Transcript:Factory Worker
Variant 1
- Player: I'm sorry, I'm looking for the blast furnace?
- Factory Worker: Do I look like a guide to you?
- Player: No, you look like a hard-working dwarf, but can you please tell me where the blast furnace is?
- Factory Worker: Alright, just head down the stairs, it's easy to find.
- Player: Thanks.
- (End of dialogue)
Variant 2
- Player: Are you okay?
- Factory Worker: Don't I look okay?
- Player: If you were any shorter you wouldn't exist.
- Factory Worker: Very funny, human.
- (End of dialogue)
Variant 3
- Player: What are you dwarves doing in this factory?
- Factory Worker: Working of course, can't you see that?
- Player: But working on what?
- Factory Worker: Refining the ore that is being brought into the factory, of course.
- Player: And what does that mean?
- Factory Worker: It means you should stop asking so many questions and get back to work!
- (End of dialogue)
Variant 4
- Player: Who owns this factory?
- Factory Worker: The Consortium does and that's all you need to know.
- Player: But what company? I thought there were all these different companies?
- Factory Worker: Oh yes, all the major companies own this plant. It's too vital to be in the hands of one company alone.
- Player: And what exactly are you doing here?
- Factory Worker: I tire of these questions. Let me get back to work!
- (End of dialogue)