Transcript:Ali the dyer
Standard dialogue
- Player: Wow! look at this place, it's so colourful.
- Ali the dyer: Why thank you. Can I help you with anything?
- Player: I take it by the clothes you are wearing and this room that you are in the dye trade?
- Ali the dyer: How observant of you.
- Select an Option
- Could you make some dye for me please?
- Player: Can you make dyes for me please?
- Ali the dyer: What colour dye do you want? I can make you blue, red or yellow dyes for you. If you bring me the correct raw materials.
- Select an Option
- What do you need to make red dye?
- Player: What do you need to make red dye?
- Ali the dyer: Hmm.... 3 lots of redberries should do the trick and 25 coins should cover any other costs.
- Select an Option
- Okay, make me some red dye please.
- If the player has less than three redberries:
- You don't have enough berries to make the red dye.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has less than 25 coins:
- You don't have enough coins to pay for the dye.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has sufficient gold and berries:
- Player: Ok make me some red dye please.
- You hand the redberries and some coins to Rana, who then rummages around some shelves, eventually finding a red bottle, which she then hands to you.
- (Player receives some red dye.)
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has less than three redberries:
- I don't think I have all the ingredients yet.
- Player: I don't think I have all the ingredients yet.
- Ali the dyer: You know what you need to get, now come back when you have them. Goodbye for now.
- (End of dialogue)
- I can do without dye at that price.
- Player: I can do without dye at that price.
- Ali the dyer: Fair enough, I still think that the price is fairly reasonable considering that I'm the only source of dye this side of the Shantay pass.
- (End of dialogue)
- Where would I find a redberry bush?
- Player: Where would I find a redberry bush?
- Ali the dyer: Well you could try growing them. They shouldn't be too hard to grow.
- Player: If I didn't care to grow my own, where else could I get some?
- Ali the dyer: Well I know for sure that the desert climate wouldn't suit them. I have mine picked for me in the woods south of Varrock.
- (End of dialogue)
- What do you need to make yellow dye?
- Player: What do you need to make yellow dye?
- Ali the dyer: Yellow is an awkward colour to recreate, I guess if you got me 2 onions I could use their skins to make a warm yellow dye for you. Oh yes and lest I forget I'll need 25 coins to cover the cost of the glass ware and
- Ali the dyer: my wages.
- Select an Option
- Okay, make me some yellow dye please.
- If the player has less than two onions:
- You don't have enough onions to make the yellow dye.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has less than 25 coins:
- You don't have enough coins to pay for the dye.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has sufficient gold and onions:
- Player: Ok make me some yellow dye please.
- You hand two onions to Rana, who then rummages around some shelves, eventually finding a yellow bottle, which she then hands to you.
- (Player receives some yellow dye.)
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has less than two onions:
- I don't think I have all the ingredients yet.
- (Same as above)
- I can do without dye at that price.
- (Same as above)
- Where could I find some onions?
- Player: Where could I find some onions?
- Ali the dyer: Generally you would find onions in vegetable gardens, silly.
- Player: Ok you have me there but is there anywhere around here where I could get my hands on some onions?
- Ali the dyer: I really don't know. A friend of mine grows hers on a farms near Draynor village. But that's a little far from here to be useful.
- (End of dialogue)
- What do you need to make blue dye?
- Player: What do you need to make blue dye?
- Ali the dyer: To make a bottle of blue dye I'll need 2 woad leaves and 25 coins from you.
- Select an Option
- Okay, make me some blue dye please.
- If the player has less than two woad leaves:
- You don't have enough woad leaves to make the blue dye.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has less than 25 coins:
- You don't have enough coins to pay for the dye.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has sufficient gold and woad leaves:
- Player: Ok make me some blue dye please.
- You hand the woad leaves and some coins to Rana, who then rummages around some shelves, eventually finding a blue bottle, which she then hands to you.
- (Player receives some blue dye.)
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has less than two woad leaves:
- I don't think I have all the ingredients yet.
- (Same as above)
- I can do without dye at that price.
- (Same as above)
- Where can I get some woad leaves?
- Player: Where can I get some woad leaves?
- Ali the dyer: Woad leaves are fairly rare. My other customers tell me there's a gardener in Falador who grows them.
- (End of dialogue)
- On second thoughts I don't really need any dye.
- Player: On second thoughts, I don't think that I need some dye right now.
- (End of dialogue)
- How did you get into the colour business?
- Player: How did you get into the colour business?
- Ali the dyer: Well, it's quite simple really my mother was a drysalter and I learnt the trade from her.
- Player: Umm, what's a drysalter, it isn't a medical condition is it?
- Ali the dyer: No silly, it's someone who deals with preservatives and dyes. I didn't really enjoy the preservative side of things so I've chosen to deal solely in dyeing.
- Player: So how's business then?
- Ali the dyer: It's a dyeing trade! Oh gosh, I'm sorry, that was a truly dreadful joke.
- Player: Hmm yes, about the worst I've heard today at least.
- Ali the dyer: Thanks. But really, it's not the best around here, nearly everyone in this town wears only white, which means I don't exactly do a roaring trade. Now is there anything I can get you?
- Select an Option
- Could you make some dye for me please?
- (Same as above)
- No thanks, I'm just having a look around.
- Player: No thanks, I'm just having a look around.
- (End of dialogue)