Transcript:Lumberjack Leif
Standard dialogue
- Lumberjack Leif: Good day, Your Royal Highness.
- Player: Good day. What are you doing?
- Lumberjack Leif: I'm cutting down maple trees for their wood. It's a living.
- Player: Good luck with that.
- Lumberjack Leif: Thank you, Your Royal Highness.
- (End of dialogue)
Right-click Check-Approval
- Player: Can you tell me how the kingdom approves of me?
- Lumberjack Leif: [amount]% of people approve of you.
- (End of dialogue)
If the storerooms are full
- Lumberjack Leif: The storerooms are full, your Highness. You should talk to Advisor Ghrim to collect what we've gathered for you.
- (End of dialogue)
Royal Trouble
Overhead dialogue
When gaining approval by chopping trees
- Lumberjack Leif: Thanks!