Transcript:Client of Kourend/Historical
This transcript involves dialogue with Horace, Jennifer (Shayzien), Leenz, Munty, Regath, Veos, Veos' Client, and the player.
Starting off
- Veos: Hello again, [player name]! What can I do for you?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Where am I exactly?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Can you take me back to Port Sarim please?
- Have you got any quests for me?
- Player: Have you got any quests for me?
- Veos: As a matter of fact, [player name], I do...
- Veos: I have a client from the mainland interested in some more knowledge surrounding the houses of Kourend. Do you think you'd be able to retrieve it for me?
- Veos: I was just going to do it myself but as you're quite new around here, this might be a good opportunity for you to get to know the kingdom a bit better.
- Sounds interesting! How can I help?
- Player: Sounds interesting! How can I help?
- Veos hands you an enchanted scroll.
- Player receives an enchanted scroll.
- Veos: Take this scroll.
- Veos: My client is interested in the hierarchy and general social organisation of Great Kourend; how it differs from the mainland, per se.
- Veos: That scroll is special. When written on with a particular type of quill, my client will see what you're writing without anything being seen on the scroll itself.
- Player: Wait, wait! I'm not spying for somebody am I?
- Veos: Not exactly... My client simply wishes to keep his 'knowledge gathering' on the down low before he makes his appearance.
- Player: That seems fair. Who should I speak to in order to find out more about the houses?
- Veos: There's many a man and woman who could give you the information you need, but General store owners in house will likely be your best bet. They should know enough about their houses, and always seem up
- Veos: for a chat.
- Player: Good call. What about this special quill you mentioned?
- Veos: Simply touching a normal feather onto the paper should synchronise their magical ability to work together. You don't need any ink.
- Player: Right, I'll return to you when I have the information your client needs.
- Veos: See you soon.
- (End of dialogue)
- I'm busy at the moment, actually. Not now.
- Player: I'm busy at the moment, actually. Not now.
- Veos: Very well. Do come back if you wish to help out my client.
- (End of dialogue)
Using feather on enchanted scroll
- You attune the feather to the enchanted scroll, creating an enchanted quill.
- Player receives an enchanted quill.
Regath, the Arceuus General Store Owner
- Regath: What do you require, traveller? I deal in many things.
- (Non-quest dialogue) Let's see what you've got.
- (Non-quest dialogue) Who are you?
- (Non-quest dialogue) I don't need anything.
- Can I ask you about the Arceuus house?
- Player: Can I ask you about the Arceuus house?
- Regath: This house holds knowledge many would deem unsafe to share. Why should I be so trusting to you?
- Player: Well, I'm a...
- Player: Uhm...
- Player: A journalist! Yes, a journalist from the mainland. I want to let the wider world know of how this incredible house works.
- Regath: Someone willing to share knowledge of our great house to many others?
- Regath: Very well, then. The rest of the world could certainly do with learning about our great library.
- What is it that Arceuus provides for Great Kourend?
- Player: So what exactly is it the Arceuus house brings to Great Kourend?
- Regath: The Arceuus house is filled with literary and magical scholars. Lead by the great Trobin Arceuus, as a leader, he assists in pushing the limit of our knowledge surrounding magical abilities, religion and the crafting of
- Regath: runic energy. He cares not for petty control, focusing instead on the expansion of knowledge within Great Kourend.
- (Shows previous options)
- How do people start gaining favour in Arceuus?
- Player: How do people start gaining favour in Arceuus?
- Regath: Those seeking favour within our household start with a particularly labour intensive job.
- Regath: Our library, as grand as it is, still requires maintenance... constantly.
- (Shows previous options)
- Why should I gain favour in Arceuus?
- Player: Why should I gain favour in Arceuus?
- Regath: Our great library filled with millennia of knowledge; runic, magical and religious, are but small findings compared to the power of the Dark Altar.
- Regath: Reanimation of life... that's where our studies currently lie. This knowledge could be yours.
- Your quill and scroll glow, causing a seething pain to run through your hand and arm.
- Regath: What is the matter, journalist?
- Player: I... I don't know.
- Player: I must have caught my finger with the quill. Apologies; please continue.
- Regath: Very well. As mentioned, rewards for loyalty within our household are priceless. The sharing of our research surrounding re-animation and magic is but child's play to the knowledge we share to the most loyal of our
- Regath: house; the knowledge of Blood and Soul runecrafting.
