Transcript:Stone chest (House on the Hill)
Searching the chest
- It looks like the hole in the front of this locked chest exactly the size of a numulite.
- If the player has numulite with them:
- Insert a numulite into the hole?
- Yes, insert a numulite.
- If the player has less than 100 numulite in their inventory:
- Player: Perhaps I should have brought some more numulites with me.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has at least 100 numulite in their inventory:
- (Same as below)
- If the player has less than 100 numulite in their inventory:
- No, keep my numulites!
- (End of dialogue)
Subsequent searches after attempting to open the chest
- If the player has less than 100 numulite in their inventory:
- Player: Perhaps I should have brought some more numulites with me.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has at least 100 numulite in their inventory:
- Insert 100 numulites into the hole?
- Yes, insert 100 numulites.
- If the player receives a scribbled note:
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player receives a partial note:
- If the player receives an ancient note:
- If the player receives an ancient writings:
- If the player receives a experimental note:
- If the player receives a paragraph of text:
- If the player receives a musty smelling note:
- If the player receives a hastily scrawled note:
- If the player receives a old writing:
- If the player receives a short note:
- If the player takes damage:
- The numulites seem to rattle louder and a spike shoots out of the hole, stabbing you.
- Player: Ow!
- If nothing happens
- The numulites seem to clunk hollowly and nothing happens to the chest.
- If the player were to receive a note but already has them all:
- Player: Hmm, maybe I have all the old notes now.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player receives a scribbled note:
- Don't waste numulites!
- (End of dialogue)