Transcript:Rag and Bone Man I

From Illerai

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This transcript involves dialogue with Odd Old Man, Fortunato, and the player.

Starting Rag and Bone Man I

  • Odd Old Man: Can I help you with something?
  • Player: Well, err...who are you, and what are all these bones doing here?
  • Odd Old Man: Errr...
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: I'm an archaeologist. I work with the museum.
  • Player: An archaeologist?
  • Odd Old Man: Yes.
  • Player: Well that explains the bones...sort of...but what are you doing all the way out here?
  • Odd Old Man: Errr...
  • Sack: Mumblemumble. Mumblemumblemumble.
  • Odd Old Man: I'm collecting bones for the museum.
  • Odd Old Man: They have asked me to rig up some displays of second and third age creatures using their bones, so that people can come and...well, look at them.
  • Odd Old Man: I need to get them into some sort of order before I begin, but I've run into a bit of a snag.
  • Player: What sort of a snag?
  • Odd Old Man: Well, I need to have all the bones I'm going to use here, and placed into some sort of order.
  • Odd Old Man: However, I seem to have discovered I am a few short.
  • Anything I can do to help?
    • Player: Anything I can do to help?
    • Odd Old Man: Errr...
    • Sack: Mumblemumble
    • Odd Old Man: There is something you could do for me. I'm going to be busy...err...
    • Sack: Mumble
    • Odd Old Man: Sorting, yes, sorting these bones out ready for the museum, but I need a few more.
    • Odd Old Man: Will you help me out by grabbing some?
    • Yes
      • Rag and Bone Man I is started.
      • Player: Yes. I'll give you a hand.
      • Odd Old Man: You will? Excellent!
      • Sack: Snicker.
      • Player: Where do you need me to dig?
      • Odd Old Man: Dig?
      • Sack: Mumblemumble
      • Odd Old Man: Oh, you must have got the wrong end of the stick.
      • Odd Old Man: I need some fresh, whole bones to replace ones that have become damaged.
      • Player: What?
      • Odd Old Man: Err...
      • Sack: Mumblemumblemumblemumblemumble. Mumblemumblemumblemumble. Mumble.
      • Player: Excuse me...
      • Sack: Shhh!
      • Player: Sorry...
      • Sack: Mumblemumble. Mumblemumblemumble.
      • Odd Old Man: Ok, got it.
      • Odd Old Man: Ok, here is the thing. While sorting out what bones I do have I managed to lose or damage a few. If you can get me some fresh, unbroken bones to use as replacements then I can get on with things.
      • Odd Old Man: That make things clearer?
      • Player: Well, it makes some sense I suppose...
      • Odd Old Man: Great. If you can get me a bone from a Goblin, a Bear, a Big Frog, a Ram, a Unicorn, a Monkey, a Giant rat and a Giant Bat then I'll be able to move on with the...
      • Odd Old Man: Displays...
      • Player: So you just want me to bring you these bones and that will be that?
      • Odd Old Man: Well, I wouldn't mind you sticking them in a pot and boiling them in vinegar first, if you don't mind.
      • Odd Old Man: There is a Wine Merchant in Draynor called Fortunato that sells the stuff you'll need.
      • Odd Old Man: You can even use my pot-boiler if you want.
      • Player: Why do I need to boil them in vinegar?
      • Odd Old Man: It gets them bright and sparking white.
      • Odd Old Man: It's an archaeologist thing.
      • Odd Old Man: Just put the bone in a pot of vinegar, throw some logs on the fire, put the pot in the holder and light the logs.
      • Odd Old Man: It takes a while for the vinegar to evaporate, but the bone will be nice and clean in the end.
      • Player: All right, I'll be back later.
      • Odd Old Man: Bye!
      • (End of dialogue)
    • No
      • Player: No.
      • Odd Old Man: Oh...I see.
      • Odd Old Man: Well, never mind me young man, I'll just stagger over here under my massive burden, and continue my thankless task.
      • Odd Old Man: Unaided and alone...
      • Player: Wow, trying a guilt trip much?
      • (End of dialogue)
  • Well, good luck with that.
    • Player: Well good luck with that!
    • Odd Old Man: Thanks stranger!
    • Odd Old Man: What a polite young man...
    • Odd Old Man: Well, back to work!
    • (End of dialogue)
  • Where is that mumbling coming from?
    • Player: Where is that mumbling coming from?
    • Odd Old Man: Errr...
    • Sack: Mumblemumble
    • Odd Old Man: What mumbling?
    • Odd Old Man: Anyway, I have enough problems of my own without dealing with a delusional adventurer.
    • (Shows other options)

