Transcript:Ali the Operator
Standard dialogue
- Player: Hello good sir.
- Ali the Operator: What do you want?
- Player: I'm new in town and wanted to get to know the locals.
- Ali the Operator: What do you want to know?
- Select an Option
- Tell me about yourself.
- Player: Tell me about yourself.
- Ali the Operator: That information is available on a need to know basis and right now, you don't need to know.
- Ali the Operator: Can I help you with anything else?
- Select an Option
- Yes I'd like to ask you about something else.
- Player: Yes I'd like to ask you about something else.
- (Shows initial options)
- No thanks.
- Player: No thanks.
- (End of dialogue)
- Tell me about the other people in the town.
- Player: Tell me about the other people in the town.
- Ali the Operator: Sheep, ready for the slau... hang on. I shouldn't be telling you that. Just forget I said anything.
- Ali the Operator: Can I help you with anything else?
- Select an Option
- Yes I'd like to ask you about something else.
- (Same as above)
- No thanks.
- (Same as above)
- I'm looking for Ali.
- Player: I'm looking for Ali.
- Ali the Operator: You will have to be a lot more specific if you want help finding him. Everyone here is called Ali.
- Player: I've discovered that. Well he has an uncle called Ali Morrisane, a market vendor in Al Kharid and that's all I really know about him.
- Ali the Operator: Say no more. I too am looking for him. The little tyke robbed me too, if we work together perhaps we can catch him and teach him a lesson.
- Ali the Operator: Can I help you with anything else?
- Select an Option
- Yes I'd like to ask you about something else.
- (Same as above)
- No thanks.
- (Same as above)