Transcript:Corrupted Warrior (Bounty Hunter)
Standard dialogue
Entering Daimon's Crater for the first time
- Corrupted Warrior: Excuse me! This area is different than the rest of the Wilderness, are you sure you understand the rules?
- Corrupted Warrior: I can tell you everything you need to know, but if you're in a rush then be warned my overlords will NOT be happy if they find you to be fighting with no honour.
- Corrupted Warrior: Just don't go doing anything silly like selling your soul to your opponent else there will be big trouble!
- Buying or selling kills within Bounty Hunter is against the rules.
- Yes, I acknowledge these rules.
- (End of dialogue)
- No.
- (End of dialogue)
Daimon's Crater
- Corrupted Warrior: [How may I help you, sir/How may I help you, madam/How may I help you]?
- Select an Option
- I'd like to learn the rules of combat in this arena!
- Player: I'd like to learn the rules of combat in this arena!
- Corrupted Warrior: Sure. Which part do you want to learn?
- Select an Option
- Let's talk about Targets.
- Player: Let's talk about Targets.
- Corrupted Warrior: Sure. Upon entering the arena, you will be assigned a Target based on your combat level, and if you wish to adjust the range of potential Targets, you may do so by speaking with the Trader.
- Corrupted Warrior: If you wish to change your Target, you may skip your current one, but please note that if you skip three skulled Targets within 30 minutes, you will not be able to receive a new Target for the next 30 minutes.
- Corrupted Warrior: Additionally, it's worth mentioning that killing a player who is not your Target will not reward you with any bonuses related to Emblem or Bounty Hunter Points.
- Select an Option
- Tell me about Emblems.
- (Same as below)
- Can you explain Bounty Hunter Points to me?
- (Same as below)
- What is the Coffer for?
- (Same as below)
- How do I get bounty crates?
- (Same as below)
- Goodbye.
- Player: Goodbye.
- (End of dialogue)
- Tell me about the Emblems.
- Player: Tell me about Emblems.
- Corrupted Warrior: After defeating your Target, you may come across a tier one Emblem. Defeating another Target will level up the Emblem; the higher its tier, the greater its value.
- Corrupted Warrior: If you die while carrying an Emblem, its tier will be reduced by one. If you die with a Tier 1 emblem, you will lose the emblem.
- Corrupted Warrior: You may use Bounty Hunter Points to purchase a tier one Emblem from the Trader, or sell your own Emblem to him for Bounty Hunter Points. You can only have one Emblem at a time.
- (Shows other options)
- Can you explain Bounty Hunter Points to me?
- Player: Can you explain Bounty Hunter Points to me?
- Corrupted Warrior: You can earn Bounty Hunter Points by defeating your target or selling Emblems to the Trader. Once you have Bounty Hunter Points, you may use them to purchase rewards from the reward shop.
- (Shows other options)
- What is the Coffer for?
- Player: What is the Coffer for?
- Corrupted Warrior: To participate in Bounty Hunter, you must have a certain amount of coins in your Coffer, which varies based on your combat level. Currently you need at least [x] coins to participate.
- Corrupted Warrior: If you are unskulled and another person kills you in Bounty Hunter, [x] coins will be deducted from your Coffer and given to your killer.
- Corrupted Warrior: If you are skulled, 10,000 coins will be deducted from your Coffer and given to your killer. However, any surplus money in your Coffer will remain safe.
- Corrupted Warrior: To manage your Coffer, talk to the Trader.
- (Shows other options)
- How do I get bounty crates?
- Player: How do I get bounty crates?
- Corrupted Warrior: Well, if you want crates, you'll need to be fighting a target in the arena while having a minimum value of risked items on you. Anything you can protect, we won't count.
- Corrupted Warrior: If you meet these requirements, we'll keep track of how long you're in there for. We'll occasionally give you a bonus if you die as well.
- Corrupted Warrior: When you kill a target, if you've been in long enough, you'll get a crate. If you've been in there longer, you'll get a higer value crate.
- Corrupted Warrior: The crates don't contain anything special; just coins and supplies to help cover what you'll use in the crater.
- Corrupted Warrior: If you keep killing your target, you probably won't get many high value crates, but you'll certainly get a lot more points and Emblems instead.
- (Shows other options)
- Can you corrupt my Ancient Warrior armour?
- Player: Can you corrupt my Ancient Warrior armour?
- Corrupted Warrior: Of course. Just show me the armour and I'll get it done.
- (End of dialogue)
- Ask about Bounty Hunter Hats.
- Player: Do you know anything about Bounty Hunter hats?
- (End of dialogue)
- Without at least 1 target kill:
- Corrupted Warrior: Ah yes, you'll be able to collect them from me, once you've got some targeted kills that is.
- (End of dialogue)
- With at least 1 target kill:
- Corrupted Warrior: Ah yes! I've been told to hold onto some hats for you, for your uhm... deeds in the wilderness.
- Player: Oh wonderful, can I take a look?
- (Hat selection interface opens.)
- If the player picks a hat they are not eligible to receive:
- You need [number] target kills to claim this hat. You currently have [number].
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player picks Rogue's revenge or Hunter's honour while already having one:
- Corrupted Warrior: I'm afraid you've already got one of those hats, I can't let you have another.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player picks a hat they are eligible to receive with a full inventory:
- Corrupted Warrior: I'm afraid you've got nowhere to put a hat if I gave one to you.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player picks a hat they are eligible to receive:
- Corrupted Warrior: Here you go, enjoy!
- Ask about the EP value.
- Player: Can you tell me my current EP value?
- Corrupted Warrior: Of course. Your current EP value is [number]%.
- (End of dialogue)
Ferox Enclave
- Corrupted Warrior: [How may I help you, sir/How may I help you, madam/How may I help you]?
- Select an Option
- What is this place?
- Player: What is this place?
- Corrupted Warrior: Beyond this portal lies Daimon's Crater, a place where you'll fight other adventurers like yourself for glory and rewards.
- If the player is not on an official Bounty Hunter world:
- Corrupted Warrior: Sadly, I can't let you into Daimon's Crater right now.
- Bounty Hunter is only available on specific Bounty Hunter worlds.
- If the player is on an official Bounty Hunter world:
- Corrupted Warrior: If you step through this portal, you'll be taken to Daimon's Crater, where we've set up a lobby area for you to ready yourself for combat.
- Corrupted Warrior: If you'd like, I can explain the rules of Bounty Hunter to you.
- Select an Option
- Let's talk about Targets.
- (Same as above)
- Tell me about the Emblems.
- (Same as above)
- Can you explain Bounty Hunter Points to me?
- (Same as above)
- What is the Coffer for?
- (Same as above)
- Can I access my Bounty Hunter coffer?
- Player: Can I access my Bounty Hunter coffer?
- Corrupted Warrior: Certainly. Would you like to add or remove coins from it?
- Current coffer: [number of coins]
- Deposit coins.
- Withdraw coins.
- Ask about Bounty Hunter Hats.
- (Same as above)