Transcript:Gilbert's Colours

From Illerai

This is the current revision of this page, as edited by imported>Riblet15 at 06:51, 7 December 2022 (fill in more messages transcribed from videos. still missing some really obvious stuff, including - several intro branches - turning in less than all the colors - talking to him after the event - interacting with rainbows before and after the event). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.

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This transcript involves dialogue with Gilbert (Gilbert's Colours) and the player.

Gilbert's Colours

Talking to Gilbert

  • Gilbert: Hello, chap! Gilbert's the name. How may I help?
  • Player: Hey Gilbert, I'm [player name]! I couldn't help but notice that rainbow near you. Where did it come from?
  • Gilbert: 'Tis strange, isn't it [player name]? They appear almost anywhere in the world, I couldn't say where it came from... That being said, rainbows certainly are beautiful and aren't afraid to show their colours to the world! They fill me with such pride.
  • Select an Option
  • Say nothing.
    • Gilbert: 'Tis upsetting though. I've always wanted to show my colours like a rainbow, but I can't seem to get the ingredients I need... All of my clothing is plain.
    • (Same as below)
  • I've never thought about it like that!
    • Player: You know, I've never thought about it like that!
    • Gilbert: 'Tis upsetting though. I've always wanted to show my colours like a rainbow, but I can't seem to get the ingredients I need... All of my clothing is plain.
    • Select an Option
    • Maybe I could help in some way?
      • Player: Maybe I could help in some way?
      • Gilbert: I'm not sure how much you know about rainbows, but they have a lot of colours to show! They also have a lot of colours to share.
      • Gilbert: Sadly, some of those colours are in short supply so I'd feel bad asking you to take those.
      • Gilbert: There's six colours that are in higher supply though: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.
      • Gilbert: I can sense where rainbows are with extra strands of each of these colours...
      • Gilbert: Could you find them for me, and take some of their spare colour?
      • Select an Option
      • Sounds fun!
        • Player: Sounds fun!
        • Gilbert: Now then, [player name] - Have you got any questions for me?
        • Select an Option
        • What am I doing, again?
          • Player: What am I doing, again?
          • Gilbert: Well, I've always wanted to show my colours like a rainbow, but I can't seem to get the ingredients I need myself.
          • Gilbert: I'm able to sense the location of these rainbows in my mind, but it's always a little hazy. Feel free to ask me to sense a rainbow with extra strands of red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple!
          • (Shows previous options)
        • Why am I only gathering six colours?
          • Player: Why am I only gathering six colours?
          • Gilbert: Well we don't want to take all of the colour from the rainbows! Some have extra strands of certain colours, and those are the ones I'll direct you towards...
          • Player: But rainbows have so many colours! Surely there's some with other colours spare?
          • Gilbert: Some colours are in such short supply for every rainbow. Besides, it's the thought that counts! Even displaying a small selection of colours to others makes them feel comfortable showing theirs!
          • Player: I never thought of it like that... Thanks Gilbert!
          • Gilbert: Anytime, [player name]! Now, is there anything else I can help you with?
          • (Shows previous options)
        • Red rainbow strand hint.
          • Player: Can you tell me where I can find a rainbow with extra red strands?
          • Gilbert: I can see it...
          • Gilbert: South of my magical location, I see life! New adventurers and baldness rife.
          • (Shows previous options)
        • Orange rainbow strand hint.
          • Player: Can you tell me where I can find a rainbow with extra orange strands?
          • Gilbert: I can see it...
          • Gilbert: Beside me now, a person of healing. Those who test their luck, find this place appealing.
          • (Shows previous options)
        • Other hints.
          • Select an Option
          • Yellow rainbow strand hint.
            • Player: Can you tell me where I can find a rainbow with extra yellow strands?
            • Gilbert: I can see it...
            • Gilbert: On my face; shining sunlight. South of a dwarf whom redberries delight.
            • (Shows previous options)
          • Green rainbow strand hint.
            • Player: Can you tell me where I can find a rainbow with extra green strands?
            • Gilbert: I can see it...
            • Gilbert: Lush nature and trees are to the east. The Green strand... no orange! No, blue! No, red! Green! Argh! There's so much bickering in this area it's hard to pinpoint its location... Sorry, [player name]!
            • (Shows previous options)
          • Blue rainbow strand hint.
            • Player: Can you tell me where I can find a rainbow with extra blue strands?
            • Gilbert: I can see it...
            • Gilbert: In this area, there's a silent and artistic harmony... Ironically, north west, wizards kill newcomers effortlessly.
            • (Shows previous options)
          • Purple rainbow strand hint.
            • Player: Can you tell me where I can find a rainbow with extra purple strands?
            • Gilbert: I can see it...
            • Gilbert: The knights in this area, are full of Saradomin's spirit. On the top of this fortress, when I yell - all hear it!
            • (Shows previous options)
          • Previous hints.
            • (Shows previous-to-previous options)
      • Not right now.
        • (Transcript missing. edit)
    • I'm not someone who needs to show my colours...
      • Player: I'm not someone who needs to show my colours...
      • Gilbert: Oh, that is most upsetting.
      • Gilbert: Sometimes just showing your own colours makes other people comfortable showing theirs, you know?
      • Select an Option
      • Maybe I could help in some way?
        • (Same as above)
      • Sorry, let me think about it first.
        • (Transcript missing. edit)

