Illerai:Lua/Helper modules
This is a table of modules and functions that were created specifically for facilitating the creation of other modules. Documentation for modules here is done in the source code with Template:Helper module.
Module | Function | Type | Use |
Addcommas | _add(arg) | Number | Formats the number arg with commas |
_strip(arg) | Number | Removes all commas from arg | |
Array | all( arr, [fn] ) | arr: any[] fn?: any -> boolean | Behaviour depends on the value of fn :
any( arr, [fn] ) | arr: any[] fn?: any -> boolean | Behaviour depends on the value of fn :
| |
clean( arr ) | arr: any[] -> any[] | Recursively removes all metatables. | |
clone( arr, [deep] ) | arr: any[] deep?: boolean -> any[] | Make a copy of the input table. Preserves metatables. | |
contains( arr, val ) | arr: any[] val: any -> boolean | Check if arr contains val . | |
containsAny( arr, t ) | arr: any[] t: any[] -> boolean | Check if arr contains any of the values in the table t . | |
containsAll( arr, t ) | arr: any[] t: any[] -> boolean | Check if arr contains all values in the table t . | |
convolve( x, y ) | x: number[] y: number[] -> number[] | Convolute two number arrays. | |
condenseSparse( arr ) | arr: any[] -> any[] | Remove nil values from arr while preserving order. | |
count( arr, fn ) | arr: any[] fn: any -> integer | Behaviour depends on value of val :
| |
diff( arr, [order|1] ) | arr: number[] order?: number -> number[] | Differentiates arr . The length of the result is #arr - order long. | |
each( arr, fn ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any, i?: integer) | Loops over the array part of arr and passes each element as the first argument to fn . This function returns nothing. | |
filter( arr, fn ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any, i?: integer): boolean -> any[] | Makes a copy of arr with only elements for which fn returned true. | |
find( arr, fn, [default] ) | arr: any[] fn: any default?: any -> any?, integer? | Behaviour depends on the value of fn :
| |
find_index( arr, fn, [default] ) | arr: any[] fn: any default?: any -> integer? | Behaviour depends on the value of fn :
| |
get( arr, indexes ) | arr: any[] indexes: integer|integer[] -> any[] | Extracts a subset of arr . | |
int( arr, [start|1], [stop|#arr] ) | arr: number[] start?: number stop?: number -> number[] | Integrates arr from index start to stop . Effectively does . | |
intersect( arr1, arr2 ) | arr1: any[] arr2: any[] -> any[] | Returns an array with elements that are present in both tables. | |
intersects( arr1, arr2 ) | arr1: any[] arr2: any[] -> boolean | Checks if the two inputs have at least one element in common. | |
insert( arr, val, [index], [unpackVal] ) insert( arr, val, [unpackVal] ) | arr: any[] val: any index?: integer unpackVal?: boolean -> any[] | Inserts values into arr . If val is an array and unpackVal is true then the individual elements of val are inserted. index is the location to start the insertion. Default is at the end of arr . | |
last( arr ) | arr: any[] -> any | Returns the last element of arr . | |
len( arr ) | arr: any[] -> integer | Returns the length of the array but it also works on proxy arrays like mw.loadData or mw.loadJsonData. | |
map( arr, fn ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any, i?: integer): any -> any[] | Returns a new table were each element of arr is modified by fn . | |
max_by( arr, fn ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any): any -> any, integer | Find the element for which fn returned the largest value. The returned value of fn needs to be comparable using the < operator. Returns three values: The element with the largest fn value, its fn result, and its index. | |
max( arr ) | arr: any[] -> any, integer | Find the largest value in the array. The values need to be comparable using the < operator. Returns two values: the element and its index. | |
min( arr ) | arr: any[] -> any, integer | Find the smallest value in the array. The values need to be comparable using the < operator. Returns two values: the element and its index. | |
new( [arr|{}] ) | arr?: any[] -> any[] | Turn the input table into an Array. This makes it possible to use the colon : operator to access the Array methods. It also enables the use of math operators with the array.