- If Regath was not the last general store owner you talked to:
- You jot down all of the information Regath had to say about the Arceuus house.
- If Regath was the last general store owner you talked to:
- As you jot down the final information on the Arceuus house, you hear a mysterious whisper in your ear. 'Return to Veos...'
- Player: Thanks for your help, Regath!
- Regath: You're welcome. Spread the word of this great house with the new knowledge you have gained, and perhaps be more careful with how you hold your scroll in the future...
- (End of dialogue)
Horace, the Hosidius General Store Owner
- Horace: Welcome to my shop. Would you like to buy or sell something?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Who are you?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Okay, let's trade
- (Non-quest dialogue) No, I'm fine.
- Can I ask you about the Hosidius house?
- Player: Can I ask you about the Hosidius house?
- Horace: Well, well my friend! I've lived in this great and glorious house all of my life. I'd be happy to share with you anything you'd like to know!
- What is it that Hosidius provides for Great Kourend?
- Player: What is it that Hosidius provides for Great Kourend?
- Horace: The Hosidius house is filled with keen and skilled farmers alike! Lead by the incredibly efficient Kandur Hosidius, his intelligent resourcefulness ensures optimal agricultural production.
- Horace: Our fields stretch as far as the eye can see. With incredible teamwork and group efforts, the ability to provide the majority of Great Kourend's people with both food and herbal supplies is quite literally the fruits
- Horace: of our labour.
- (Shows previous options)
- How do people start gaining favour in Hosidius?
- Player: How do people start gaining favour in Hosidius?
- Horace: Not into your back-breaking field maintenance or fertiliser creation? Those wishing to gain favour within our city may need to maintain such tediousness for a small while, though stick to it. The rewards for
- Horace: that painful work are nothing short of great!
- (Shows previous options)
- Why should I gain favour in Hosidius?
- Player: Why should I gain favour with Hosidius?
- Horace: Access to our personal kitchens, Spirit Tree patch and Allotment space is lovely. That being said, our vinery and Tithe farm are world class and exclusive to only the most loyal of our house.
- If Horace was not the last general store owner you talked to:
- You jot down all of the information Horace had to say about the Hosidius house.
- If Horace was the last general store owner you talked to:
- As you jot down the final information on the Hosidius house, you hear a mysterious whisper in your ear. 'Return to Veos...'
- Player: Thanks for your help, Horace!
- Horace: Anytime, friend! Feel free to pop along if you ever need any wares!
- (End of dialogue)
Munty, the Lovakengj General Store Owner
- Munty: Can I help you, human?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Who are you?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Let's trade.
- (Non-quest dialogue) No, I'm fine.
- Can I ask you about the Lovakengj house?
- Player: Can I ask you about the Lovakengj house?
- Munty: Why I'd be happy to have a chat! I do enjoy talking about this great house of ours.
- What is it that Lovakengj provides for Great Kourend?
- Player: What is it that Lovakengj provides for Great Kourend?
- Munty: The Lovakengj house is filled with incredibly skilled blacksmiths. Lead by Vulcana Lovakengj, her incredible leadership and intelligent material saving skills pave the way for future blacksmiths.
- Munty: Armours, weaponry, tools and structures - our house supplies Kourend with all of these to the finest standards known to Dwarf and Human alike.
- (Shows previous options)
- How do people start gaining favour in Lovakengj?
- Player: How do people start gaining favour in Lovakengj?
- Munty: Those seeking favour within our household start with a dirty job.
- Munty: Creating dynamite and mining in the sulphur mine isn't a pretty job, but someone has to do it!
- (Shows previous options)
- Why should I gain favour in Lovakengj?
- Player: Why should I gain favour with Lovakengj?
- Munty: Those who endure our daunting introductory tasks are rewarded greatly - being taught to create the armour worn by the very soldiers of the Shayzien army, along with access to our Blast Mine - the rewards able to be
- Munty: reaped by the most loyal of our house are nothing to be scoffed at!
- If Munty was the last general store owner you talked to:
- You jot down all of the information Munty had to say about the Lovakengj house.
- If Munty was the last general store owner you talked to:
- As you jot down the final information on the Lovakengj house, you hear a mysterious whisper in your ear. 'Return to Veos...'
