Transcript:Barbarian Assault tutorial

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Introduction to the Arena

  • -- Introduction to the Arena --
  • Captain Cain: This is the Barbarian Assault arena.
  • Captain Cain: It was established as a battleground to fight a race of creatures called the 'Penance'. The Penance have been created upon this planet by the gods. You see, we have performed many dishonourable deeds over the years
  • Captain Cain: and it's for this that the gods have created these creatures on Gielinor.
  • Player: Really? How can you be sure?
  • Captain Cain: Quiet, you piteous-pool-of-black-dragon-dribble!
  • Captain Cain: We never question what is fact.
  • Captain Cain: What was I saying...?
  • Captain Cain: Oh yes, we have established this place for all to pay their debt to the gods, through combat. For this is the only true honour.
  • Player: Isn't fighting wrong?
  • Captain Cain: What...?
  • Player: Just ignore me, I don't really know what I'm saying.
  • Captain Cain: Exactly. Well, in the arena below you can fight the Penance in teams of five players and, if you make it through nine waves of these monsters, we will pit you against their Queen. You can go through these waves
  • Captain Cain: as many times as you wish.
  • (End of dialogue)

Getting Started

  • -- Getting Started --
  • Captain Cain: You will notice a ladder in the centre of this room. If you go down it you will find the briefing rooms. It's within these that you can sign up a team of four other players to enter the game with.
  • Captain Cain: Heading down the ladder...
  • Captain Cain: You will notice there are ten numbered rooms - one for each wave of Penance you can fight - so you should go and stand in the wave room that you wish to start on, so long as you have reached that level.
  • Captain Cain: There are tables within each room from which you can pick up a scroll. Simply select 'use' on this scroll, then click on another player. You need to get the signature of four other members you want in your team.
  • Captain Cain: Alternatively you can join someone else's team if they use the scroll on you.
  • Captain Cain: With a full team enlisted, add your name to the scroll by right-clicking and selecting 'Write-role', then proceed down one of the ladders to start a game. Note that you need to have 'Accept Aid' on to be signed up.
  • Captain Cain: You will also notice an additional larger room. In there, you don't have to sign up people to play with, just enter, and when there are enough people, we will start a game for you.
  • (End of dialogue)

Playing the Game

  • -- Playing the Game --
  • Captain Cain: Going down the ladder from a recruitment room, this is the arena in which you shall be fighting.
  • Captain Cain: Once you have entered the battle, your task depends on which of the four roles you have chosen: Attacker, Defender, Collector or Healer. I will explain these roles shortly.
  • Captain Cain: Each role is provided with a different piece of information in their interface. This information must be communicated to other members of your team using a horn, which we shall provide...
  • A Penance-calling horn
  • Captain Cain: The Penance use a form of telepathic communication, which one of our elders has managed to tap into and relay to anyone. You are rewarded 'Honour Points' dependant on how well you fight, which can later be
  • Captain Cain: exchanged for rewards.
  • (End of dialogue)

The Attacker Role

  • -- The Attacker Role --
  • Captain Cain: Starting the game, all players are given an icon to show what role they are playing. If you choose to be an Attacker, you will find yourself with a red symbol around your feet.
  • Captain Cain: The Attacker can use melee, ranged or magic to attack the...
  • Captain Cain: ...Penance Fighters...
  • Captain Cain: ...and the Penance Rangers.
  • Captain Cain: These monsters have an intuitive defensive system that allows them to protect against different types of attack. This is good for them, but bad for you.
  • Captain Cain: You will need to adopt one of four different fighting stances to overcome the Penance, which can be accessed via the combat menu.
  • Captain Cain: If you attack in the wrong stance, your attacks will backfire against you.
  • Captain Cain: The stance you are supposed to use will be displayed in the interface at the top right corner, next to the 'ear' icon - this is the information you last heard from the Collector.
  • Captain Cain: In this role, you are also responsible for telling the Collector what they have to do. Use the horn we give you to call out what is displayed next to the 'mouth' icon.
  • Captain Cain: So, to recap: DO what is next to the EAR icon; SHOUT out what is next to the MOUTH icon.
  • Captain Cain: Shouting out updates the other players' interfaces, so you need to make sure you regularly shout out the information next to the mouth. You will also see the current wave you are on and the role you are working
  • Captain Cain: with.
  • Captain Cain: You can get all the runes and arrows you could possibly need from the Attacker machine near the room's entrance - the machine with a red 'sword' symbol on it.
  • Captain Cain: You may want to check out the statues of the Penance Ranger and Penance Fighter near the entrance. It may give you a better idea of what you are up against when playing as an Attacker.
  • (End of dialogue)

