongs to you.
- (Player receives Kelda hops.)
- (End of dialogue)
While the Kelda stout is fermenting
- Player: I need some help.
- Rind the gardener: Yes, [player name]? What can a humble gardener like myself help you with?
- If the Kelda stout has not finished brewing:
- Player: I'm brewing my hops into Kelda stout, but it seems to be taking an awfully long time.
- Rind the gardener: Just have patience, my young friend! Have a wander around town, see if anyone has jobs for you!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the Kelda stout has finished brewing:
- Player: I'm just so angry, my hops aren't fermenting at all. I want my Kelda stout!
- Rind the gardener: Now now, my young human friend! Are you sure about that?
- Rind the gardener: Perhaps you should go back to the brewery, I wouldn't be surprised if your stout has fermented by now.
- (End of dialogue)