After saving, you may need to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. For further information, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
- In most Windows and Linux browsers: Hold down Ctrl and press F5.
- In Safari: Hold down ⇧ Shift and click the Reload button.
- In Chrome and Firefox for Mac: Hold down both ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift and press R.
* WikiSync:
* - Utilises our WikiSync API, with data provided by users via RuneLite.
* - Adds the ability to check a user's completed quests.
* Slightly adapted from
* @author Jayden
* @author Andmcadams
* @author Jakesterwars
* @author Cook Me Plox
* @author Lezed1
* @author Haidro
var CLASSES = {
QC_ACTIVE: "qc-active",
QC_INPUT: "qc-input",
QC_ICON: "rs-qc-icon",
var CURRENT_LEAGUE_GAMEMODE = 'ragingechoes';
osrs: "",
"", //use actual url
ragingechoes: "",
// Making this key different than TBR to avoid accidental re-use of the old key
var WIKISYNC_GAMEMODE_KEY = 'wikisync-gamemode-echoes';
var questCorrections = {
// Add corrections for API quest names -> wiki names here.
// API quest name is the key and the wiki page name is the value.
"Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire": "Desert Treasure II",
"Recipe for Disaster - Another Cook's Quest" : "Recipe for Disaster/Another Cook's Quest",
"Recipe for Disaster - Culinaromancer" : "Recipe for Disaster/Defeating the Culinaromancer",
"Recipe for Disaster - Mountain Dwarf" : "Recipe for Disaster/Freeing the Mountain Dwarf",
"Recipe for Disaster - Wartface & Bentnoze" : "Recipe for Disaster/Freeing the Goblin generals",
"Recipe for Disaster - Pirate Pete" : "Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Pirate Pete",
"Recipe for Disaster - Lumbridge Guide" : "Recipe for Disaster/Freeing the Lumbridge Guide",
"Recipe for Disaster - Evil Dave" : "Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Evil Dave",
"Recipe for Disaster - King Awowogei" : "Recipe for Disaster/Freeing King Awowogei",
"Recipe for Disaster - Sir Amik Varze" : "Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Sir Amik Varze",
"Recipe for Disaster - Skrach Uglogwee" : "Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Skrach Uglogwee"
icons = {
yes: ' <span class="' + CLASSES.QC_ICON + '"><img class="qc-complete" src="//" width="15px" ></span>',
no: ' <span class="' + CLASSES.QC_ICON + '"><img class="qc-not-started" src="//" width="13px" ></span>',
var wikisync = {
* Startup method
init: function () {
setCheckboxText: function (text) {
$(".rs-wikisync-hide-completed .oo-ui-labelElement-label").each(
function () {
updateHiddenEntries: function () {
var hideCompleted = wikisync.hideCompletedCheckbox.isSelected();
var shown = 0;
var completed_total = 0;
$(".wikisync-completed, [data-tbz-area-for-filtering]").each(function () {
var completed = $(this).hasClass("highlight-on");
if (completed) {
var should_hide_based_on_completed = hideCompleted && completed;
var area_checkbox = wikisync.tbz_areas[$(this).data("tbz-area-for-filtering")];
var should_hide_based_on_area = area_checkbox === undefined ? false : !area_checkbox.isSelected();
if (should_hide_based_on_completed || should_hide_based_on_area) {
} else {
wikisync.setCheckboxText("Hide " + completed_total + " completed tasks");
$("#tbz-wikisync-number-of-shown-tasks").text("Currently showing " + shown + " tasks");
$("[data-wikisync-total-column]").each(function() {
var total_column = $(this).data("wikisync-total-column");
var total = 0;
$(".tbz-wikisync-filter tbody tr").each(function () {
var region = $($(this).children()[0]).data("tbz-area");
if (wikisync.tbz_areas[region].isSelected()) {
var amount = parseInt($($(this).children()[total_column]).text().trim());
total += amount;
* Creates the input fields for the user's RSN
createFields: function () {
var name;
if (rs.hasLocalStorage() === true) {
$.removeCookie("RSN", { path: "/" }); // remove any existing cookies using jQuery, will return false if it doesn't exist so it's fine
name = localStorage.getItem("rsn");
} else {
name = wikisync.getCookie("RSN");
var gamemode = localStorage.getItem(WIKISYNC_GAMEMODE_KEY) || "osrs";
$("." + CLASSES.QC_INPUT).each(function () {
var input1 = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget({
placeholder: "Display name",
id: "rs-qc-rsn",
if (name) {
// Set input to cookie/localStorage value.
