Standard dialogue
- Jamila: Hello there. Looking to buy some of my wares? I also have a special item in stock that I reckon you'll love!
- Show me what you have.
- Player: Show me what you have.
- Jamila: Certainly!
- (Jamila's Craft Stall interface opens.)
- What's this special item?
- Player: What's this special item?
- Jamila: Oh it's fantastic! It's an exclusive item just for you! Consider it a thank you for all you've done for our city.
- Start the Beneath Cursed Sands quest?
- Yes.
- No.
- How is business?
- Player: How is business?
- Jamila: Slow at the moment. Maybe time will make things better. Perhaps you'd like to help by buying something yourself?
- (Shows other options)
- I'm good, thanks.
- Player: I'm good, thanks.
- Jamila: Come back soon!
- (End of dialogue)