Mage Arena I/Quick guide
Start point | Speak to Kolodion at the Mage Arena bank located in level 53 Wilderness. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="4718" x="2538" zoom="2" mapID="-1">
{"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2538.5,4716.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":" X/Y: 2538,4716 ","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink> |
Official difficulty | Experienced |
Official length | Short |
Description | Unknown edit |
Requirements |
Items required |
Recommended |
Enemies to defeat | Kolodion in the form of a Black Demon (level 112) |
Ironman concerns |
Warning: This quest requires travel to the deep, level 56 Wilderness. Caution must be taken not only getting to the arena but also during the miniquest. Player-killers are able to attack you while you are doing the minigame fight. |
League notes | Wilderness✓ - location requirement |
Beware: caution must be taken not only getting to the Mage arena but also during the miniquest. PKers are able to attack you while you are fighting Kolodion.
- Travel to the Mage Arena bank.
- If using the Edgeville or Ardougne levers, bring something to slash the web with and bring nothing or low-risk items, and go to the Mage Arena bank located in level 53 Wilderness.
- If available, using Ice Plateau (53 Wilderness) or Ghorrock Teleports (45 Wilderness) are other quick methods of travel.
- Gear up in low-risk items in preparation for the fight, which will take place in deep Wilderness.
- Talk to Kolodion at the Mage Arena bank. (Warning: You will be teleported into the arena which is in level 54 wilderness.)
- Kill Kolodion's 5 forms. (Note: You may safespot Kolodion by trapping him behind a skeleton within the arena.)
- Step-into Sparkling pool north-east.
- Go north and pray-at the Statue of Saradomin, Guthix, or Zamorak.
- Pick up the corresponding Saradomin, Guthix, or Zamorak cape.
- Go south and talk to the Chamber Guardian to receive the corresponding Saradomin, Guthix, or Zamorak staff.
- Step-into Sparkling pool south.
- Talk to Kolodion.
- Congratulations, miniquest complete!
One of the following god staves:
Saradomin staff Guthix staff Zamorak staff.
And one of the following god capes:
Saradomin cape Guthix cape Zamorak cape.
After the quest, you can get multiple copies of any cape by entering the pool in Mage Arena bank and praying at a chosen statue again.