Transcript:Tyras guard
Standard dialogue
In Tyras Camp
- Player: Hello.
- Tyras guard: Sorry, can't stop to talk. You should go to General Hining if you need something.
- (End of dialogue)
West of Tyras Camp
- Tyras guard: What is it?
- What's going on around here?
- Player: What's going on around here?
- Tyras guard: Sorry, I shouldn't give out sensitive information to civilians. You should go to General Hining, in the camp along the road.
- Do you know what's south of here?
- (Same as below)
- Okay, thanks.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- (End of dialogue)
- Do you know what's south of here?
- Player: Do you know what's south of here?
- Tyras guard: No. We sent a scouting party in that direction, when we first established our camp. Some of the men got lost in the swamps. Eventually we listed them as dead.
- Tyras guard: Then suddenly they returned, with a wild gleam in their eyes, raving about gods and snakes and all kinds of madness.
- Tyras guard: We had to drive them out, in case their condition infected the rest of the troops. Their wives will be given a full widow pension when we return home.
- Tyras guard: General Hining concluded that, whatever is down there, it's not affiliated with any of the elf factions, and it should be left alone.
- Player: Thank you.
- What's going on around here?
- (Same as above)
- Okay, thanks.
- (Same as above)
- I'll leave you alone.
- Player: I'll leave you alone.
- (End of dialogue)