Standard dialogue
Without Book o' piracy
- Player: Hello!
- Smith: Arr? Be ye wantin' te go on account with our gang o' fillibusters?
- Smith: The powder monkey be takin' a caulk after gettin' rowdy on bumboo, so there be plenty of room for ye.
- Player: Riiiiight...
- Player: I'll just be over here if you need me.
- (End of dialogue)
With Book o' piracy
- Smith: Yer standin' in me light stranger. Can I sell ye somethin' that'll make ye move?
- Probably, let's see what you have.
- Player: Probably, let's see what you have.
- (Smithing Smith's Shop. interface opens.)
- I doubt it.
- Player: I doubt it.
- Smith: Then move on stranger.
- (End of dialogue)
- That depends on if you have any cutlasses.
- Player: That depends on if you have any cutlasses.
- Smith: Cutlasses! Think yer a pirate now [lad/lass]?
- Player: Well, yes.
- Smith: Well, I have some cutlasses.
- Smith: I have Brass Hand Harry's Cutlass. Well, a load of them to be honest.
- Smith: Then there's Unlucky Jenkins' Lucky Cutlass. Lovely blade that.
- Smith: I've also got Gentleman Mallard's Rapier. Not a cutlass I know, but the finest blade ever wielded by a privateer.
- Smith: Now, which would ye like to hear about?
- Brass Hand Harry's Cutlass.
- Player: Brass Hand Harry's Cutlass.
- Smith: A good choice!
- Smith: Ye may end up meeting Brass Hand Harry if ye hang around long enough.
- Smith: He lost his left arm to a canister round, but that didn't stop him much.
- Smith: Then he lost his right hand at the wrist fightin' the excise men off the coast of Karamja.
- Smith: Not bein' the sort to lie about mopin', he asked me to make him a cutlass with a brass gauntlet fixed to the handle, and rig it up with a load of straps so he could keep fightin'.
- Smith: He's a great man is Harry, but he keeps snappin' the straps while he's at sea, so he sells the cutlasses back to me in exchange for a new one.
- Smith: It's quite a good blade, but the big, brass gauntlet is what makes it worthwhile. It's big enough to fit over even a real gauntlet, so ye get extra protection to yer sword hand.
- Smith: I can sell ye one fer 1040 coins.
- Smith: Interested?
- Yes.
- Player: Yes.
- If the player does not have at least 1040 coins:
- Smith: Smart [lad/lass]! Come and see me when ye have the coins fer it.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has at least 1040 coins:
- (Player receives Harry's cutlass.)
- Smith: Here ye go. I've got a load of these left over if ye need more.
- (End of dialogue)
- No.
- Player: No.
- Smith: Well I'll still be here if ye change yer mind.
- (End of dialogue)
- Unlucky Jenkins' Lucky Cutlass.
- Player: Unlucky Jenkins' Lucky Cutlass.
- Smith: Arr, tis a sad tale to this sword.
- Smith: Jenkins was the lookout on the Jonah, a cursed vessel if there ever was one.
- Smith: One day his ship were attacked by another group of pirates durin' a fierce storm. One of their bowmen took a shot at the Cap'n of the vessel, but it were deflected off his compass and hit Jenkins in the back.
- Player: How unlucky!
- Smith: That weren't the worst of it [lad/lass]. He survived the fight, and the ship's surgeon was trying to get the arrow out when...
- Smith: Are ye familiar with the spell bones to bananas?
- Player: Yes, why?
- Smith: Well, due to a blow to the head he took in the fight, the surgeon cast that spell, thinking it was some sort of new healing spell.
- Smith: And he did so while touching Jenkins' ribs.
- Player: And that killed him?
- Smith: No [lad/lass]!
- Smith: See, he survived, his bones turned to bananas, as a huge storm blew up and the crew debated what to do with him.
- Smith: But you see, the storm was actually the tail end of a hurricane that had swept the nearby jungle islands, and when it approached the ship it petered out, droppin' all manner of strange things onto the deck and into the
- Smith: ocean.
- Smith: The worst part was when the ship was bombarded with ravenous, hunger-crazed monkeys, the majority of which landed on Jenkins as he lay recoverin'.
- Player: And that killed him?
- Smith: No [lad/lass]!
- Smith: See, what happened next, after the monkeys had had their way with him was...
- Player: Look, I don't want to hear any more. Why would I want to buy his cutlass?
- Smith: Well, after the poor man passed on...
- Smith: In a final, terrifying, mashed potato coated tragedy...
- Smith: His shipmates found his cutlass was completely untouched.
- Smith: See, having been exposed to all the bad luck that Jenkins went through, the thing is unlikely to ever see anything that bad again.
- Smith: Hence, it must be lucky.
- Smith: Ye can have it fer 2560 coins.
- Smith: Interested?
- Yes.
- If the player does not have at least 2560 coins:
- Smith: Smart [lad/lass]! Come and see me when ye have the coins fer it.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has at least 2560 coins:
- (Player receives Lucky cutlass.)
- Smith: Here ye go. I hope it brings you luck.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player does not have at least 2560 coins:
- No.
- Player: No.
- Smith: Well I'll still be here if ye change yer mind.
- (End of dialogue)
- Gentleman Mallard's Rapier[sic]
- Player: Gentleman Mallard's Rapier.
- Smith: Well, I'll tell ye the story, but it'll take a great deal of convincin' for me to sell you this rapier.
- Smith: See, gentleman Mallard is a legend in these parts. His family had been rich, shipping all sorts of goods up and down the coast.
- Smith: Then their rivals got together and had their ships sunk, one after the other, and his business partners were all either bought off or had...accidents.
- Smith: With no money and only one ship left, he took to the life of a pirate, but no brigand was he.
- Smith: He took only from those men that had brought about his downfall, was fair with his men, and generous with his loot.
- Smith: Why, this island would have been wiped out by the shakes if he hadn't turned over his stash to buy medicine.
- Smith: One day his ship was attacked by a huge sea creature that swept the decks of men with its tentacles.
- Smith: The crew took to the lifeboats, and the last they saw of him the gentleman was stabbin' at the thing as it hauled the ship under the water.
- Smith: A week later about ten foot of tentacle washed up on the beach, with his rapier embedded in it to the hilt.
- Smith: I took it, cleaned it up, and I've been lookin' after it ever since.
- Smith: I can't let it go for less than 25600 coins, and even then that's a bargain.
- Smith: Ye think ye have what it takes to wield it?
- Yes.
- If the player does not have at least 25600 coins:
- Smith: Smart [lad/lass]! Come and see me when ye have the coins fer it.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has at least 25600 coins:
- (Player receives Rapier.)
- Smith: I hope yer worthy enough to wield this, stranger. I'd hate te think Gentleman Mallard would be disappointed in me fer sellin' it to ye.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player does not have at least 25600 coins:
- No.
- Player: No.
- Smith: Well I'll still be here if ye change yer mind.
- (End of dialogue)