Transcript:Family Pest

From Illerai

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This transcript involves dialogue with Dimintheis, Avan, Caleb, Johnathon, and the player.

Starting out

Talking to Dimintheis

  • Have you got any quests for me?
    • Player: Do you have any quests for me? I really want one. I really want to help out!
    • You murmur under your breath something about how great the rewards were last time you did a quest for Dimintheis.
    • Dimintheis: My family consider what you did for us a great service. We couldn't possibly trouble you further.
    • Player: There must be SOMETHING you need help with. I am a great adventurer after all.
    • Dimintheis: There really isn't anything, I am very content with life right now.
    • I guess money does buy happiness.
      • Player: I guess money really does buy happiness.
      • Dimintheis: What was that? I didn't quite catch that.
      • Player: Nothing...
      • (End of dialogue)
    • Oh come on, however menial, I want to help!
      • Player: Oh come on, surely there's something I can help out with! I want to help, however menial it is.
      • Dimintheis: Okay okay. Fine then. Whilst I don't have anything for you, how about you try my sons, they are always wanting something done.
      • Player: Fantastic! I'll get straight to it!
      • You smell the sweet smell of the great rewards that may soon come.
  • (Non-quest dialogue) Other

Talking to Dimintheis again

  • Family Pest
    • Dimintheis: Have you spoke to Avan, Caleb and Johnathon yet?
    • Player: Nope, not yet!
    • (End of dialogue)
  • (Non-quest dialogue) Other


Talking to Avan

  • Family Pest
    • Player: Hello there Avan, I've had a bit of spare time lately, and I was wondering whether you had anything I could help you out with, like a quest or something?
    • Avan: Honestly [player name], everything is fantastic! What you did for me and my family is amazing. My lady was very impressed with the perfect jewellery you obtained for me!
    • Player: You know, I really have a LOT of spare time right now. Anything, I will help out with anything.
    • Avan: I couldn't bring myself to trouble you any further [player name]. Thank you for everything, but I am content.
    • If Avan is not the last brother the player talks to:
      • Player: Very well, I'll go and see if your other brothers need anything...
      • The sweet smell of the great rewards that may come fades slightly.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If Avan is the last brother the player talks to:
      • Player: I do one quest for you all and it solves all of your problems? Amazing... I'll go and tell your father how happy you all are!
      • The sweet smell of the great rewards that may come has almost faded completely.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • (Non-quest dialogue) Gauntlets

Talking to Avan again

  • Family Pest
    • Player: Are you absolutely sure there is nothing I can help you out with?
    • Avan : Look, I really just want to get on with my life, your insistence on wanting another quest is getting annoying!
    • (End of dialogue)
  • (Non-quest dialogue) Other


Talking to Caleb

  • Family Pest
    • Player: Caleb! As an adventurer, I am ready to help you with whatever you need... again! What can I help you with?
    • You daydream briefly of what the rich family could offer you this time as a reward.
    • Caleb: ... and that's when I found the broken lamping stick. Maybe you could help me investigate?
    • Player: Sorry, I didn't quite catch that, my mind was erm... elsewhere.
    • Caleb: Well if you aren't going to listen to the problem, it's fine, don't worry about it. Nothing an experienced chef can't solve himself!
    • Player: I'm sorry! Please let me help.
    • Caleb: No! Not every problem in my life needs an adventurer to come solve it for me anyway. I'm happy and there's nothing else either!
    • If Caleb is not the last brother the player talks to:
      • Player: Very well, I'll go and see if your other brothers need anything...
      • The sweet smell of the great rewards that may come fades even more.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If Caleb is the last brother the player talks to:
      • Player: I do one quest for you all and it solves all of your problems? Amazing... I'll go and tell your father how happy you all are!
      • The sweet smell of the great rewards that may come has almost faded completely.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • (Non-quest dialogue) Gauntlets

Talking to Caleb again

  • Family Pest
    • Player: Are you sure there's nothing I can do, a chef can always do with help in their kitchen right?
    • Caleb: I'm a very competent cook! I do not need your assistance [player name]. Please leave me be.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • (Non-quest dialogue) Other


Talking to Johnathon

  • Family Pest
    • Player: I killed demons, I cured your poison and restored your family's honour! What can I help you with next Johnathon?
    • Johnathon: Actually, come to think of it...
    • Your eyes light up.
    • Player: Yes...
    • Johnathon: I've been having this issue. You see the lady I seek is trapped up the top of a very large tower of a very large castle, and has been for all of her life so far.
    • Johnathon: There is but one problem, a fierce dragon circles the castle, breathing fire at anyone who dares go near.
    • The sweet smell of the great rewards sweeps over you with incredible speed.
    • Player: This is sounding like a great opportunity to be heroic, shall I go get her for you?
    • Johnathon: Ha ha! You would believe anything. That was just a children's story!
    • Player: Very funny Johnathon, I can't help but laugh...
    • Player: So do you actually have any problems I can help you with?
    • Johnathon: Everything is fantastic [player name]! You adventurers really do seem to love quests, but I do not have one for you today.
    • If Johnathon is not the last brother the player talks to:
      • Player: Very well, I'll go and see if your other brothers need anything...
      • The sweet smell of the great rewards that may come fades even more.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If Johnathon is the last brother the player talks to:
      • Player: I do one quest for you all and it solves all of your problems? Amazing... I'll go and tell your father how happy you all are!
      • The sweet smell of the great rewards that may come has almost faded completely.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • (Non-quest dialogue) Gauntlets

Talking to Johnathon again

  • Family Pest
    • Player: Are you sure there's nothing I can do, perhaps even teach you about Death Rune magicks, where your skills do not live up to mine.
    • Johnathon: I find that very insulting [player name]. You do not need to remind me of your superior skills. Leave me be.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • (Non-quest dialogue) Other

