Standard dialogue
- Longramble: Hello there.
- Player: Hello, Longramble. How goes the hunt for the edge of the world?
- Longramble: Truth be told, I've found myself getting a bit side- tracked. The potential discovery of Arposandra is quite an exciting one!
- Player: And also quite dangerous.
- Longramble: Yes, that's why I've not dared go inside again. It's much safer out here. Slightly less smelly as well.
- Player: Slightly being the key word there.
- (End of dialogue)
Once, after completing The Path of Glouphrie
- Longramble: Hello there. How goes the hunt for Arposandra?
- Player: I think I've found an entrance to the city, but it's too well defended. There's all these traps, and some talking terrorbird guards!
- Longramble: Talking terrorbirds? There must be some strange magic being practised in there. What do you plan to do?
- Player: I don't know. I think I've hit a dead end for now.
- Longramble: That's a shame. Still, you've made a big discovery. It will be quite the tale to tell... assuming anyone believes a story about talking terrorbirds, that is.
- (End of dialogue)
When delivering a tangled toad's legs
- Longramble continues into his standard dialogue.