var button1 = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget({
label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet(
'<img src="' +
rs.getFileURLCached("RuneLite icon.png") +
'" width=' +
'"20px" />' +
" Look up"
title: "Look up player data using RuneLite",
flags: ["primary", "progressive"],
classes: ["wikisync-lookup-button"],
var buttonOptionOSRS = new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({
data: 'osrs',
label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet('<img src="" width="20px" />' + ' OSRS'),
classes: ['wikisync-gamemode-osrs'],
selected: gamemode !== CURRENT_LEAGUE_GAMEMODE,
buttonOptionShatner = new OO.ui.ButtonOptionWidget({
label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet('<img src="" width="20px" />' + ' League'),
classes: ['wikisync-gamemode-trailblazerreloaded'],
selected: gamemode === CURRENT_LEAGUE_GAMEMODE,
buttonSelect = new OO.ui.ButtonSelectWidget({
items: [
var leagueOnly = $(this).hasClass("league-only");
if (leagueOnly) {
var button1action = function () {
if (!leagueOnly) {
var gamemodeButton = buttonSelect.findSelectedItem();
if (gamemodeButton !== null) {
gamemode = gamemodeButton.getData();
// Only set gamemode in LS if it is explicitly set (revert this for launch, see
if (rs.hasLocalStorage() === true) {
localStorage.setItem(WIKISYNC_GAMEMODE_KEY, gamemode);
if (rs.hasLocalStorage() === true) {
localStorage.setItem("rsn", input1.value); // save in localStorage
} else {
wikisync.setCookie("RSN", input1.value, 30); // set a cookie for 30 days
wikisync.loadData(input1.value, gamemode);
button1.on("click", button1action);
input1.on("enter", button1action);
var helpModalBtn = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
label: "Learn how to enable WikiSync",
href: "/w/RuneScape:WikiSync",
var hideCompleted = false;
if (rs.hasLocalStorage()) {
if (localStorage.getItem("wikisync-hide-completed") === "true") {
hideCompleted = true;
wikisync.hideCompletedCheckbox = new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget({
selected: hideCompleted,
wikisync.hideCompletedCheckbox.on("change", function () {
var selected = wikisync.hideCompletedCheckbox.isSelected();
if (rs.hasLocalStorage() === true) {
localStorage.setItem("wikisync-hide-completed", selected); // save in localStorage
var fieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout({
id: "rs-qc-form",
var fieldSetItems = [
new OO.ui.FieldLayout(input1, {}),
if (!leagueOnly) {
fieldSetItems.push(new OO.ui.FieldLayout(buttonSelect, {}));
new OO.ui.HorizontalLayout({
items: fieldSetItems,
new OO.ui.FieldLayout(helpModalBtn, {
"No data found. To use this, enable the WikiSync plugin in RuneLite.",
align: "inline",
classes: ["rs-wikisync-help"],
new OO.ui.LabelWidget({
"Missing some data from RuneLite for this page. Please log in to the game to re-sync.",
classes: ["rs-wikisync-missingdata"],
new OO.ui.FieldLayout(wikisync.hideCompletedCheckbox, {
label: "Hide completed tasks",
align: "inline",
classes: ["rs-wikisync-hide-completed"],
if ($(this).hasClass("lighttable")) {
// If it's a lighttable, insert the fieldset before the table
} else {
// If not, insert it inside the element that has the class
// Hide all of the help elements to start with
if ($(".tbrl-tasks, .music-tracks").length === 0) {
// only show checkbox if it's a table with hide-able tasks
if ($(".tbrl-tasks, .music-tracks").length === 0) {
// only show checkbox if it's a table with hide-able tasks
if (name) {
// If there is a saved name, load the data for it.
