Standard dialogue
- Sorceress: Who are you and what do you want?
- None of your business!
- Player: None of your business!
- Player: I go where I like and do what I like.
- Sorceress: Not in my house. Be gone!
- Sorceress: Be gone, intruder!
- The player is teleported outside the Sorceress's house
- (End of dialogue)
- I'm here to kill you!
- Player: I'm here to kill you!
- Sorceress: I think not!
- Sorceress: Be gone, intruder!
- The player is teleported outside the Sorceress's house
- (End of dialogue)
- Can I have some sq'irks please?
- Player: Can I have some sq'irks please?
- Sorceress: What do you want them for?
- Player: Someone asked me to bring them some.
- Sorceress: Who?
- If the player hasn't completed Beneath Cursed Sands
- Player: Osman.
- Sorceress: In that case I'm sorry, but you can't. I have had a falling out with him recently and would rather not oblige him.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has completed Beneath Cursed Sands
- Player: Selim.
- Sorceress: In that case I'm sorry, but you can't. I have had a falling out with his master recently and would rather not oblige him.
- (End of dialogue)
- I'm just passing by.
- Player: I'm just passing by.
- (End of dialogue)