- Player: Thanks for your help, Munty!
- Munty: Anytime! Come back soon!
- (End of dialogue)
Leenz, the Port Piscarilius General Store Owner
- Leenz: A great adventurer, from afar? How may I help with my repertoire?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Let's trade.
- (Non-quest dialogue) I don't need anything right now.
- Can I ask you about the Piscarilius house?
- Player: Can I ask you about the Piscarilius house?
- Leenz: If it's Piscarilius information you seek, it's in my brain that you must peek!
- What is it that Piscarilius provides for Kourend?
- Player: You're certainly a chirpy woman! What is it that Piscarilius house provides for Great Kourend?
- Leenz: Within the Piscarilius house, you'll find, great fisherman, traders, pirates and I. All lead, by our ruthless leader, Shauna Piscarilius, none yet to supersede her.
- Leenz: No surprise if you meet her, her tactics are ruthless. Her demeanour renders, all pirates toothless.
- Leenz: Our great shore and trading, have treasures to be found, providing export and fish, in quantities abound.
- (Shows previous options)
- How do people start gaining favour in Piscarilius?
- Player: How do people start gaining favour in Port Piscarilius?
- Leenz: Repairing net cranes, and gathering bait, newcomers to the port, well this is their fate... It's labour intensive, and dirty work, though stick to it friend, 'till your arms are inert.
- (Shows previous options)
- Why should I gain favour in Piscarilius?
- Player: Why should I gain favour in Piscarilius?
- Leenz: Our shore is brimming, with gold from the sea, the most loyal of our people, are handed the key. We'll let you stand on our shores and collect, the great anglerfish; other houses... covet?
- If Leenz was not the last general store owner you talked to:
- You jot down all of the information Leenz had to say about the Piscarilius house... With slightly less poetry.
- If Leenz was the last general store owner you talked to:
- As you jot down the final information on the Piscarilius house, you hear a mysterious whisper in your ear. 'Return to Veos...'
- Player: Hang on a second... that last one didn't rhyme too well!
- Leenz: Listen here pal, you don't mess with people in Piscarilius. Do you want happy rhyming Leenz, or angry, gruff and pain-inflicting Leenz?
- Player: Happy rhyming Leenz, please! Thanks for your help!
- Leenz: Anytime, my adventuring friend, enjoy your time in Great Kourend!
- (End of dialogue)
Jennifer, the Shayzien General Store Owner
- Jennifer: What're yer looking for, me luv'?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Let's trade.
- (Non-quest dialogue) I don't need anything right now.
- Can I ask you about the Shayzien house?
- Player: Can I ask you about the Shayzien house?
- Jennifer: Well I could give you some info if that's all yer wantin'. Gets lonely in 'ere while me mates are out there fightin' the good war!
- What is it that Shayzien provides for Great Kourend?
- Player: What is it that Shayzien provides for Great Kourend?
- Jennifer: Phwoar, what don' we do? This 'ouse is filled with officers and the like. Lead by our rig'rous leader Shiro Shayzien, 'e ensures ultimate justice and safety for the entirety of Great Kourend.
- Jennifer: Our soldiers fight off the constant threat of the lizardman, while our 'ighly trained medics 'eal them from battle. Strict in combat trainin' and discipline. Law, order and defence. These are the words we live by!
- (Shows previous options)
- How do people start gaining favour in Shayzien?
- Player: How do people start gaining favour in Shayzien?
- Jennifer: Don't get us wrong, me luv', it ain't all pretty. Those who're lookin' to gain favour within this household need to 'elp in 'ealing our fallen soldiers and tackling organised crime... It's 'ard work! That bein' said...
- Jennifer: The rewards for the most loyal of this 'ouse are great. The 'onour to train alongside our elite guards and wear our prestigious armour, while also fightin' on the front line against the lizardman forces. The spoils of wars are
- Jennifer: grand.
- (Shows previous options)
- Why should I gain favour in Shayzien?
- Player: Why should I gain favour with Shayzien?
- Jennifer: The rewards for the most loyal of this 'ouse are great. The 'onour to train alongside our elite guards and wear our prestigious armour, while also fightin' on the front line against the lizardman forces.
- Jennifer: The spoils of wars are grand.
- If Jennifer was not the last general store owner you talked to:
- You jot down all of the information Jennifer had to say about the Shayzien house.