Take Rainbow in Lumbridge

  • This rainbow has no spare colour to take. Gilbert may know where to find one with spare colour strands.
  • (End of dialogue)

Gathering strands

Take Rainbow (red strands)

  • If the player does not yet have the strand:
    • You take a spare Red strand from the rainbow.
  • If the player already has the strand:
    • (Transcript missing. edit)

Take Rainbow (orange strands)

  • If the player does not yet have the strand:
    • You take a spare Orange strand from the rainbow.
  • If the player already has the strand:
    • (Transcript missing. edit)

Take Rainbow (yellow strands)

  • If the player does not yet have the strand:
    • You take a spare Yellow strand from the rainbow.
  • If the player already has the strand:
    • (Transcript missing. edit)

Take Rainbow (green strands)

  • If the player does not yet have the strand:
    • You take a spare Green strand from the rainbow.
  • If the player already has the strand:
    • (Transcript missing. edit)

Take Rainbow (blue strands)

  • If the player does not yet have the strand:
    • You take a spare Blue strand from the rainbow.
  • If the player already has the strand:
    • You already have an[sic] Blue strand from this rainbow. Perhaps give Gilbert the strand, or look for the other rainbows?

Take Rainbow (purple strands)

  • If the player does not yet have the strand:
    • You take a spare Purple strand from the rainbow.
  • If the player already has the strand:
    • (Transcript missing. edit)

Checking a strand

  • If the player has not given Gilbert the red strand:
    • I still need to give Gilbert a red rainbow strand.
  • If the player has not given Gilbert the orange strand:
    • I still need to give Gilbert an orange rainbow strand.
  • If the player has not given Gilbert the yellow strand:
    • I still need to give Gilbert a yellow rainbow strand.
  • If the player has not given Gilbert the Green strand:
    • I still need to give Gilbert a Green rainbow strand.
  • If the player has not given Gilbert the blue strand:
    • I still need to give Gilbert a blue rainbow strand.
  • If the player has not given Gilbert the purple strand:
    • I still need to give Gilbert a purple rainbow strand.

Handing in the strands

Talking to Gilbert with the strands

  • If the player has the red strand:
    • You hand Gilbert a red strand of rainbow.
  • If the player has the orange strand:
    • You hand Gilbert a orange strand of rainbow.
  • If the player has the yellow strand:
    • You hand Gilbert a yellow strand of rainbow.
  • If the player has the green strand:
    • You hand Gilbert a green strand of rainbow.
  • If the player has the blue strand:
    • You hand Gilbert a blue strand of rainbow.
  • If the player has the purple strand:
    • You hand Gilbert a purple strand of rainbow.
  • If the player has not turned in all the strands:
    • (Transcript missing. edit)
  • If the player turned in all the strands:
    • Gilbert: [Player name], that's all of them! All six rainbow strands!
    • Gilbert: I can't thank you enough!
    • Player: No problem at all, Gilbert! Always happy to help. What exactly are you going to make with all those strands, anyway?
    • Gilbert: You know, [player name]. All this time I've been wanting to show my colours like a rainbow and you've made me realise something...
    • Gilbert: What you've made me realise, [player name], is that people like yourself who are willing to support those who wish to show their own colours proudly...
    • Gilbert: You're the reason I feel confident showing my colours! I want you to have this - you deserve it.
    • Gilbert crafts a rainbow scarf and embellishes it with a heart - handing it to you.
    • Player: Thank you so much for the scarf, Gilbert. It's wonderful!
    • Gilbert: It's no problem at all, [player name]. I added a little heart on the item to show my personal thanks. Thank you for your help! Wear it with pride, and let everyone know to show their own colours proudly!
    • Player: I will! Take care.
    • (End of dialogue)