Historical dialogue

  • (Same as above)
  • Yes
    • Rag and Bone Man I is started.
    • Player: Yes. I'll give you a hand.
    • Odd Old Man: You will? Excellent!
    • Sack: Sniggersnigger
    • Player: Where do you need me to dig?
    • (Same as above)

After initally declining the quest

  • Player: Hello there!
  • Player: I was just passing and I wondered if you still needed someone to help with the bones?
  • Odd Old Man: Errr...
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: There is something you could do for me. I'm going to be busy...err...
  • Sack: Mumble
  • Odd Old Man: Sorting, yes, sorting these bones out ready for the museum, but I need a few more.
  • Odd Old Man: Will you help me out by grabbing some?
  • Yes
    • (Same as above)
  • No
    • (Same as above)
  • Where is that mumbling coming from?
    • (Same as above)

Getting the vinegar

  • Fortunato: Can I help you at all?
  • Player: Have you got any vinegar?
  • Fortunato: Vinegar?
  • Fortunato: Vinegar!
  • Fortunato: The very idea! My wines are the finest in the district!
  • Player: Sorry! I was told to come and speak with a wine merchant about getting some vinegar, I must have the wrong person.
  • Fortunato: Wait...did HE send you?
  • Player: If by HE you mean the old man with the sack of bones, then yes.
  • Fortunato: Aaaah...say no more sir, I have some in specially.
  • (End of dialogue)

Need more vinegar

  • Fortunato: Can I help you at all?
  • Fortunato: Ah! Good afternoon your lordship. I take it you have come for a refill?
  • Yes
  • Not today
    • Player: Not today.
    • Fortunato: Well, just remember I have some in stock for you when you want it.
    • (End of dialogue)

Before having any bones

  • Depending on what you have already handed in, but do not have any:
  • Odd Old Man: Have you brought me any bones?
  • Player: Not at the moment. Can you just give me a run down on which bones I have left to get?
  • Odd Old Man: Sure.
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: You still need to bring me a Goblin bone.
  • Odd Old Man: Goblins are relatively common. I hear there is a house full of them around Lumbridge in fact.
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: You still need to bring me a Bear bone.
  • Odd Old Man: I heard that there are some Bears over by the Legends' Guild, near Ardougne.
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: You still need to bring me a Big Frog bone.
  • Odd Old Man: This might be a little tricky as you will need to go into the Lumbridge Swamp caves. You will need a light source! Never forget your light source down there!
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: You still need to bring me a Ram bone.
  • Odd Old Man: I'm sure you will be able to find a ram wherever there are sheep.
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: You still need to bring me a Unicorn bone.
  • Odd Old Man: I seem to remember that there were Unicorns south of Varrock, I think they might be there still.
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: You still need to bring me a Monkey bone.
  • Odd Old Man: Monkeys tend to live in Jungle areas, like Karamja. I think they are pretty plentiful there if I remember correctly.
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: You still need to bring me a Giant Rat bone.
  • Odd Old Man: If you can't find one in a sewer, then you might want to try looking in some caves.
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: You still need to bring me a Giant Bat bone.
  • Odd Old Man: Giant bats tend to live underground, but I have heard there are a few near the Coal Pits.
  • Odd Old Man: Did you get all that?
  • Player: Yes. I'll get right on it.
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: Don't forget to boil them in vinegar first.
  • Odd Old Man: Just chuck some logs into the pit, put the bone in the pot of vinegar and drop it onto the pot-boiler. Then light the logs and wait for the the vinegar to boil away.
  • Player: Ok, I'll remember.
  • (End of dialogue)

Handing in some bones


Trying to hand in unclean bones

Trying to hand in a bone while its in a pot of vinegar

Finishing up

  • Player: I have some bones for you.
  • Odd Old Man: Great! Let me take a look at them.
  • Odd Old Man: That's the last of them!
  • Odd Old Man: The museum will be thrilled to know I've completed the collection.
  • Player: Well I'm just glad I could help.
  • Sack: Mumblemumble
  • Odd Old Man: Well you've been a big help and no mistake.
  • Odd Old Man: I'm always on the lookout for fresh bones, so if you see some bring them right over.
  • Player: No problem, I'll be sure to bring anything you might like over if I find something.
  • Player: I can't wait to see the displays once they are finished.
  • Quest complete!
  • (End of dialogue)