Standard dialogue
- Hieve: Hey, down there! What is it?
- Why are you here?
- Player: Why are you here?
- Hieve: For the dragons, of course! I've always wanted to slay dragons. I've found they're a bit tough, though, even with all this kit I've got, but I'll slay them one day.
- If the player has not completed Monkey Madness II:
- Hieve: My little cousin is a Slayer Master, lucky girl. But one day I'll be a mighty dragon-slayer, and they'll give me a job like that too.
- (Shows other options)
- If the player has completed Monkey Madness II:
- Hieve: My little brother became a Slayer Master recently. That job should have been mine - he's just a little brat! But one day I'll be a mighty dragon-slayer, and they'll give me a job like that too.
- (Shows other options)
- Can I kill the dragons in here?
- Player: Can I kill the dragons in here?
- If the player has bronze, iron or steel dragons as a slayer task:
- Hieve: Yes, certainly, since you've been assigned to do so.
- If the player does not have bronze, iron or steel dragons as a slayer task:
- Hieve: No, you haven't got an assignment to slay these dragons. Go and train somewhere else.
- (Shows other options)
- I'll be off.
- Player: I'll be off.
- (End of dialogue)
When attempting to kill monsters that aren't part of a player's slayer task
- Hieve: I'm sure that's not what you're meant to be slaying.
- (End of dialogue)