Transcript:Gardener Gunnhild
Standard dialogue
After completion of Throne of Miscellania
- Player: Hello there.
- Gardener Gunnhild: Good day, Your Royal Highness.
- Player: Good day. What are you doing?
- Gardener Gunnhild: I'm weeding this herb garden. It's hard work! I also sell a few gardening supplies.
- Good luck with that.
- Player: Good luck with that.
- Gardener Gunnhild: Thank you, Your Royal Highness.
- (End of dialogue)
- What do you have for sale?
- Player: What do you have for sale?
- Gardener Gunnhild: At the moment I'm selling garden rakes and iron sickles. If you'd like one, Your Royal Highness,
- I'd like a rake, please.
- Player: I'd like a rake, please.
- Player pays 15 GP and receives a Rake.
- Gardener Gunnhild: Thank you! Here you go.
- (End of dialogue)
- I'd like an iron sickle, please.
- Player: I'd like an iron sickle, please.
- Player pays 15 GP and receives an Iron Sickle
- Gardener Gunnhild: Thank you! Here you go.
- (End of dialogue)
- What are iron sickles for?
- Player: What are iron sickles for?
- Gardener Gunnhild: I can't think of anything just now. But you can buy one if you like, Your Highness!
- (End of dialogue)
- No, thank you.
- Player: No, thank you.
- (End of dialogue)
If the storerooms are full
- Gardener Gunnhild: The storerooms are full, your Highness. You should talk to Advisor Ghrim to collect what we've gathered for you.
- (End of dialogue)