local x ={ 1, 2, 3 }
local y = arr{ 4, 5, 6 } -- Alternative notation
mw.logObject( -x ) --> { -1, -2, -3 }
mw.logObject( x + 2 ) --> { 3, 4, 5 }
mw.logObject( x - 2 ) --> { -1, 0, 1 }
mw.logObject( x * 2 ) --> { 2, 4, 6 }
mw.logObject( x / 2 ) --> { 0.5, 1, 1.5 }
mw.logObject( x ^ 2 ) --> { 1, 4, 9 }
mw.logObject( x + y ) --> { 5, 7, 9 }
mw.logObject( x .. y ) --> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
mw.logObject( (x .. y):reject{3, 4, 5} ) --> { 1, 2, 6 }
mw.logObject( x:sum() ) --> 6
mw.logObject( x:update( {1, 3}, y:get{2, 3} * 2 ) ) --> { 10, 2, 12 } | |
newIncrementor( [start|1], [step|1] ) | start?: number step?: number -> Incrementor | Returns a new incrementor function. Every time this incrementor function is called it returns a number step higher than the previous call. The current value can be obtained with inc.n or set inc.n = number where inc is an incrementor function. The step size can be changed with inc.step = number . | |
range( stop ) range( start, stop, [step|1] ) | start: number stop: number step?: number -> number[] | Returns a table containing a sequence of numbers from start to stop (both inclusive if ints, end-exclusive if floats) by step . range(4) produces {1, 2, 3, 4} (start defaults to 1 ). range(0, 4) produces {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} . When step is given, it specifies the increment (or decrement). | |
reduce( arr, fn, [accumulator|arr[1]] ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any, acc: any, i?: integer): any accumulator?: any -> any | Condenses the array into a single value.
For each element If no local t = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
local sum = arr.reduce( t, function(elem, acc) return acc + elem end ) -- sum == 10 | |
reject( arr, val ) | arr: any[] val: any -> any[] | Make a copy off arr with certain values removed.
Behaviour for different values of
| |
rep( val, n ) | val: any n: number -> any[] | Returns a table with n copies of val. | |
scan( arr, fn, [accumulator|arr[1]] ) | arr: any[] fn: fun(elem: any, acc: any, i?: integer): any accumulator?: any -> any[] | Condenses the array into a single value while saving every accumulator value.
For each element If no local t = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
local x = arr.scan( t, function(elem, acc) return acc + elem end ) -- x = { 1, 3, 6, 10 } | |
set( arr, indexes, values ) | arr: any[] indexes: integer|integer[] values: any|any[] -> any[] | Update a range of index with a range of values.
If if only one value is given but multiple indexes than that value is set for all those indexes. Ifvalues is a table then it must of the same length as indexes . | |
slice( arr, [start|1], [stop|#arr] ) slice( arr, stop ) | arr: any[] start?: number stop?: number -> any[] | Returns a table containing all the elements of arr between the start and stop indices. The start and stop indices are inclusive. If start or stop are negative values then they are referenced to the end of the table. | |
split( arr, index ) | arr: any[] index: number -> any[], any[] | Split arr into two arrays. Retuns two tables. The first contains elements from [1, index], and the second from [index + 1, #arr]. | |
sum( arr ) | arr: number[] -> number | Returns the sum of all elements of arr . | |
take( arr, count, [start|1] ) | arr: any[] count: number start?: number -> any[] | Extract a subtable from arr of count elements long starting from the start index. | |
take_every( arr, n, [start|1], [count|#arr] ) | arr: any[] n: integer start?: integer count?: integer -> any[] | Extract a subtable from arr .
local t = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }
local x = arr.take_every( t, 2 ) --> x = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }
local x = arr.take_every( t, 2, 3 ) --> x = { 3, 5, 7, 9 }
local x = arr.take_every( t, 2, 3, 2 ) --> x = { 3, 5 } | |
unique( arr, [fn] ) | arr: any[] fn?: fun(elem: any): any -> any[] | Return a new table with all duplicates removed. fn is an optional function to generate an id for each element. The result will then contain elements that generated unique ids. The order of first occurance is preserved. | |
zip( ... ) | ...any[] -> any[][] | Combine elements with the same index from multiple arrays.