The Defender Role

  • -- The Defender Role --
  • Captain Cain: If you're a Defender, you will find yourself with the blue symbol around your feet.
  • Captain Cain: As the Defender, you will have to stop the Penance Runners.
  • Captain Cain: These Penance Runners will start off at the far north end of the arena and make their way to the south end. This is a trick we are playing on them - luring them with the smell of their Queen - to test you.
  • Captain Cain: As the Defender, the only way to stop these Penance is to lure them towards traps on the floor. There is one each at the east and west edges of the arena.
  • Captain Cain: You can lure them with a selection of food that's available from the Defender machine near the room's entrance - the machine with a blue 'shield' symbol on it. There are different types of food that you must drop
  • Captain Cain: on the floor in their vicinity, before finally dropping a piece next to the trap.
  • Captain Cain: The type of food you are supposed to use (worms, tofu or crackers) will be displayed in the interface at the top right corner, next to the 'ear' icon. This is transmitted to you by the Healer.
  • Captain Cain: The type of food changes as the Penance Runners wisen to your tactics, and if you use the wrong food type, the Penance Runners will discover your plans and head back from where they came. In this role, you
  • Captain Cain: will also be responsible for telling the Healer the information they need. Simply use the horn we give you to call out what is next to the 'mouth' symbol.
  • Captain Cain: Unfortunately, the traps don't last forever. You must fix them with the materials to the north.
  • Captain Cain: You can also use these materials to build barricades over the cave entrances to slow down the Penance.
  • Captain Cain: Have a look at the statue of the Penance Runner near the entrance, if you want to learn a little more about these strange creatures.
  • (End of dialogue)

The Collector Role

  • -- The Collector Role --
  • Captain Cain: By choosing to be a Collector, you'll find yourself with a yellow symbol.
  • Captain Cain: In the Collector role, you must pick up eggs that are dropped by defeated Penance. You can only hold so many at a time, but you can temporarily store them in a bag that we will provide you with when you enter.
  • Collector bag
  • Captain Cain: You must then take these eggs, and load them into the launchers up on the podiums, so they can be fired at the Penance. There are three types of egg: explosive, poison and stun.
  • Captain Cain: It's not quite as simple as that, though, because you can only pick up eggs of a certain colour at a certain time. This is because they have a special defence mechanism and will explode upon being touched.
  • Captain Cain: The correct colour will be displayed in the interface at the top right corner, next to the 'ear' icon. This is communicated to you by the Attacker. You will also be responsible for telling the Attacker what type of stance
  • Captain Cain: to use, by calling out what is next to the 'mouth' icon. So, to recap: DO what is next to the EAR symbol; SHOUT what is next to the MOUTH symbol.
  • Captain Cain: I suggest you have a look at the statues of the various Penance, at the entrance to this arena. It may give you a better idea of what you'll be trying to avoid as you collect eggs, if you choose to be a Collector.
  • (End of dialogue)

The Healer Role

  • -- The Healer Role --
  • Captain Cain: By choosing to be a Healer, you will have a green circle around your feet. As a Healer, your job is to heal players and poison...
  • Captain Cain: ...the Penance healers. Look at those nasty teeth! They will heal their own kind and poison your team mates.
  • Captain Cain: You can get vials from the Healer machine near the room's entrance - the machine with a green 'star' symbol on it. These vials can be used with the nearby spring...
  • Captain Cain: fill up and create a special healing potion for use on other players.
  • Captain Cain: The dispenser also gives poisoned food that you can use on the Penance Healers. There are three kinds of this poisoned food that you can use - tofu, worms and meat.
  • Captain Cain: The type to use will be displayed on the interface at the top right, next to the 'ear' icon, which is communicated to you by the Defender. You will also be responsible for telling the Defender which type of food they should be
  • Captain Cain: using, by calling out with the horn what is next to the 'mouth' icon. So, to recap: DO what is next to the EAR icon; SHOUT what is next to the MOUTH icon.
  • Captain Cain: Along the bottom you will see the names of the other players and the state of their health. Keep this in mind and watch out for players that shout for your help.
  • Captain Cain: It'd be a good idea for you to take a look at the statue of the Penance Healer near the entrance. It should help you better understand what you would have to do should you choose the role of Healer.
  • (End of dialogue)

