Standard dialogue
Standard dialogue after finishing Icthlarin's Little Helper
- Player: Hello.
- Jex: Hello there. Welcome to the Temple of the Lesser Gods.
- Select an Option
- Could you tell me more about the lesser gods?
- Player: Could you tell me more about the lesser gods?
- Jex: Of course. The lesser gods, or avatars as some call them, were born from the dreams of Tumeken. They are Apmeken, Het, Crondis and Scabaras.
- Select an Option
- Could you tell me more about Apmeken?
- Player: Could you tell me more about Apmeken?
- Jex: Apmeken is the goddess of companionship. She is known to be the most mischievous, playful and unpredictable of the minor deities. I'd say she's my personal favourite.
- Player: So I shouldn't trust you then?
- Jex: Apmeken can appeal to the most erudite scholar or the most barefaced liar. I'd like to be considered amongst the former category.
- Player: I see. What does she look like?
- Jex: She has the head of a monkey, or sometimes an ape. It changes depending upon what nature she is displaying. For example, the orangutan represents wisdom, while the baboon represents mischief.
- (Shows other options)
- Could you tell me more about Het?
- Player: Could you tell me more about Het?
- Jex: Het is the least strange of our deities to foreign eyes, for he looks just like us. I suspect this is why his shrines are particularly targeted by thieves like that infamous Templeton.
- Player: What does he represent?
- Jex: Het is the god of health, both in mind and body. He is quite popular amongst soldiers as a result, especially up in Al Kharid.
- Player: Just soldiers?
- Jex: Not at all! Like I said, the wellbeing of the mind is also key to Het. Many great orators also look to him for guidance. I imagine his teachings help with some of their strenuous speeches.
- Player: How did his followers react to the plagues here?
- Jex: With many arguments. They really couldn't decide whether it was a punishment from Het, or an affront to him. I stayed out of that debate.
- (Shows other options)
- Could you tell me more about Crondis?
- Player: Could you tell me more about Crondis?
- Jex: Crondis is a ferocious lady with the head of a mighty crocodile.
- Player: That must be awkward when buying helmets.
- Jex: Luckily for her, I don't think deities have much need for them.
- Player: So what is she the goddess of?
- Jex: Resourcefulness. A word which seems to be open to large interpretation.
- Player: How so?
- Jex: Most consider her to be a teacher of modesty. They say we should be resourceful by only taking and using that which we absolutely need.
- Player: But there's others with a different interpretation?
- Jex: Some believe she is actually the goddess of pleasure. They claim that the idea of modesty came from a misinterpretation, and that to be resourceful is to take all that you can.
- Player: That doesn't sound right.
- Jex: No. It is a more recent take that I suspect was born in Menaphos. There are many in that city with more wealth than they'll ever need. Modesty is not an ideal they'll ever embody.
- (Shows other options)
- Could you tell me more about Scabaras?
- Player: Could you tell me more about Scabaras?
- Jex: There are many opinions out there on Scabaras, but general knowledge isn't always the most accurate.
- Player: Well what are the absolute facts then?
- Jex: Scabaras is the god of isolation. He takes on the appearance of a man with the head of a scarab. Both he and his followers were driven into hiding long ago.
- Player: And?
- Jex: And that's it. You asked for the absolute facts. Anything beyond that is just speculation.
- Player: But there must be more. The High Priest told me that Scabaras tried to conquer these lands.
- Jex: So it is said, but the written accounts that exist contain many inconsistencies when it comes to what role Scabaras actually played. Of course, most would not know that.
- Player: How come?
- Jex: Many of the writings are only available to us priests. That does of course include the new High Priest, but perhaps he is yet to read them. They are definitely... illuminating.
- Player: Interesting...
- (Shows other options)
- Interesting. Thanks for the information.
- Player: Interesting. Thanks for the information.
- (End of dialogue)
- I'd better get going.
- Player: I'd better get going.
- (End of dialogue)
Attempting to climb down the nearby ladder
- Jex: Hey! You don't have permission to go down there.
- (End of dialogue)
Standard dialogue after finishing Contact!
- Player: Hello Jex.
- Jex: Hello again.
- Select an Option
- Could you tell me more about the lesser gods?
- (Same as above)
- I'd better get going.
- Player: I'd better get going.
- (End of dialogue)