local x = {1, 2, 3}
local y = {4, 5, 6, 7}
local z = x, y ) --> z = { { 1, 4 }, { 2, 5 }, { 3, 6 }, { 7 } } | |
Chart data | _main( args ) | table/chart | Turns a table/chart object into a json string. |
convertToXYFormat( ys, [xs|{}] ) | table, table | Converts the ys array into an array of {x = n, y = y[n]} tables. If xs is already partially filled it will use {x = x[n], y = y[n]} until all values in xs are used, then it will use {x = n, y = y[n]} again for the remaining values in ys . | |
generateXYFromFunc( func, start_x, end_x, [step|1] ) | function, number, number, number | Returns an array of {x = n, y = fun(n)} tables where n ranges from start_x to end_x in step increments. Be careful when using decimal step values as floating point error can cause the generator to stop one element too soon. | |
jagexInterpolation( low_chance, high_chance, start_level, end_level ) | number, number, number, number | ||
newChart( [options] ) | table | Returns a new chart object. options is a table with options in the Chart.js format. Most options will be set automatically or will be set later with other functions if not already defined. Usually all you need to define here is the chart type e.g. newChart{ type = 'scatter' } . Check the modules documentation for more info. | |
chart:addDataSets( ... ) | table/dataSet object | Appends all given data sets to the table. | |
chart:addDataLabels( labels ) | table | Appends all items in labels to the table. | |
chart:setDimensions( width, [height|width], [minWidth|400], [minHeight|400], [resizable|false] ) | number/string, number/string, number/string, number/string, boolean | Sets the dimensions of the chart. If a number is given to width , height , minWidth and minHeight it will be assumed you meant pixels. You can also use strings like 100% to fill the available space, 40vw /40vh to dynamically scale the simensions to the viewport size (i.e. 40vw = 40% of browser's window width). If resizable is true, the chart can be dragged by the lower right corner to change its size. | |
chart:setTitle( [text|nil], [position|'top'] ) | string, string | Sets the label title of the chart. A value of nil will remove the current title. | |
chart:setXLabel( [label|nil] ) | string | Sets the label for the x axis. Only works on chart types 'line', 'bar', 'horizontalBar', 'bubble' and 'scatter'. If used without arguments it will remove the current label. | |
chart:setYLabel( [label|nil] ) | string | Sets the label for the y axis. Only works on chart types 'line', 'bar', 'horizontalBar', 'bubble' and 'scatter'. If used without arguments it will remove the current label. | |
chart:setXLimits( [min|nil], [max|nil], [step|nil] ) | number, number, number | Sets the start, stop and step size of the x axis. Any argument with a value of nil will remove that setting. Only works on chart types 'horizontalBar', 'bubble' and 'scatter'. | |
chart:setYLimits( [min|nil], [max|nil], [step|nil] ) | number, number, number | Sets the start, stop and step size of the y axis. Any argument with a value of nil will remove that setting. Only works on chart types 'line', 'bar', 'bubble' and 'scatter'. | |
chart:setRadialLimits( [min|nil], [max|nil], [step|nil] ) | number, number, number | Sets the start, stop and step size of the r axis on polar plots. Any argument with a value of nil will remove that setting. Only works on chart types 'radar' and 'polarArea'. | |
chart:setXAxisType( [type|nil] ) | string | Sets the axis type. Supported values are 'linear', 'logarithmic', 'category' and 'time'. If called without arguments it will reset back to the default value 'linear'. Only works on chart types 'bubble', 'scatter' and 'horizontalBar'. | |
chart:setYAxisType( [type|nil] ) | string | Same as chart:setXAxisType() but for the y axis. Only works on chart types 'line', 'bubble', 'scatter' and 'bar'. | |
chart:setOptions( options ) | table | Sets options using Chart.js format but makes sure you only change the given settings and not accidentally delete already existing settings. i.e. using chart:setOptions{ options = {scales = {ticks = {max = 100}}} } while {options = {scales = {ticks = {min = 0}}}} already exists will result in {options = {scales = {ticks = {min = 0, max = 100}}}} . | |