wikisync.loadData(name, gamemode);
* Initialize the leagues task table page
intializeTasksPage: function () {
wikisync.tbz_areas = {};
window.wikisync = wikisync;
$(".tbz-wikisync-filter").each(function () {
$(this).find(".tbz-wikisync-filter-cell").each(function () {
var area = $(this).data("tbz-area");
var inital_state = true;
if (rs.hasLocalStorage()) {
if (localStorage.getItem("wikisync-tbz-filter-show-" + area) === "false") {
inital_state = false;
var checkbox = new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget({
selected: inital_state
$(checkbox.$input).attr("id", "tbz-wikisync-checkbox-" + area);
wikisync.tbz_areas[area] = checkbox;
var children = $(this).children();
var label = $("<label></label>");
label.css("display", "flex");
label.attr("for", "tbz-wikisync-checkbox-" + area);
checkbox.on("change", function (e) {
if (rs.hasLocalStorage() === true) {
localStorage.setItem("wikisync-tbz-filter-show-" + area, checkbox.isSelected()); // save in localStorage
* Updates the status text
updateStatus: function (text) {
mw.notify(text, { tag: "wikisync" });
* Sets a cookie
setCookie: function (name, value, days) {
var expires = "";
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString();
document.cookie = name + "=" + (value || "") + expires + "; path=/";
* Returns the value of a cookie, or null if it doesn't exist
getCookie: function (name) {
var cookie = new RegExp(
"^(?:.*;)?\\s*" + name + "\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)(?:.*)?$"
match = document.cookie.match(cookie);
if (match !== null) {
return match[1];
} else {
return null;
* Load data
loadData: function (rsn, gamemode) {
if (!rsn) {
wikisync.updateStatus("Invalid RSN");
var endpoint = ENDPOINTS[gamemode || "osrs"] || ENDPOINTS.osrs;
// Hide help text if it is showing.
// Get the quest data
type: "GET",
url: endpoint.replace("username", rsn),
dataType: "json",
success: function (msg) {
var userQuests = {};
Object.entries(msg.quests).forEach(function (q) {
var k = q[0];
var v = q[1];
// Add both the name from the API and any corrected quest names
userQuests[k] = v;
if (k in questCorrections) {
var correctName = questCorrections[k];
userQuests[correctName] = v;
var userSkills = {};
Object.entries(msg.levels).forEach(function (q) {
var k = q[0],
v = q[1];
userSkills[k] = v;
$("." + CLASSES.QC_ICON).remove();
.css("width", "20px")
.css("height", "20px")
.css("position", "relative")
var hasAllData = [
].every(function (result) {
return result;
if (!hasAllData) {
error: function (req) {
$("." + CLASSES.QC_ICON).remove();
if (
req.responseJSON &&
req.responseJSON.code &&
req.responseJSON.code === "NO_USER_DATA"
) {
} else {
wikisync.updateStatus("There was a problem loading data for " + rsn);
* Clicks the Combat Achievement rows
addCombatAchievementTasks: function (combatAchievements) {
var combatAchievementTable = $('table.' + CLASSES.QC_ACTIVE + '.ca-tasks');
if (combatAchievementTable.length === 0) {
// Page doesn't have Combat Achievement tasks on it
return true;
if (combatAchievementTable === null) {
return false;
var seen = {};
combatAchievements.forEach(function (taskId) {
seen[taskId] = true;
combatAchievementTable.each(function () {
.each(function () {
var task_id = $(this).data("ca-task-id");
if (!!seen[task_id] !== $(this).hasClass("highlight-on")) {
if (seen[task_id]) {
return true;
* Clicks the music track rows
addMusicTracks: function (musicTracks) {
var musicTable = $("table." + CLASSES.QC_ACTIVE + ".music-tracks");
if (musicTable.length === 0) {
// Not a music track page
return true;
if (musicTracks === null) {
// Missing data
return false;
var total = 0;
var completed = 0;
musicTable.each(function () {
.each(function () {
var music_track_name = $(this).data("music-track-name");
if (!!musicTracks[music_track_name] !== $(this).hasClass("highlight-on")) {
if (musicTracks[music_track_name]) {
"Hide unlocked tracks (" + completed + "/" + total + " unlocked)"
return true;
* Append a checkmark/X icon to `element`.
