Transcript:Despoina Callidra
Standard dialogue
- Despoina Callidra: Yes?
- Player: What are you serving?
- Despoina Callidra: Blood.
- Player: Is that it?
- Despoina Callidra: Yes, by the pint. Now, do you want one or not?
- Sure.
- If the player doesn't have at least two coins:
- Player: Sure.
- Despoina Callidra: Two coins.
- Player: Oh dear, I don't seem to have enough money.
- Despoina Callidra: Clear off then.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has at least two coins:
- Player: Sure.
- Despoina Callidra: Two coins.
- You buy a pint of blood.
- (Player receives blood pint.)
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player doesn't have at least two coins:
- I'll pass.
- Player: I'll pass.
- Despoina Callidra: Clear off then.
- (End of dialogue)
If the player is disguised but has not completed Sins of the Father
- Player: What are you selling?
- Despoina Callidra: To you? Nothing.
- Player: Why?
- Despoina Callidra: You're new here. I don't sell to new blood. Make a name for yourself and maybe I'll reconsider.
If the player is not disguised
- Despoina Callidra: Human! Get back to the slave pens before I call the guards!
- (End of dialogue)