- If Jennifer was the last general store owner you talked to:
- As you jot down the final information on the Shayzien house, you hear a mysterious whisper in your ear. 'Return to Veos...'
- Player: Thanks for your help, Jennifer!
- Jennifer: That's alright petal, you go'un and have fun.
- (End of dialogue)
Returning to Veos
- Veos: Hello again, [player name]! What can I do for you?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Where am I exactly?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Can you take me back to Port Sarim please?
- Let's talk about your client...
- Player: I have gathered information from all of the houses.
- Player: I could hear a voice, Veos... in my head! As if it whispered in my ear to return to you!
- Veos: Yes, I heard it too... they mentioned that your task was complete.
- Veos: Let me take those items off your hands.
- Veos removes the items he gave you from your backpack.
- Player: That reminds me, Veos! I didn't sign up to this with the knowledge that my mind would not only be entered but that there was a possibility of severely damaging my hand!
- Veos: If it makes you feel any better, my client sends their apologies. It wasn't intentional. Needless to say, something you said provoked emotion...
- Veos: Namely...
- Veos: The Dark Altar...
- Player: If I knew mentioning the Dark Altar would upset them so much, I'd have not written that bit of information down on the scroll!
- Veos: Well that's just the thing, [player name]. My client is pleased you found such information. Tell me... Would you be willing to do one last thing for him?
- Player: Well, I don't necessarily believe I have much of a choice!
- Veos: I'm certainly glad you're able to assist once again.
- Veos: My client will be most pleased.
- Player: So what exactly is it your client now wants me to do?
- Veos: My client requires... another simple task. He assures me that it will be the last. Take this orb. You must activate it beside the Dark Altar.
- Player receives a mysterious orb.
- Player: Can I ask why I would do that?
- Veos: It's best you don't.
- Player: Well, can't argue with that! I'll return when I'm done!
- (End of dialogue)
Activating the orb
Player using the "Activate" option on the mysterious orb by the Dark Altar
- The orb shatters after being held in the air.
- You hear a whisper in your ear. 'Return... to Veos. My thanks...'
- Player: I really wish I would be warned about these things earlier...
- (End of dialogue)
Finishing up
- Veos: Hello again, [player name]! What can I do for you?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Where am I exactly?
- (Non-quest dialogue) Can you take me back to Port Sarim please?
- Let's talk about your client...
- Player: Veos, enough is enough! I've suffered through enough. Exploding orbs and burning quills...
- Veos: [player name]? What are you talking about?
- Player: You know darn well what I'm talking about!
- Veos: [player name], I haven't spoken with you since bringing you to Zeah, I have no idea what you're on ab--
- Veos: ARGH!
- Player: Veos, this isn't funny anymore... Are you alright? I did all that your client asked for me...
- Veos' Client: You most certainly have.
- Player: Uhm... Veos?
- Veos' Client: Heed my word. Your deeds will not go unthanked.
- Player: Who are you? What have you done with Veos?
- Veos' Client: You care for this human? How pitiful.
- Veos' Client: Worry not. I'll ensure he's fine. He is of good use to me.
- Veos' Client: As for who I am... well. That is of no concern to you, human.
- (Continued below.)
Before 9 November 2017
- I have a right to know!
- Player: I have a right to know!
- (If the player is wearing a ring of Charos(a):) (Charm) What if I asked... nicely?
- Player: What if I asked... nicely?
- Veos' Client: How adorable. The power of Charos? You truly thought that I could be manipulated by such feeble magic?
- Veos' Client: I'll tell you what, human. Since you tried so hard - I'll tell you my name.
- Xeric: Xeric.
- If the client's identity is revealed, all dialogue with him here on out will be as Xeric.
- Player: Why did you ask me to do all of this?
- Veos' Client: When the time comes, you'll know.
- Veos' Client: Right, before I release this humans feeble mind back to consciousness... I am a man of my word. I owe you a reward.
- Veos' Client: Tell me, [player name], after speaking to each of the houses... which activities interest you the least? I can give you a small 'boost' of favour in that house.
- The Hosidius house.
- Player: I wouldn't mind a boost within the Hosidius house...
- (Continues below)
- The Arceuus house.
- Player: I wouldn't mind a boost within the Arceuus house...
- (Continues below)
- The Lovakengj house.
- Player: I wouldn't mind a boost within the Lovakengj house...