chart:makeMwLoadDataCompatible() | N/A | Strips metatables so that it can be loaded by mw.loadData() making it possible to display the table using {{Chart data|<module name>}} . This should only be used at the very end when you are done creating your chart. | |
chart:newDataSet( [options] ) | table | Returns a new dataSet object which is also automatically added to the chart datasets table. | |
dataSet:addData( data ) | table | Appends the values of data to the already existing data stored in the array. Using = data will overwrite any stored data. | |
dataSet:addDataPoint( data ) | number/table | Append a single value to the array. Same as table.insert(, data ) . | |
dataSet:setOptions( options ) | table | Sets options using Chart.js format. | |
Clean image | clean(args) | string | Input args is a table with fields:
Coins | _amount(coins) | Number | Returns a formatted string with a coins icon and the amount of coins. See Template:Coins for examples. |
CoinsGE | _main(item) | String | Returns a formatted string with a coins icon and the amount of coins the item is worth in GE. See Template:CoinsGE for examples. |
Combat level | _calc(attack, strength, defence, ranged, magic, hitpoints, prayer) | Number, String, Table | Returns three values:
Currency Image | (name, quantity) | String | Identifies the proper filename to use for each respective currency type, including if different images apply for differing amounts.
quantity is a number, or comma-separated string of numbers, the maximum of which will be used. |
Currency | _amount(num, type) | string | Takes the number and formats it with the currency type (coins, nocoins). |
DPLlua | ask( ... ) | tables | ask takes a series of tables each containing the settings for a DPL query; it will return the same number of result tables as input tables. All formatting settings are stripped from the config. If the config does not contains include , the result will be a simple list of page names.
{ <pagename#1>, <pagename#2>, <pagename#3>, } A query with an { ['include'] = { ['template#1'] = { [1] = val#1, [2] = val#2, ['param1'] = val#3, ['param2'] = val#4, }, ['template#2'] = { [3] = val#5, ['param1'] = val#6, }, ['%0'] = val#7 }, ['title'] = <pagename> } You can also do If the config value The output contains a If the DPL throws an error it will be available in the Differences with normal DPL:
|notcategory = val#1 |notcategory = val#2Note of warning, if you include content containing § symbols the result may be unreliable. If you include a whole template (e.g. include = '{some template}' ), content inside strip markers (not nowiki) can't be cleaned up inside lua so pipe characters (| ) will be replaced with § characters and the { and } characters are replaced by ❴ (U+2774) and ❵ (U+2775). Use include = '{some template}, {some template}:1:2:3' instead for the problem parameters. |
Edit button | (text, page) | string, string | Creates an edit button for page . page defaults to the current page that the module is invoked ontext defaults to "edit" |
FetchItemStats | defaultVersion(pagename) | String, String | Returns a string of the default version (format: Pagename#Versionname ) that can be used for further SMW searches. Also returns a wikilink to the matched page name (following redirects from the given pagename , as the second return value. |
value(item_smwname) | Number | Returns the item value for either the specified SMW version (if the given name links to a specific item), or the version that is shown on the page by default (the same version as returned by defaultVersion . | |
equipmentStats( | { Table1, Table2, ... } | Fetches all item stats for a list of given SMW names. If an ambiguous item name is given anywhere in this list (i.e. one that has different versions), this function will not automatically pick the one that would otherwise be chosen by defaultVersion . A specific SMW name needs to be entered for this function.
