Standard dialogue
- Breive: *cough* whatcha want? *hack*
- Select an Option
- What is this place?
- Player: What is this place?
- Breive: Smoke dungeon. *wheeze* Got smoke devils in it. For killing. *splutter*
- If the player has not completed Monkey Madness II:
- Breive: My niece Nieve *hack hack* is one of those Slayer Masters. You know, they tell people what to go kill. *cough* I look after this cave for people on assignments like that.
- (Shows other options)
- If the player has completed Monkey Madness II:
- Breive: My nephew Steve *hack hack* is one of those Slayer Masters. You know, they tell people what to go kill. *cough* I look after this cave for people on assignments like that.
- (Shows other options)
- Are you alright?
- Player: Are you alright?
- Breive: Of course I'm *wheeze* alright. I'm fed up with you young folk asking *cough cough* if I'm alright just because I like a bit of smoke *splutter* in my tubes.
- Breive: Don't you come lecturing me on *cough* air quality, young man - I've breathed smoke all my life, man and boy and *euuurgh* and there's no *ghhuk* scientific evidence that it's harmful.
- Select an Option
- Are you alright?
- (Same as above)
- I think I'll leave you alone.
- (Same as below)
- I think I'll leave you alone.
- Player: I think I'll leave you alone.
- Breive: *cough cough cough ghhuk*
- (End of dialogue)
When attempting to enter the smoky cave without protection
- Breive: Hey, you don't *cough* wanna go in there without *cough* some kind of protection from the smoke. Your lungs aren't as tough as *wheeze* mine.
- Select an Option
- Enter anyway.
- (End of dialogue)
- Stay outside.
- (End of dialogue)
When attempting to kill monsters that aren't part of a player's slayer task
- Breive: *cough* that isn't your assignment *wheeze*
- (End of dialogue)