Transcript:Lenyig Karna
Standard dialogue
- Lenyig Karna: Looking for a bit of meat?
- Player: I beg your pardon?
- Lenyig Karna: Meat! We've got all the good stuff here.
- Show me what you've got.
- Player: Show me what you've got.
- Shop interface for Darkmeyer Meat Shop opens.
- Why do you have all this meat?
- Player: Why do you have all this meat?
- Lenyig Karna: Some prefer solids to go with their blood. That, and the werewolf visitors need something to eat too.
- Player: Where does it all come from?
- Lenyig Karna: Look around you! There's no shortage of meat in these parts.
- Player: You know what, I think I've heard enough.
- Lenyig Karna: Whatever you say. So, want some meat?
- (Shows other options)
- I'm good, thanks.
- Player: I'm good, thanks.
- Lenyig Karna: Come back if you ever want some meat!
- (End of dialogue)
If the player is not disguised
- Lenyig Karna: Human! Get back to the slave pens before I call the guards!
- (End of dialogue)