- (Continues below)
- The Piscarilius house.
- Player: I wouldn't mind a boost within the Piscarilius house...
- (Continues below)
- The Shayzien house.
- Player: I wouldn't mind a boost within the Shayzien house...
- (Continues below)
- Veos' Client: Very well. The deed is done.
- Congratulations! Quest complete!
- Veos' Client: Take these two lamps...
- Veos' Client: You'll find you have gained... Up to 20% favour in [House]. They've decided to 'honour' your efforts in helping me.
- Veos' Client: Word has spread of my return. The houses are now a little busy in their petty arguments to care about your loyalty. I imagine the speed you now gather favour within all households will be substantially faster.
- Player: Th-thank you...
- Veos' Client: Until we meet again.
- Player: Wait! What if we need to speak to you again.
- Veos' Client: I can continue to use this human as a conduit for communication. If you need reminding of my rewards, feel free to talk to him and I'll jump in.
- Veos' Client: Other than that, farewell... [player name].
After 9 November 2017 but before 19 April 2018
- Player: I have a right to know!
- Veos' Client: All in good time human. All in good time.
- Player: Why did you ask me to do all of this?
- Veos' Client: When the time comes, you'll know.
- Veos' Client: Right, before I release this humans feeble mind back to consciousness... I am a man of my word. I owe you a reward.
- Veos' Client: Tell me, [player name], after speaking to each of the houses... which activities interest you the least? I can give you a small 'boost' of favour in that house.
- The Hosidius house.
- Player: I wouldn't mind a boost within the Hosidius house...
- (Continues below)
- The Arceuus house.
- Player: I wouldn't mind a boost within the Arceuus house...
- (Continues below)
- The Lovakengj house.
- Player: I wouldn't mind a boost within the Lovakengj house...
- (Continues below)
- The Piscarilius house.
- Player: I wouldn't mind a boost within the Piscarilius house...
- (Continues below)
- The Shayzien house.
- Player: I wouldn't mind a boost within the Shayzien house...
- (Continues below)
- Veos' Client: Very well. The deed is done.
- Congratulations! Quest complete!
- Veos' Client: Take these two lamps...
- Veos' Client: You'll find you have gained... Up to 20% favour in [House]. They've decided to 'honour' your efforts in helping me.
- Veos' Client: My influence is currently limited, but it does still exist. I imagine the speed you now gather favour within each house will be substantially faster.
- Player: Th-thank you...
- Veos' Client: Until we meet again.
- Player: Wait! What if we need to speak to you again.
- Veos' Client: I can continue to use this human as a conduit for communication. If you need reminding of my rewards, feel free to talk to him and I'll jump in.
- Veos' Client: Other than that, farewell... [player name].
- An old book is forced into your hands.
- (End of dialogue)
After 19 April 2018 but before 10 January 2019
- Player: I have a right to know!
- Veos' Client: All in good time human. All in good time.
- Player: Why did you ask me to do all of this?
- Veos' Client: When the time comes, you'll know.
- Veos' Client: Right, before I release this humans feeble mind back to consciousness... I am a man of my word. I owe you a reward.
After 10 January 2019 but before 16 June 2021
- Player: Veos, enough is enough! I've suffered through enough. Exploding orbs and burning quills...
- Veos: [player name]? What are you talking about?
- Player: You know darn well what I'm talking about!
- Veos: [player name], I haven't spoken with you since bringing you to Kourend, I have no idea what you're on ab--
- Veos: ARGH!
- Player: Veos, this isn't funny anymore... Are you alright? I did all that your client asked for me...
- Veos' Client: You most certainly have.
- Player: Uhm... Veos?
- Veos' Client: Heed my word. Your deeds will not go unthanked.
- Player: Who are you? What have you done with Veos?
- Veos' Client: You care for him? How kind of you.
- Veos' Client: Worry not. I'll ensure he's fine. He is of good use to me.
- Veos' Client: As for who I am... well. That is of no concern to you.
- Player: I have a right to know!
- Veos' Client: All in good time. All in good time.
- Player: Why did you ask me to do all of this?
- Veos' Client: When the time comes, you'll know.
- Veos' Client: Now, time to release this ones mind back to consciousness... Don't worry, I'll make sure he rewards you. After all, you've been very useful to me...
- Congratulations! Quest complete!
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