Extra Information

  • -- Extra Information --
  • Captain Cain: Other than performing the task of your role, there are two other things you can do.
  • Captain Cain: There are two egg launchers in the arena. These are stocked up by the Collector, but can be fired by anyone. Simply click on the launcher, select the type of monster you want to fire at and the egg you want to
  • Captain Cain: fire (assuming there are eggs of that type loaded).
  • Captain Cain: You will also spot a rather large horn in the corner of the arena.
  • Captain Cain: Anyone can use this to shout out information to people in the arena. Using the horn, you will be shown an interface that will display all the information you need to know.
  • Captain Cain: So, you will battle through the waves in your given role, earning Honour Points.
  • Captain Cain: You will notice these blackboards dotted around. You can use these to view your progress as a soldier. You can battle through these waves as many times as you wish.
  • Captain Cain: Also, should you want, there is a bank chest to allow you to stow away any items you don't need while in battle.
  • Captain Cain: Let me get something clear. At the start of the First Age, the mighty Guthix placed deposits of runes all around Gielinor for people to use. But this gift simply wasn't enough for some people, and they greedily
  • Captain Cain: started crafting their own runes.
  • Captain Cain: We believe in only using those runes that were given to us in the first place. We have one such depository of runes that we have used ever since Guthix's kindness. We won't allow you to use runes that are no doubt
  • Captain Cain: created by yourself or some other greedy runecrafter!
  • Captain Cain: We also won't let you use any prayers - there is no time to pray! Arrows, too, are provided in the arena, so you had better leave them behind.
  • (End of dialogue)

The Final Battle

  • -- The Final Battle --
  • Captain Cain: On the tenth wave you will face the final battle. The dungeon you are placed in is slightly different from the other waves, but you can still perform your normal tasks within the roles of Attacker, Defender, Collector
  • Captain Cain: and Healer.
  • Captain Cain: After a certain amount of time you will see the deadly Penance Queen. At this point you will need to remove all the other Penance from the room before you can go about tackling the Queen. Hence, it's best to get rid of
  • Captain Cain: the normal Penance as fast as possible.
  • Captain Cain: With the Queen, your task will change. The Queen lays a new type of egg - a yellow egg!
  • A yellow Penance Queen egg.
  • Captain Cain: The Queen can't be beaten by normal combat or by normal eggs and hence, it is up to you as a team to change these yellow eggs into omega eggs.
  • An omega egg!
  • Captain Cain: The omega eggs can then be launched from the egg launcher back at the Queen!
  • Captain Cain: The egg will need to be passed from one person to the next, each person doing something to the egg to prepare it and make it into an omega egg.
  • Captain Cain: I shall go through each role to tell you what you will be responsible for. This is a lot to take in but don't worry, I will provide you with a book that will remind you of your task.
  • Captain Cain: As the Collector, you must pick up the yellow eggs and pass them to the Healer. This you can do by simply selecting 'use' on the egg and then selecting the Healer. You will also have to take the omega eggs from the
  • Captain Cain: Defender and load them into the launcher.
  • Captain Cain: As the Healer, you will be taking the yellow eggs from the Collector...
  • Captain Cain: ...and dipping them in the poison pools to create a poisoned yellow egg, before passing them onto the Attacker.
  • Captain Cain: As the Attacker, you will be taking the poisoned yellow eggs from the Healer...
  • Captain Cain: ...then attaching spikes, which you can break off from these mushrooms, before passing them on to the Defender.
  • Captain Cain: As the Defender, you will be taking the spiked, poisoned yellow eggs from the Attacker...
  • Captain Cain: ...then heating them up in the lava to create an omega egg, before passing it onto the Collector who can then load the egg into the launcher.
  • Captain Cain: Then you can fire the egg at the Queen. Just repeat until she dies.
  • Captain Cain: Again, don't worry, you will be given a book to remind you of these tasks.
  • Captain Cain: So, would you like a book to remind you of your role?
  • If the player does not have enough space in their inventory:
    • Player: I don't have enough space to carry one.
    • Captain Cain: Well, you can come back and get one from me at any time.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • Select an Option
  • Yes please.
    • Captain Cain gives you the book.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • No thanks.
    • Captain Cain: You may regret that, but remember you can come back and get one from me at any time.
    • (End of dialogue)


  • -- Rewards --
  • Captain Cain: At the end of each wave of Penance you will be presented with a score sheet, which will inform you of how you performed as a team and how you performed as an individual.
  • Captain Cain: You will be rewarded Honour Points for each individual role (Attacker, Defender, Collector or Healer). You can then spend these Honour Points as you wish with Commander Connad, who you will find in this entrance
  • Captain Cain: hall. The points you earn in the waves are dependant on how you perform, with a variety of factors counted towards it. You can see all these factors at the end of the wave and, hence, it is worth noting for future
  • Captain Cain: attempts.
  • Captain Cain: You can unlock special rewards for killing the Penance Queen. You should also take note that there is a maximum of 5000 Honour Points that you can save in each role before you have to go and spend them.
  • Captain Cain: That's all I can tell you! You're ready to start your career, soldier!
  • Player: Sir! Thank you, sir!
  • Captain Cain: Feel free to return to me at any time to repeat any of the training. It doesn't hurt to make sure you are totally clear on what you have to do.
  • (End of dialogue)