Returning to Dimintheis

Talking to Dimintheis

  • Family Pest
    • Player: I have been and spoken to Avan, Caleb and Johnathon and none of them need anything from me!
    • Dimintheis: That is excellent news [player name]. It's good to hear they are doing well.
    • The sweet smell of the great rewards is a distant memory.
    • Player: Yeah... you're welcome.
    • Dimintheis: Come to think of it, there is something you can help me out with!
    • Player: Yes! I accept your quest!
    • Dimintheis: Slow down. I haven't told you what it is yet!
    • Dimintheis: I need 500,000 coins. Can you help me out with that?
    • Player: You just want coins?! Aren't you wealthy! Why do you need coins from me?
    • Dimintheis: Okay, I suppose there will be no time better than this to tell you the truth.
    • Player: Go on...
    • Dimintheis: Our family just pretends to be rich [player name]. We gave ourselves a fancy surname, pretended the gauntlets are a family heirloom and asked adventurers to solve our family issues.
    • Player: Wait, so all of this was for nothing? You just lied to me!
    • Dimintheis: No no, your work was indeed very helpful, the crest is important to us, it helps to portray that we are indeed wealthy, despite the fact we are not.
    • Dimintheis: I mean, if you were wealthy, would you live in a tiny house in the darkest corner of Varrock? Not a chance. This is your chance to do us a final favour, may I have 500,000 coins from you?
      • If the player does not have enough coins:
      • Player: I don't have enough coins on me.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • Hand Dimintheis 500,000 coins?
    • Yes
      • You hand over 500,000 coins to Dimintheis.
      • Dimintheis: Thank you very much. In appreciation, I will inform Avan, Caleb and Johnathon that you did yet another great deed for the family, and that you would find more pairs of those gauntlets useful.
      • Player: Well this didn't feel very heroic...
      • (End of dialogue)
    • Refuse
      • Player: You don't need 500,000 coins from me! I don't believe you! You can keep your rewards.
      • Dimintheis: I will be here if you change your mind.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • (Non-quest dialogue) Other

Talking to Dimintheis again before handing out the money

  • Family Pest
    • Dimintheis: I need 500,000 coins. Can you help me out with that?
    • Player: You just want coins?! Aren't you wealthy! Why do you need coins from me?
    • Dimintheis: Okay, I suppose there will be no time better than this to tell you the truth.
    • Player: Go on...
    • Dimintheis: Our family just pretends to be rich Rautapets. We gave ourselves a fancy surname, pretended the gauntlets are a family heirloom and asked adventurers to solve our family issues.
    • Player: Wait, so all of this was for nothing? You just lied to me!
    • Dimintheis: No no, your work was indeed very helpful, the crest is important to us, it helps to portray that we are indeed wealthy, despite the fact we are not.
    • Dimintheis: I mean, if you were wealthy, would you live in a tiny house in the darkest corner of Varrock? Not a chance. This is your chance to do us a final favour, may I have 500,000 coins from you?
    • Hand Dimintheis 500,000 coins?
    • Yes
      • (Same as above)
    • Refuse
      • (Same as above)
  • (Non-quest dialogue) Other

Post-miniquest dialogue


  • Player: Hello Dimintheis.
  • Dimintheis: I will not forget what you did for my family [player name]. Those 500,000 coins have allowed us to put food on the table.
  • Player: That's no problem.
  • Could I get another pair of gauntlets?
    • Player: Anyway, I was wondering if I could get more of those gauntlets?
    • Dimintheis: You may, but you'll have to ask my sons for them, unless you just want a pair of the Steel gauntlets.
    • Yes please!
      • Player: Yes, I do want a pair of steel gauntlets please.
      • Dimintheis hands you a pair of Steel gauntlets.
      • Dimintheis: Here you go.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • No thanks!
      • Player: No thanks Dimintheis.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • The gauntlets are a family heirloom?
    • Player: I thought these gauntlets were a family heirloom, how come you have several of them?
    • Dimintheis: I'm sorry for lying to you [player name], it was just all part of the ploy to make our family seem wealthy.
    • Dimintheis: They're not heirlooms at all, we have crates full of the things hidden away in the basement.
    • Player: And you still think that these are an acceptable reward for what I have done for your family?
    • Dimintheis: It's all I have to give...
    • Player: Very well, I do admit, they are useful.
    • (End of dialogue)


  • Avan: I have received word from my father that you assisted us again! I get the feeling you weren't going to stop trying until you did though.
  • Avan: As a token of my appreciation, I will happily forge you as many pairs of Goldsmith gauntlets as you desire.
  • Avan hands you a pair of Goldsmith gauntlets.
  • Avan: You will find the rate you gain experience when smelting gold much improved whilst wearing these gauntlets.
  • Player: Thank you.
  • (End of dialogue)


  • Caleb: I have received word from my father that you assisted us again! I get the feeling you weren't going to stop trying until you did though.
  • Caleb: As thanks, I'll provide you with as many pairs of Cooking gauntlets as you wish.
  • Caleb hands you a pair of Cooking gauntlets.
  • Caleb: You will find the rate you burn certain foods is much reduced whilst wearing these gauntlets.
  • Player: Thank you.
  • (End of dialogue)


  • Johnathon: I have received word from my father that you assisted us again! I get the feeling you weren't going to stop trying until you did though.
  • Johnathon: If you want, I'll provide you with as many pairs of Chaos gauntlets as you wish to say thanks!
  • Johnathon hands you a pair of Chaos gauntlets.
  • Johnathon: You will find the power of bolt spells increases substantially whilst wearing these gauntlets.
  • Player: Thank you.
  • (End of dialogue)