Sort keys and sort orders may be provided as optional second and third arguments. No custom sorting will be applied if these arrays are empty or Possible sorting orders are: 'ascending', 'asc', 'descending', 'desc', 'reverse', 'random' and 'rand'. The returned stats are formatted as a Table containing a single Table for each of the items, in the order given by the sort keys, or the default SMW sorting. The stats that are returned in each of these Tables are: { astab = 'Stab attack bonus', aslash = 'Slash attack bonus', acrush = 'Crush attack bonus', amagic = 'Magic attack bonus', arange = 'Range attack bonus', dstab = 'Stab defence bonus', dslash = 'Slash defence bonus', dcrush = 'Crush defence bonus', dmagic = 'Magic defence bonus', drange = 'Range defence bonus', str = 'Strength bonus', mdmg = 'Magic Damage bonus', rstr = 'Ranged Strength bonus', prayer = 'Prayer bonus', weight = 'Weight', image = 'Image', subobj = 'Has subobject' } | |
Mainonly | _main(arg) | Any value | If the module is invoked in the content namespace, it will return arg, otherwise, it will return an empty string |
on_main() | N/A | Returns true if invoked in the content namespace, otherwise false | |
MergeArgs | merge | Frame | Merges the parent and frame args returning a table containing the arg values instead of an empty table with an attached metatable. Parent args overwrite invoke args allowing invoke args to be used as a "default" value for an argument. |
Mw.html extension | addClassIf(cond, class) | boolean, string | If cond = true it behaves the same as the normal addClass function, otherwise it's a no-op. Ex.: mw.html.create('div'):addClassIf(true, 'align-left-1') |
attrIf(cond, name, value) | boolean, string/table, string/nil | Similar to addClassIf | |
cssIf(cond, name, value) | boolean, string/table, string/nil | Similar to addClassIf | |
doneIf(cond) | boolean | Similar to addClassIf | |
tagIf(cond, tag) | boolean, string | Similar to addClassIf | |
wikitextIf(cond, text) | boolean, string | Similar to addClassIf | |
na() | N/A | Shortcut for :tag('td'):attr('data-sort-value', 0):attr('class','table-na'):wikitext('<small>N/A</small>'):done() | |
naIf(cond) | boolean | Similar to addClassIf | |
tr([settings]) | table/nil | Shortcut for :tag('tr') but also auto closes the previous 'tr', 'th' or 'td' tag (so you don't need to add :done() before it). settings is a table with keys:
| |
th([settings]) | string/table/nil | Shortcut for :tag('th'):wikitext(settings) if settings is a string. Also auto closes the previous 'th' or 'td' tag. settings can also be a table with keys:
| |
td([settings]) | string/table/nil | Same as :th() . Example:
local tbl = mw.html.create('table')
tbl:tr{ class='sortable' }
:th{'foo', attr={'data-sort-type', 'number'}}
:attr('data-sort-value', 10)
:td{'N/A', class='table-na'} | |
IF(cond) | boolean | Allows for if-blocks without breaking the chain. If the condition is true it is a no-op, if false everything inside the balanced IF-END block will be ignored. Can be nested. Ex.:
:wikitext('Conditional text')
:... Note: This only prevents elements from being added to your html object, it does not protect against statements that throw errors. I.e mw.html.create('div')
:wikitext(5 * nil) -- This will still throw an error
:END() | |
ELSEIF(cond) | boolean | Used together with IF() . | |
ELSE() | N/A | Used together with IF() . | |
END() | N/A | Used together with IF() . Make sure the IF-END tags are balanced, it wont throw an error if they are not. | |
exec(func, ...) | function, any | Call a function without breaking the chain. See module docs for more info. | |
addFunction(func, name) | function, string | Add a function to the mw.html class that can then be used on mw.html object. See module docs for more info. | |
Number | _round(num, dp) | float, int | Rounds num to a precision given by dp , if dp is not specified, it defaults to zero. Rounds half up. |
_short(str) | String | Convert numbers ending in k, m or b to the actual correct number. Example: 3.5k -> 3500 | |
PageListTools | pageswithcats(cats, [logging]) | table, boolean/nil | Returns a list of pages with the specified categories. Uses SMW. Each entry can consist of several categories AND-ed together with ' '. |