append_icon: function (element, completed) {
if (completed) {
} else {
* Clicks the rows in a table of question and diary tiers. Also appends icons to rows dedicated to skill training
addQuestTable: function (quests, skills, achievementDiaries) {
function splitOnLastOccurence(str, splitOn) {
var index = str.lastIndexOf(splitOn);
return { before: str.slice(0, index), after: str.slice(index + 1) };
// Quest and diary completion
$("table." + CLASSES.QC_ACTIVE + ".oqg-table tr[data-rowid]").each(function () {
var rowID = $(this).data("rowid");
var isAchievementDiary = rowID.includes("Diary#");
if (isAchievementDiary) {
// Achievement diary rowIDs are formatted as "$NAME Diary#$TIER", where "$NAME" may contain spaces.
var diaryName = splitOnLastOccurence(rowID, " ").before;
var diaryTier = splitOnLastOccurence(rowID, "#").after;
if (
diaryName in achievementDiaries &&
diaryTier in achievementDiaries[diaryName] &&
"complete" in achievementDiaries[diaryName][diaryTier]
) {
var diaryCompleted =
if (diaryCompleted !== null) {
if (diaryCompleted !== $(this).hasClass("highlight-on")) {
} else {
var questName = rowID;
if (questName in quests) {
var questCompleted = quests[questName] == 2;
if (questCompleted !== $(this).hasClass("highlight-on")) {
// Skill training complete
"table." + CLASSES.QC_ACTIVE + ".oqg-table tr[data-skill][data-skill-level]"
).each(function () {
var skillName = $(this).data("skill");
skillName = skillName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + skillName.slice(1);
var skillLevel = $(this).data("skill-level");
var row = $(this).find("th");
wikisync.append_icon(row, skills[skillName] >= skillLevel);
return true;
// Clicks cells/rows in a table based on skill levels.
addSkillTable: function (skills) {
"table." + CLASSES.QC_ACTIVE + ".skill-table [data-skill][data-skill-level]"
).each(function () {
var skillName = $(this).data("skill");
var skillLevel = $(this).data("skill-level");
var skillCompleted = skills[skillName] >= skillLevel;
if (skillCompleted !== $(this).hasClass("highlight-on")) {
return true;
// Clicks rows in a table based on achievement diary task completion
addDiaryTable: function (achievementDiaries) {
var hasAllData = true;
"table." + CLASSES.QC_ACTIVE + ".diary-table[data-diary-name][data-diary-tier]"
).each(function () {
var task_index = -1;
var diaryName = $(this).data("diary-name");
var diaryTier = $(this).data("diary-tier");
.each(function () {
if (task_index < 0) {
task_index += 1;
if (
diaryName in achievementDiaries &&
diaryTier in achievementDiaries[diaryName] &&
achievementDiaries[diaryName][diaryTier].tasks.length > task_index
) {
var task_completed =
if (task_completed !== null) {
if (task_completed !== $(this).hasClass("highlight-on")) {
} else {
hasAllData = false;
task_index += 1;
return hasAllData;
* Adds the icons next to respective quests
addQuestIcons: function (quests) {
$("." + CLASSES.QC_ACTIVE + " a").each(function () {
if (
$(this).html().toLowerCase() != "expand" ||
$(this).html().toLowerCase() != "collapse"
) {
var questTitle = $(this).text().trim();
if (questTitle in quests) {
wikisync.append_icon(this, quests[questTitle] === 2);
return true;
* Adds the icons next to respective skills
addSkillIcons: function (userLevels) {
$("." + CLASSES.QC_ACTIVE + " .scp").each(function () {
var level = $(this).data("level");
var skill = $(this).data("skill");
if (typeof level !== "number" || userLevels[skill] === undefined) {
wikisync.append_icon(this, userLevels[skill] >= level);
return true;
* Clicks the league task rows
addLeagueTasks: function (tasks) {
var taskTables = $('table.qc-active.tbrl-tasks');
if (taskTables.length === 0) {
// Nothing to do...
return true;
var seen = {};
var total = 0;
var completed = 0;
tasks.forEach(function(taskId) {
seen[taskId] = true;
taskTables.each(function() {
var table_total = 0;
var table_completed = 0;
$(this).find('tr[data-taskid]').each(function() {
var taskid = $(this).data("taskid");
if (!!seen[taskid] !== $(this).hasClass("highlight-on")) {
if (seen[taskid]) {
if (taskTables.length > 1) {
$(this).before($("<span class='table-completed' style='font-style: italic;'>Showing "+(table_total - table_completed)+" of "+table_total+" tasks ("+table_completed+" completed)</span>"));
return true;