Standard dialogue
Before having started The Ribbiting Tale of a Lily Pad Labour Dispute
- Player: Hello!
- Marcellus: You! I bet you're with them!
- Player: Them?
- Marcellus: The frogs!
- Start The Ribbiting Tale of a Lily Pad Labour Dispute quest?
- Yes.
- Player: Frogs? What are you on about?
- Marcellus: Ah, I see. So you're going to play dumb are you? Well I won't fall for your lies!
- Player: I promise I have no idea what you're on about. If you explain, maybe I can help you?
- Marcellus: It's those frogs on the other side of the oasis! They're out to get us! All of us! If someone doesn't kill them all, we'll be living our lives as their slaves!
- Player: I see... How about I head over there and take a look?
- Marcellus: You want to go near them? Well then you're a fool! I will watch from a safe distance as they dine on your corpse!
- The Ribbiting Tale of a Lily Pad Labour Dispute quest is started.
- Player: Okay then... Well provided that doesn't happen, I'll be back shortly to let you know what I've found.
- (End of dialogue)
- No.
- Player: I think I'm just going to go now. You clearly have some... issues that you need to get on top of.
- Marcellus: That's it! You walk away! Just remember, I know the truth!
- (End of dialogue)
Note: For dialogue during the quest, see Transcript of The Ribbiting Tale of a Lily Pad Labour Dispute
Once, after completing The Ribbiting Tale of a Lily Pad Labour Dispute
- Marcellus: Hello again. You helped forge my alliance with the frogs against those disgusting flies. Please feel free to use my farming patch in return. It's the least I can do.
- Continues as below