Giving Rantz a cooked chompy
- Rantz: Erm.. Da's very kindly of you creature!
- (End of dialogue)
Before Big Chompy Bird Hunting
- Rantz: Hey you creature! Make me some stabbers! I wanna hunt da chompy?
- Player: Stabbers?
- Rantz: For da stabbie chucker, I's wanna hunt da chompy! Da chompy is der bestest yummies for Rantz, Fycie and Bugs! Creature knows what Rantz wants... flyin' to stabbie da chompy!
- Player: I think I understand. You want me to make some arrows for you?
- Rantz: Yeah, is what Rantz sayed, make da stabbers for da stabby chucker!
- Start the Big Chompy Bird Hunting quest?
- Yes.
- Player: OK, I'll make you some 'stabbers'.
- Rantz: Good you creature, you need sticksies from achey tree and stabbies from dog bones.
- (End of dialogue)
- No.
- Player: Er, make you're own 'stabbers'!
- Rantz: When I make 'stabbers', I pretend you chompy and practice on you!
- (End of dialogue)
Big Chompy Bird Hunting
After Big Chompy Bird Hunting
- Rantz: Hey deyr, t'anks for da chompy, it was scrumbly!
- Player: Hey, I hear you're giving away free hats!
- Rantz: Huh, dat's a true thing but you's godda be da good shooter wiv da stabbie chucker and stick lotsa chompies for da hatsie.
- Select an Option
- What are the hats like?
- Player: What are the hats like?
- Rantz: Huh der is this many colours... ~ Rantz holds up six fingers.~ And der is dis many different hatsies... ~ Rantz holds up three fingers.~
- (Shows other options)
- Can you show me the hats please?
- Rantz: Ok you's creature, here's da hatsies! ~ Rantz shows you the hats. ~
- *** Hat Menu 1 ***
- Ogre Bowman Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Bowman Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Ogre Yeoman Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Yeoman Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- -- Hat Menu 2 --
- *** Hat Menu 2 ***
- Ogre Marksman Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Marksman Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Ogre Woodsman Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Woodsman Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- -- Hat Menu 3 --
- *** Hat Menu 3 ***
- Ogre Forester Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Forester Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Ogre Bowmaster Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Bowmaster Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- -- Hat Menu 4 --
- *** Hat Menu 4 ***
- Ogre Expert Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Expert Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Ogre Dragon Archer Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- -- Hat Menu 5 --
- *** Hat Menu 5 ***
- Dragon Archer Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Expert Ogre Dragon Archer Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- Expert Dragon Archer Hat.
- (Shows previous options)
- -- Back to Hat Menu 1 --
- (Same as above)
- -- Close Hat Menu --
- (Shows initial options)
- What are the hats like?
- Player: What are the hats like?
- Rantz: Huh der is this many colours: ~ Rantz holds up six fingers. ~ And der is dis many different hatsies: ~ Rantz holds up three fingers. ~
- (Shows other options)
- (After choosing one dialogue option:) How do I get a hat?
- Player: How do I get a hat?
- Rantz: If you creature shows me da bow wiv da notches on it, I'll give ya a flapper hat... is dat simple enough for you's creature?
- (Shows other options)
- How many chompies do I have to stick?
- Player: How many Chompies do I have to stick?
- Rantz: We'll dat's da fing wiv da hatsies, dey's many hatsies for da many chompies dat you stick. But you's godda get at least this many for a hat. ~ Rantz flashes fingers at you, you think he means 30. ~
- (Shows other options)
- Can I have a hat please?
- Player: Can I have a hat please?
- Rantz: You's creature show me da bow den!
- If the player does not have the bow:
- Player: Sorry Rantz, I don't have the bow.
- Rantz: Dat's da shame thing dat is! No flapper hat for you den!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has an ogre bow:
- If the player has already claimed all newly claimable hats:
- Rantz: Sorry, but der's no new hats for you this time! Go shoot some more chompies.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has 0 chompy kills:
- Rantz: Hey, yous creature needs to hunt da chompie if you's wants der's flappy hat!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player at least one but less than 30 chompy kills:
- Rantz: Hey, yous creature needs to hunt more chompies if you's wants der's flappy hat!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has obtained enough chompy kills for a new hat:
- Rantz: Hey, you did good wiv da stabbie chucker, der's a flappy hat for ya.
- If the player has a full inventory at any point now or below:
- Rantz: You's person has too much junk for da flappy hat... Rantz keeps it insteads! ~ Rantz chuckles to himself. ~
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has enough inventory space:
- If the player has not claimed the ogre bowman hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the bowman hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the ogre yeoman hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the yeoman hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the ogre marksman hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the marksman hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the ogre woodsman hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the woodsman hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the ogre forester hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the forester hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the ogre bowmaster hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the bowmaster hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the ogre expert hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the expert hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the ogre yeoman hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the ogre dragon archer hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the dragon archer hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the expert ogre dragon archer hat before:
- (Continues below)
- If the player has not claimed the expert dragon archer hat before:
- (Continues below)
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has not claimed the ogre bowman hat before:
- Ok, thanks.
- Player: Ok, thanks.
- (End of dialogue)
Claiming arrows after completing any tier of Western Provinces Diary
If the player has no inventory space
- Rantz: No space 'uman. Make some for da stabbies.
- (End of dialogue)
Claiming the arrows
- Rantz: Hav' da stabbies. More toe'morrow if you come see Rantz.
- (End of dialogue)
Trying to claim arrows after having claimed them
- Rantz: You's already claimed da stabbies today 'uman. Come toe'morrow for mor'
- (End of dialogue)