pageswithconditions(conditions, [logging]) | string, boolean/nil | Returns a list of pages that satisfies the given SMW conditions. | |
pagelistchecks(pages, [logging]) | table, boolean/nil | Given a list of pages, this function returns lists of pages that are either non-existing (invalid), redirects or duplicates. | |
pageswithcatsdpl(cats, [logging]) | table, boolean/nil | Returns a list of pages with the specified categories. Uses DPL. Each entry can consist of several categories AND-ed together with '&'. | |
pageswithconditionsdpl(conditions, [logging]) | table, boolean/nil | Returns a list of pages that satisfies the given DPL conditions. | |
Paramtest | is_empty(arg) | String | Returns true if arg is not defined or contains only whitespace |
has_content(arg) | String | Returns true if arg exists and does not only contain whitespace | |
default_to(arg1,arg2) | String, Any value | If arg1 exists and does not only contain whitespace, the function returns arg1, otherwise returns arg2 | |
defaults{ {arg1,arg2},...} | {String, Any value}... | Does the same as default_to() run over every table passed; for technical reasons, all nil are replaced with false | |
Quantity box | _main(quantity) | String | Takes inputs and gives outputs like Template:Quantity box. See the template documentation for more info. |
Rgba | new( red, [green|0], [blue|0], [alpha|1] ) new( hex ) | number/string, number/nil, number/nil, number/nil | Returns a new rgba object. Values red , green and blue are in the range 0-255; alpha is 0-1. It is also possible to give a hex string e.g. #112233 or #11223344 .
When converted to a string with tostring( rgba ) it will return a string in the form rgba(r,b,g,a) where r, g, b and a are filled in with numbers. |
rgba:lighten( val ) | number | Returns a new rgba object with its brightness changed. 1 is no change, 0 is complete black, 2 is double brightness, 1.1 is 10% more, 0.5 is halve, etc. | |
rgba:darken( val ) | number | Returns a new rgba object with its brightness changed. 1 is no change, 0 is complete white, 2 is halve brightness, 1.1 is 10% darker, 0.5 is double brightness, etc. | |
rgba:hueRotate( num ) | number | Returns a new rgba object with its hue num degrees rotated. Decimal values are allowed. | |
rgba:saturate( val ) | number | Returns a new rgba object with its saturation changed. 1 is no change, 0 is greyscale, 2 is double saturation, 1.5 is 50% more, etc. | |
rgba:fade( val ) | number | Returns a new rgba object with its alpha value set to val . val is clipped to the range 0-1. | |
rgba:clone() | N/A | Returns a copy with the same values. | |
SCP | _main(skill, level, link, sort) | String | Takes inputs and gives outputs like Template:SCP. See the template documentation for more info. |
Static | n/a | This module returns a table that can store data that persists in between multiple {{#Invoke:}} calls. | |
Tabber | tabber({ | Table, Boolean | Returns a preprocessed string of a <tabber> containing each of the specified tabs.If preprocess is explicitly set to false the tabber will not be processed and instead return a mw.html object. If it is not specified or set to true the tabber will be preprocessed. |
Tables | _row(row, elts, header) | mw.html object, table/string, boolean | Adds td or th cells to the html object with the cells data specified by elts . If header = true then all cells added will have the th tag. |
_table(table, data) | mw.html object, table | Adds tr rows and td /th cells to the html object, the data for the rows and cells is specified by data . | |
Top icons | _main(args) | String | Returns a string that adds top icons to the page. args must be a table of arguments. Numbered arguments must have values of rs , rsc , meta or wp . To provide a specific page name on the top icon link, specify the wiki name as the param and the external page name as the value. |
Yesno | (arg) | Any value | Reads arg for yes/no and returns the appropriate boolean or nil |
(arg1,arg2) | Any value, Any value | Reads arg1 for yes/no and returns the appropriate boolean; returns arg2 if arg1 was not an applicable value |