Transcript:Prince Itzla Arkan
Before starting The Heart of Darkness
- Prince Itzla Arkan: Nilsal, [player name].
- Player: Hey, Itzla. How are things going?
- Prince Itzla Arkan: Father should make a full recovery, though given that his would-be killers are still out there, that's not anywhere near as much comfort as it should be.
- Prince Itzla Arkan: I've sent word to mother about what happened here, but I've not heard back yet. However, in the meantime, I've devised a little plan for how we might go about dealing with our cultist problem.
- If the player does not meet all of the requirements:
- (Transcript missing. edit)
- If the player meets all of the requirements:
- Start The Heart of Darkness quest?
- Yes.
- Player: What is it?
- Prince Itzla Arkan: We're going to go... undercover!
- Player: Undercover? What do you mean?
- Prince Itzla Arkan: The Twilight Emissaries of course! If they are the ones responsible for what is now two attempts on my father's life, their deaths will be swift and brutal.
- Prince Itzla Arkan: However, given we're somewhat civilised people, we can't exactly start executing cultists without definitive proof. How do we get that? By joining up of course!
- Player: You want us to join the cult?
- Prince Itzla Arkan: Exactly! Quite a clever plan, if I do say so myself.
- Player: Right...
- Guard: Prepare for the arrival of Queen Zyanyi Arkan!
- Prince Itzla Arkan: Ah... This should be fun.
- (End of dialogue)
- No.
- Player: I'd love to hear it, but I have some things I need to do first.
- Prince Itzla Arkan: Very well. I'll be here when you're ready.
- (End of dialogue)