Standard dialogue before Tower of Life
- Player: What are you up to?
- 'Gummy': Rock, Paper, Scissors. Can't you tell?
- Player: It was more of a rhetorical question.
- 'Gummy': Rhetora-what?
- Player: Shouldn't you be working?
- 'Gummy': We are. It's team building.
- (End of dialogue)
Tower of Life dialogue
- Player: Why, hello there!
- 'Gummy': What do you want?
- Player: Clothing.
- 'Gummy': Nope. Need mine.
- Player: Ah, come on. You know you want to give me free stuff.
- 'Gummy': Stop bothering me, can't you see I'm busy!
- Player: Yes, VERY busy I'm sure.
- 'Gummy': Okay, okay.
- 'Gummy': The other day I was drying my clothes on a line down by the shore. A storm hit and some of my clothing went missing.
- Player: Likely story. Sure you weren't skinny dipping?
- 'Gummy': Just go look and leave me be! Search around the tower and you may find them.
- (End of dialogue)
Standard dialogue after Tower of Life
- Player: You winning?
- 'Gummy': It's a draw at the moment. First it was best of three, then it was best of five.
- Player: And now?
- 'Gummy': Best of a hundred and one.
- (End of dialogue)